biomass characterization

biofuels calorie testing

whether you are a producer or user of biofuels, it is very important to know how much energy your fuel will release when burned. biofuels calorie testing is often ordered in conjunction with a number of other tests that describe the fuel’s various characteristics.

you might be interested in this service if you:

  • are currently producing biomass fuels,
  • are considering entering the biomass fuels market with your forest or agricultural waste products,
  • require analysis of raw fuel materials (feedstock) and resultant final product,
  • burn wood pellets to heat your home or farm and would like to know the amount of energy released.

how to prepare the sample before submission.

not a lot of preparation is required, but it is a good idea to contact the laboratory before submitting a sample to make sure you submit an adequate sample. you want to make sure that you submit a representative sample for the fuel you are interested in.

feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding biofuels, calorie testing, or other biofuels testing.


dr. mathew leitch, faculty of natural resources management (luwstl)
phone: 807-343-8010 ext 8659

fuel pellets & biomass testing

you might be interested in this service if you:

  • are currently producing biomass fuels
  • are considering entering the biomass fuels market with your forest or agricultural waste products
  • require analysis of raw fuel materials (feedstock) and resultant final product
  • burn wood pellets to heat your home or farm and would like to know the chemical and physical composition of your fuel

this is what we can tell you about your sample, when you order this service

  • thermal properties
  • moisture content
  • percent ash
  • percent volatiles
  • percent fixed carbon

chemical (ultimate) analysis

  • total c, n, s
  • full chemical analysis (excluding h, o, and cl)

other analyses

  • bulk density
  • percent fines
  • physical testing 


dr. mathew leitch, faculty of natural resources management (luwstl)
phone: 807-343-8010 ext 8659