hack it-young adult public engagement

event date: 
friday, september 22, 2023 - 11:30am edt to friday, september 29, 2023 - 5:00pm edt
event location: 
ingenuity atrium, cases building
event fee: 
$5 (registration fees will be split and donated to food banks on each campus)
event contact name: 
alyson mackay
event contact phone: 
807 343-8010 ext 8324
event contact e-mail: 

what's a hackathon and how can you participate?

hackathon: a multiday event where individuals come together as a team to utilize their analytic, technical, and creative skills to create solutions to identified problems within one specific and focused area.

the big question: how can the city of thunder bay communicate and engage with young adults in thunder bay?

how can young adults be more involved in the city? how could the city provide more engaging opportunities for young adults?

how to participate:

step 1: register teams (max 4 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) https://hack-it-thunder-bay.eventbrite.ca

*registration fees will be split and donated to the food banks on each campus

step 2: background research & prep

review required reading + mentoring workshops (schedule will be posted below and on social media for various drop in sessions on both campuses)

step 3: create submission

2 page summary (template provided) + 2 minute youtube video

step 4: submit by deadline fri sept 29th @ 5pm via get involved platform

**********submission documents can be found here


● get involved platform: https://getinvolvedthunderbay.ca/hack-it - the city’s “one-stop-shop” for all engagement opportunities. it promotes all engagement opportunities (in-person & digital) and is a tool used to conduct surveys and other forms of digital engagement.

● public engagement framework: www.thunderbay.ca/engagementframework - a guiding document for the public to understand how the city conducts engagement and a tool for city staff to determine when engagement is needed and how it can be conducted.

● a-z services directory: www.thunderbay.ca/services - a complete listing of all city services

schedule of workshops and mentor sessions (zoom available, please contact amackay@lakeheadu.ca for info)

monday, september 25th: open drop in mentorship session

  • confederation college: 12 – 2pm, pride room, shuniah building 226
  • 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 10am-12pm, cases building, fb 2023

tuesday, september 26th: how to pitch your idea workshop

  • confederation college: 12:30 – 1:30pm, pride room, shuniah building 226
  • 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 10:00am-11:00am, cases building, fb 2023

thursday, september 28: open mentorship session

  • confederation college: 12 – 2pm, pride room, shuniah building 226
  • 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 : 10am-12pm, cases building, fb 2023

submissions due online: friday, september 29th (by 5 pm)

judging: tuesday, october 3

winners announced (via video): tuesday, october 3 


contact us:

alyson mackay, ingenuity, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜


(807) 252-8373

robyn gillespie, applied research, confederation college

(807) 475-6356


karen kerk, citystudio/city of thunder bay

(807) 631-4997
