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- unknown girl
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scope and content
genealogy - unknown girl in picture. back of picture has the following written: kun yksin istun silloin mina kuvaasi katsilen, saan kyynel silmiin silloin kun sinue\ tiuistelan. en rakastaa saa sua julki, vain salaa sua muisfelen, vaan tummaan yohon hiljaa sun nimesi kucskailen. ei montaa ole muistoa mulla sinusta (armiainen or ainoinen) vaan me on kauneimmat eloni tiella, sua muistelen parhaila. en kuvasi mailmalle ~ayta, ne ei ymmartaa sita vaio, vaan kyynel kostein silmin sen hiljain laitan pois. jan. 19 . 1939. (trans. - i sit alone and then gaze upon your picture, with a tear to remember you. i cannot love you publicly, just in the secrecy of the darkness of the nights silence i whisper your name. i have not many memories of you mercifully, just the most beautiful on my life's road, you are remembered as the best. your picture i do not show, they would not understand it in the least, but with teary eyes i put quietly your picture away. jan. 19 , 1939.)