- fondscanadan suomalainen järjestö fonds
- seriesarchives project
- 3 more...
- filetietoja halutaan suomalaisten näytelmien kirjoittajista / information about finnish playwrights: circa 1945
- fileappeal for donations to the archives: 1947
- filebiographies of william tuomi and helen coulson: 1948
- filehistoria-ainehistoa keräämään / history collecting project: 1948
- filehistorical articles: 1947-1949
- fileminutes of the arkistokomitea / archives committee: 1947-1949
- filecorrespondence regarding finnish-canadian archives: 1947-1949
- filelists of publications and periodicals: 1949
- filenewspaper clippings: circa 1949
- 2 more...