publishing with cns press

the centre for northern studies (cns) publishes original peer-reviewed, high-quality academic books in all areas relating to northern ontario, the provincial norths, the territorial norths, and the circumpolar world.

the cns' publications committee advises the cns executive and committee on program development and acquisitions. most works result from sponsored research; however, unsolicited manuscripts and co-publications are considered. provision may be made in all cases for the publication of english translations of works in other circumpolar languages, especially where the work is supported by grants from the country of origin.

if you are interested in submitting a project for consideration, the following will guide you through the process.

an author may submit a proposal to publish or a finished manuscript for consideration. the proposal or manuscript is assessed internally to determine whether it meets the standards of the press and whether it is an appropriate project for the press to pursue.
academic review
if the manuscript passes initial assessment by the publication's committee, it is sent for external peer review.
after receiving the completed reviews, the author is asked to respond in writing to the reviewers' comments and make any necessary changes to the manuscript. the cns press publication's committee reviews the reviewers' reports, the author's response and other relevant material, and decides whether the manuscript may be published under the imprint of the cns press.
editorial and design
the manuscript is edited for content, organization, style and consistency. the author reviews the edit and works with the managing editor to finalize the manuscript. the author must clear all permissions for photographs and artwork at this stage. the edited manuscript is designed and typeset. a cover design is developed with input from the author; however, the final decision regarding the cover rests with the press.
the initial proofs are read by the press' editor and are simultaneously sent to the author for proofreading and final corrections. the final set of proofs is read by a proofreader. an index is prepared as necessary.
budgets, funding , contracts, and honoraria
a book budget is drawn up and project funding is sought and secured as necessary. the author may also be asked to submit a proposal to the aid to scholarly publications programme (aspp) for support. the managing editor negotiates a contract with the author/s as applicable. as a small market publisher, cns press does not pay royalties; all funds made from a publication are used to support the activities of the cns and cns press.
the book is sent as digital files to the printer for production, which includes electronic proofs, printing and binding, and delivery of bound books.
the press promotes its books in its catalogue, displays copies at appropriate trade shows and conferences, distributes brochures to targeted mailing lists, sends review copies to appropriate journals and newspapers, , and advertises in relevant newsletters, journals, and magazines.
sales and distribution
sales and distribution are handled in-house. standing orders are maintained for each of the series; see  ordering from cns press. 
for inquires about publishing a book with us, please contact