november 13th, 4:30pm-6pm
ingenuity connection theatre fb 2023
use google slides to create professional newsletters
creating and distributing a regular newsletter is can sometimes feels like an impossible task. in this session you will work hands-on to create a newsletter template that you will be able to share with multiple users to create a professional looking digital newsletter that you can distribute to parents, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and staff.
use google slides to create and publish professional graphics & documents
if you are looking to create professional looking graphics for social media, or publish professional looking documents, don’t overlook the strength of google slides. with its layering functionality and ease to duplicate templates slides should be your go to to create graphics, newsletters even books! join this hands on session to create templates to use on your own.
presenter info:
mike filipetti is principal at st. ignatius high school in thunder bay, ontario. he is a google for education certified innovator (#col16) and has been an active presenter at gafe summits in toronto, montreal, california and thunder bay. his current projects include developing an ojibwe ᐊᓂᔑᓋᐯᒧᐄᓐ keyboard layout for google input tools to allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
to type in ojibwe syllabics.