ftir facilities
the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 instrumentation laboratory operates research grade spectroscopy facilities including a ftir, preparation equipment and windows based spectroscopy software. in 2005, the instrument was upgraded to a bruker tensor37 funded by a a. conly- cfi grant.
- bruker tensor 37 fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer.
- bruker hyperion 2000- ir microscope with 4x, 15x and 36x objectives and polarizer.
- nir source
- ingaas detector 12.8-5.8 k
- auto mirror selector
- caf2 10- 1.650 cm-1 beam splitter
- opus site licence for 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
- atr (attenuated total reflectance) and diffuse reflectance accessories including pike miracel with znse crystal and with atr-ge objective (20x) for the ir microscope
- hydraulic press for kbr disk production
- spectral libraries, search and match software (sadtler ir-searchmaster 6.0, fiveash-polymer and mineral), functional group database