scott paddington named chief agent and chief underwriting officer of everest reinsurance canada

tuesday, april 26, 2022 / campus

scott paddington headshot

everest reinsurance announced the promotion of scott paddington (hbcomm'99) to chief agent and chief underwriting officer of everest reinsurance canada.

paddington will oversee the operations of everest's reinsurance business in canada. the appointment is part of the company's continued investments in its deep bench of reinsurance talent and strategic goals and will continue to strengthen everest's leading market position.

"everest's leadership in the global reinsurance market can be credited to its exceptional team of talent. scott's diverse banking, broker and financial advising background, coupled with his tenure at everest uniquely positions him to drive the everest reinsurance business forward," said jill beggs, head of north america reinsurance. 

since paddington joined everest in 2010, he has successfully led the growth and profitability of the everest portfolio. prior to joining everest, paddington worked as a financial advisor at nesbitt burns, in insurance at empyrean and in reinsurance at guy carpenter canada, as well as at various canadian banks where he developed expertise in both capital markets and global risk management. he holds an mba from schulich school of business and an honours bachelor of commerce from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
