paleo-dna laboratory participates in doors open thunder bay 2016

doors open thunder bay is held every two years and showcases buildings of architectural and historical significance, as well as our community's cultural centres, natural spaces, and infrastructure. in 2016, the ontario heritage trust's doors open ontario theme was "medical science and innovation". this provincial theme was highlighted through several local venues, including the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 paleo-dna laboratory.

paleo-dna laboratory assists in research on mysterious elongated peruvian skulls

nephilim hybrids by l.a. marzulli features research done at the paleo-dna laboratory. to see the book cover, click here. to see the watchers tv show, click here.

paleo-dna laboratory in featured news item on shaw tv

originally aired april 10, 2014. please click here to view.

paleo-dna laboratory helps to unravel mystery of mummified hand

origin of mummified hand identified. click here to read the article.

paleo-dna laboratory assists archaeologists from the national institute of anthropology and history (inah) with lineage of 12,000 year old bones

paleo-dna laboratory and our partner dna my dog featured on page 12 of the walleye

(june 2013, page 12) discover the breeds in your dog with the canine breed identification kit as featured in the walleye. click here to read the article.

paleo-dna laboratory and our partner dna my dog featured in the wall street journal online

(article appeared in june 6, 2013 edition.) a new test can now determine the breeds in deceased dogs. click here to read the article.

paleo-dna laboratory featured in a 3-part article in metro news

mitochondrial dna and ancestry testing in the march 15, 2013 edition of metro news.
