
mental health and substance use
  • kowatch, k.r., nadin, s., hill, m.e., zacharias bezanson, r., & mushquash, c.j. (2018).evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: aroland first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • kowatch, k.r., nadin, s., hill, m.e., zacharias bezanson, r., & mushquash, c.j. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: eabametoong first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • kowatch, k.r., nadin, s., hill, m.e., zacharias bezanson, r., & mushquash, c.j. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: long lake #58 first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • kowatch, k.r., nadin, s., hill, m.e., zacharias bezanson, r., & mushquash, c.j. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: marten falls first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • møller h., & fraser, l. (may 2018). leadership, communication, knowledge, and stigma about mental health: key factors in workplace mental well-being in thunder bay and district. thunder bay, ontario: thunder bay district health unit.
  • mushquash, c.j., hill, m.e., wakewich, p., spadoni, m., minore, b., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research. (technical report).
  • nadin, s., hill, m.e., kowatch, k.r., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: constance lake first nation (technical report). thunder bay: centre for rural and northern health research.
  • nadin, s., hill, m.e., kowatch, k.r., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: ginoogaming first nation (technical report). thunder bay: centre for rural and northern health research.
  • nadin, s., hill, m.e., kowatch, k.r., zacharias bezanson, r. & mushquash, c.j. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: neskantaga first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • nadin, s., hill, m.e., kowatch, k.r., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: nibinamik first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • nadin, s., kowatch, k.r., hill, m.e., zacharias bezanson, r., & mushquash, c.j. (2018). evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations: webequie first nation. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report).
  • wakewich, p., olsen, c., hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., spadoni, m., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for kenora district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
  • wakewich, p., olsen, c., hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., spadoni, m., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for northern district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
  • wakewich, p., olsen, c., hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., spadoni, m., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for thunder bay city. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
  • wakewich, p., olsen, c., hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., spadoni, m., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for thunder bay district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
  • wakewich, p., olsen, c., hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., spadoni, m., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for rainy river district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
  • wakewich, p., olsen, c., hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., spadoni, m., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2018). towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: results of a northwestern ontario engagement process. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
  • mushquash, c.j., hill, m.e., nadin, s., & zacharias bezanson, r. (2017). matawa first nations prescription drug abuse and misuse programs: common approaches, practices with promise, program updates and recommendations. thunder bay, ontario: matawa health and social meno biimadeswin.
  • hill, m.e., bruyere, t., & mushquash, c.j. (2016). "it takes a whole community": an evaluation of saskatchewan mental wellness teams. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . report available here
  • mushquash, c.j., hill, m.e., minore, b., graham, k., kruse, a., & poirier, n. (2014). being strong again: an evaluation of prescription drug abuse programs in ten northern ontario first nations. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • mushquash, c.j., & haggarty, d.g. (2013). cree nations treatment haven's methadone maintenance program: evaluation and future directions. thunder bay, ontario: 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
maternal, child, and family health
  • møller, h., alzghoul, m., wakewich, p., & sameshima, p. (2018) prenatal knowledge xchange: for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes: executive summary. a report for women's x-change.
youth wellness and resilience
  • kennedy, r., & pearson, e.s. (2017). exploring the feasibility of delivering the goodlife4kids™ program in a northern ontario elementary school. prepared for the lakehead district school board.
  • hill, m.e., minore, b., bandoh, g., & macdonald, c. (2013). "getting my teenage life back on track:" an evaluation of the dennis franklin cromarty high school suboxone treatment pilot project. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
food and nutrition
  • levkoe, c.z., mclaughlin, j., ray, l., & suggashi, c. (2018). the indigenous circle phase i report. report for the thunder bay and area food strategy and the indigenous circle. available at
  • wilson, a., levkoe, c., andrée, p., gallaway, t., skinner, k., & robidoux, m. (2018). sustainable northern food systems. report published for the department of indian affairs and northern development - national indigenous economic development board.
  • kakegamic, r., levkoe c.z., & nelson, c. (2017). social economy of food: informal, under-recognized contributions to community prosperity willow springs case study. available at
  • kowatch, k.r., & mushquash, a.r. (2017). growing together project – community garden initiative site evaluation. report for project advisory committee.
  • stolz, w., levkoe, c.z. & nelson, c. (2017). blueberry foraging as a social economy in northern ontario: a case study of aroland first nation, arthur shupe wild foods, nipigon blueberry blast festival, and the algoma highlands wild blueberry farm and winery. centre for sustainable food systems, wilfrid laurier university. available at
  • streutker, a., levkoe c.z, & nelson, c. (2017). the cloverbelt local food co-op case study. available at
the rural and northern healthcare workforce
  • hill, m.e., wakewich, p., graham, k., & raftis. d. (2015). tracking study for the northern ontario dietetic internship program: cohort vi (2013). thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • hill, m.e., wakewich, p., graham, k., & raftis, d. (2014). tracking study for the northern ontario dietetic internship program: first five cohorts (2008-2012). thunder bay, ontario: cranhr, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • hill, m.e. & minore, b. (2013). multidisciplinary team approaches to chronic conditions in rural, remote and indigenous communities: literature and evidence scan. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • minore, b., boone, m., cromarty, h., hill, m.e., katt, m., kinch, p., nadin, s., nowgesic, e., & sabourin, a. (2013). developing supportive workplace and educational environments for aboriginal nurses. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • spadoni, m., sevean, p., king, t., kirk-gardener, r., & poole, k. (2013). continuing education nursing leadership needs in northwestern ontario. thunder bay, ontario: 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • hill, m.e. (2012). tracking survey for the northern ontario dietetic internship program. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • tiernan, m. (2012). thunder bay service collaborative needs validation synthesis. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • hill, m.e., minore, b., bandoh, g. & raftis, d. (2011). pilot project: tracking survey for the northern ontario dietetic internship program. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • kauppi, c., o'grady, w., schiff, r., & martin, f. (2017). homelessness and hidden homelessness in rural and northern ontario. ontario municipal social services administration. guelph, ontario: rural ontario institute.
community health and well-being
  • ballantyne, f., henderson, a., richards, s., & hill, m.e. (2018). what is needed to live an independent life: southeast manitoba first nations disabilities research initiative. sagkeeng, manitoba: fort alexander health centre (technical report).
  • pearson, e., harvey, j., hurley, m., holla, v., mushquash, a. r., & te hiwi, b. (2017). blucher windsor picton partnership: using the re-aim framework to evaluate a neighbourhood-based health promotion project. final report for the thunder bay district health unit and city of thunder bay.
  • fonkwe, m.l.d., & schiff r. (2016). a survey of residents' perceptions of municipal drinking water in the community of happy valley-goose bay, labrador. happy valley-goose bay, nl: labrador institute of memorial university.
  • minore, b., hill, m.e., garvey, n., & park, j. (2012). aboriginal respiratory health: community, family and client perspectives. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • minore, b., hill, m.e., gray, h., hohenadel, j., & park, j. (2012). forestry and health revisited: health status and social well-being in the north west lhin. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • zehbe, i., wakewich, p., sameshima, p., magajna, b. & on behalf of the accss working group. (2015). aboriginal cervical cancer screening study community update report 2015. link