molecular services

established in 1996 the paleo-dna laboratory have been pioneers in the application of modern molecular genetic technologies to the study of archaeological and degraded dna. our services are open to the general public, academics, university affiliates, researchers, private investigators, police and law enforcement, lawyers, and other laboratories who may require our genetic services.

custom dna extraction service

  • dna extraction from archaeological samples
  • dna extraction in a clean environment
  • able to extract, amplify and sequence your dna
  • utilize mini-str technology

identification of human remains: hair, bone, teeth, tissue

  • missing persons
  • cold casework
  • human or other
  • genetic identification

a sample submission form can be downloaded by clicking here

identification of unknown biological sample

  • dna barcoding
  • scat analysis
  • hair/fur genetic identification

a sample submission form can be downloaded by clicking here

infidelity testing

  • biological fluids, clothing stains, hairs with root attached
  • verify the presence of one or more males
  • able to separate sperm dna from non-sperm dna to obtain separate dna profiles

a sample submission form can be downloaded by clicking here

dna sequencing (abi 3130xl sequencer)

  • single and double-stranded dna
  • pcr-derived dna templates using dye terminator chemistry.
  • 80 cm capillary available for long reads up to 1,000 bp

fragment analysis service (genescan)

  • separation and detection of pcr product.
  • ideal for multiplex pcr, fluorescent-labeled pcr and str profiling.

real-time pcr (abi 7000, cepheid)

  • detect and quantify fluorescent-labeled molecules.
  • analysis includes molecular beacons, fluorescent stains and quantification probes and primers.
  • for gene expression, allelic discrimination, absolute quantification (dna and rna), relative quantification (dna and rna), dissociation analysis, and kinetic analysis.

recommended template preparation guidelines (click to open template)

sequencing service order form (click to open order form)

genomic and mtdna genetic testing services (click on links to visit pages)

call our experts

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need oligos? from unmodified or modified custom oligos to high throughput oligos, we are your source for savings. click on the link below where we buy at discounted prices specifically for our paleo-dna laboratory customers: (click here to order oligos)