cranhr online reports
for a copy of any of these reports, please contact sam karschti at
towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for kenora district
hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., olsen, c., nadin, s., spadoni, m., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for northern district
hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., olsen, c., nadin, s., spadoni, m., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for northwestern ontario
hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., olsen, c., nadin, s., spadoni, m., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: results of a northwestern ontario engagement process
hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., olsen, c., nadin, s., spadoni, m., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for rainy river district
hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., olsen, c., nadin, s., spadoni, m., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for thunder bay district
hill, m.e., mushquash, c.j., olsen, c., nadin, s., spadoni, m., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations
drawson, a., ewen, v., hill, m.e., kowatch, k., minore, b., mushquash, c.j., nadin, s., spadoni, m., popowich, a., wakewich, p., & zacharias-bezanson, r.
“it takes a whole community”: an evaluation of saskatchewan mental wellness teams
bruyere, t. & hill, m.e.
developing supportive workplace & educational environments for aboriginal nurses
boone, m., cromarty, h., hill, m.e., katt, m., kinch, p., minore, b., nadin, s., nowgesic, e., & sabourin, a.
pilot project: tracking study for the northern ontario dietetic internship program
bandoh, g., hill, m.e., minore, b., & raftis, d.
understanding respiratory conditions among ontario’s aboriginal population
bandoh, g., hill, m.e., minore b., page, r., park, j., perry, s., & tiernan, m.
evaluation of @yourside colleague® e-learning and support initiative for manitoba, saskatchewan and british columbia first nations
bandoh, g., hill, m.e., katt, m., minore, b., & page, r.
Évaluation de @yourside colleague® initiative d’apprentissage et d’assistance en ligne pour les premières nations du manitoba, de la saskatchewan et de la colombie-britannique
bandoh, g., hill, m.e., katt, m., minore, b., & page, r.
evaluation of the kenora wound care pilot project
bandoh, g., hill, m.e., minore, b., page, r., perry, s., & tiernan, m.
exploring the socio-economic impact of the northern ontario school of medicine
bandoh, g., delmege, m., hill, m.e., hogenbirk, j.c., mian, o., minore, b., page, r., pong, r., robinson, d.r., & strasser, r.
diabetes management and prevention: environmental scan for the north west local health integration network
hill, m.e., minore, b., & perry, s.
the north west lhin “share your story, shape your care” initiative: themes and issues
bandoh, g., hill, m.e., minore, b., page, r., & pugliese, i.
forestry and health: an exploratory study of health status and social well-being changes in northwestern ontario communities
gauld, t., hill, m.e., minore, b., park, j., & pugliese, i.
rurality literature review
gauld, t., hill, m.e., minore, b., & pugliese, i.
ontario’s aboriginal health information challenge
gauld, t., hill, m.e., katt, m., minore, b., & pugliese, i.
aboriginal health human resources in ontario: a current snapshot
hill, m.e., kuzik, r., macdonald, c., minore, b., & rantala, m.
building better teams: learning from ontario community health centres
blackford, j., brown, j.b., burt, a., chatalalsingh, c., davidson, b., davies, l., glerman, n., gillis, l., hill, m.e., jaakkimainen, l., jackson, s.f., laiken, m., macdonald, d., mclean, s., mcmurchy, d., minore, b., moss, k., nolte, j., ring, l., sidani, s., stewart, m., & weinstein, s.
community mental health human resource issues pertaining to aboriginal clients
boone, m., gauld, t., hill, m.e., katt, m., kuzik, r., & minore, b.
community mental health human resource issues pertaining to aboriginal clients: a preliminary literature scan
boone, m., hill, m.e., kuzik, r., lyubechansky, a., & minore, b.
assessing the quality of primary care services available to ontario’s aboriginal residents: phase i report
hill, m.e., katt, m., kuzik, r., minore, b., & rantala, m.
development of a work plan for the collaborative delivery of public health education to rural and aboriginal communities
boone, m., hill, m.e., kuzik, r., macdonald, c., minore, b., & shields, k.
managing continuity of care for children with special needs in rural and remote parts of northern ontario
arthur, a., boone, m., minore, b., & o’sullivan, j.
toward using family health teams to care for chronic mental health clients in northern ontario: barriers, opportunities and training needs
boone, m, hill, m.e., kuzik, r., lyubechansky, a., macdonald, c., & minore, b.
learning more today for ourselves and our children: an assessment of consumer health information for aboriginal women in ontario
oshki-mimache-o-win education and training institute, ontario native women’s association, & centre for rural and northern health research
suicide response plans: a comparative cross-jurisdictional analysis
hopkins, h. & minore, b.
evaluation of the northern nursing clinical practice and community health nursing in first nations programs
ariss, r., bruyere, g., hill, m.e., mack, g., & minore, b.
it’s just so different up here: continuity of care for cancer patients in northwestern ontario first nation communities
boone, m., cromarty, h., katt, m., kinch, p., minore, b., & power, m.
evaluation of the “free tuition” physician recruitment incentives
hill, m.e., minore, b., & pong, r.
rural health research training in canada: where do we stand?
kulig, j., mack, g., minore, b., & stewart, n.
facilitating the continuity of care for first nation clients within a regional context
birch, s., boone, m., katt, m., kinch, p., & minore, b.
a situational analysis of physician recruitment and retention in rural and northern canada: models, programs and evaluations
ariss, r., minore, b., & pong, r.
ready or not: a study of nurses’ perceptions about northern practice
boone, m., hartviksen, c., hill, m.e., & minore, b.
rural health research in the canadian institutes of health research
atkinson, a.m., irvine, a., macleod, m., minore, b., pegoraro, a., pitblado, j.r., pong, r.w., stones, m., & tesson, g.
“what to do, where to go”: continuing education for long-term care providers in northwestern ontario
hill, m.e., kelley, m.l., mcdougall, l., minore, b., & sweet, r.
evaluation of palliative care education programs in northern ontario
caty, s., hill, m.e., minore, b., & pong, r.