director's message | spring 2022

the light at the end of the tunnel

close-up of the exterior of alumni house

since our last message, your alumni association has been busy indeed.

our second virtual annual general meeting (agm) took place on september 28. many thanks to our excellent guest speaker, shandor alphonso (nhl linesman and ambassador for diversity). over 50 of you tuned in (probably a record for an agm) and took part in the evening, which saw us welcome our newest board member debbie balika, a graduate from lakehead orillia!

homecoming in orillia featured an array of well-attended virtual events and one event that we bravely held outdoors. thanks to all who participated, we can't wait to continue building this tradition next year. we had been organizing an in-person homecoming in thunder bay this past february, but covid once again interfered with our plans. fear not, as we will be resuming our fall homecoming tradition this year, where we will recognize our 2021 alumni award recipients, celebrate the grand opening of the wolf den – lakehead thunder bay's new athletics building – and see a new crop of outstanding athletes and builders inducted into the athletics wall of fame. watch your inbox for more details soon.

lakehead marketplace was recently launched featuring dozens of listings of alumni-owned businesses. be sure to check it out at, and if you are an entrepreneur, we hope you will list your business so that we can encourage our 66,907 fellow alum to visit your establishment.

as winter turns to spring, we are always excited by the bumper crop of applications we receive for the alumni association entrance scholarship. this prestigious $10,000 scholarship (over a four-year period) is only available to an immediate family member of a lakehead alum. the process is highly competitive, with one recipient selected annually. this year the application process will be completely online – no hard copy submissions will be necessary. the deadline for submissions is april 30, 2022.

and finally, with a bit of light at the end of the covid tunnel, we are looking forward to welcoming you back to our campuses. watch your email and social media channels for many exciting ways to connect with alumni house and your fellow alumni in the coming months.

take care, talk soon, and be safe,

karen boz, badmin'92
president, alumni association

mark tilbury, hbcom'94
executive director, alumni association

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