- fondsdr. albert e. allen fonds
- seriesbird observations
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- filepipits, waxwings, shrikes, starlings, vireos, warblers, weaver finch (house sparrow), 1921-60
- filecreepers, wrens, thrashers and mockingbirds, trhushes, gnatcatchers and kinglets
- fileflycatchers, larks, swallows, corvids, chickadees, nuthatchers, 1921-60
- filenighthawks, swifts, hummingbirds, kingfishers, woodpeckers, 1921-60
- fileowls, 1921-60
- filedoves and pigeons, cuckoos and anis, 1921-60
- filephalaropes, gulls and terns , 1921-60
- filesandpipers, snipe, sanderlings, 1921-60
- fileplovers and turnstones, 1921-60
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