lakehead lessons

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lakehead lessons

are you interested in scheduling an in-person (distance identified in lesson description) or virtual lesson (within ontario) with one of our lakehead faculty members? interactive sessions have been created to captivate audiences from grades 7 to 12. to learn more about specific lessons, please click on the links below.

faculty of business administration

lakehead lessons: marketing (grades 9-12)

in this interactive lesson we will visit a brief history of the marketing function. we will then discuss basic marketing concepts such as positioning, segmentation and 4 p’s (product, place, promotion and price). short activities will complement the lecture.

intended audience:

grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay or simcoe county)

dates and times:

contact for more information


two weeks notice

register for this lesson

lakehead lessons: communication and leadership (grades 11&12)

this lesson is an opportunity to engage in discussion about the importance of communication. today's leaders need to be equipped with the proper tools and skills to effectively communicate their ideas and understand the ideas of others. learn new techniques and ways to practice effective communication!

intended audience:

grade 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay or simcoe county)

dates and times:

contact for more information


one month notice

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lakehead lessons: leadership styles (grades 11&12)

this lesson covers principles of leadership and learners will examine their own leadership style and how leadership can be expressed in a variety of ways.

intended audience:

grade 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay or simcoe county)

dates and times:

contact for more information


one month notice

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lakehead lessons: working in teams (grades 11&12)

this lesson includes fundamentals of team work and how to leverage best practices to manage teams, including setting up teams, how to leverage diversity, and using conflict effectively to meet objectives.

intended audience:

grade 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay or simcoe county)

dates and times:

contact for more information

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lakehead lessons: managing careers (grades 11&12)

modern careers require strategic thinking and adaptability. they are characterized by frequent changes and the need to reinvent yourself multiple times. this lesson can help identify career values and start thinking about the future!

intended audience:

grade 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay or simcoe county)

dates and times:

contact for more information

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faculty of natural resources management

lakehead lessons: natural resources management lab tour (grades 7-12)

we will provide a dedicated tour across 3-4 labs (the greenhouse, wood, science, caris/remote sensing and pathology lab).

intended audience:

grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

in-person on thunder bay campus

dates and times:

contact for more information


two weeks’ notice

register for this lesson

lakehead lessons: thinking like a mountain (grades 7-12)

the professor will read or have 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 read a short essay by aldo leopold, show a short video on wolf restoration at yellowstone national park, then bring the content to the opportunities, including wildlife conservation and management, as a potential specialization in our degree and the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ potential careers. the content is interesting to think about in a general sense involving our future as planetary stewards.

intended audience:

grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information

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lakehead lessons: plants, planet lungs and society builder (grades 7-12)

the lesson will look at how plants grow and contribute to our planets balancing of atmospheric carbon as well as how we utilize plants, in particular trees in society. a look at how trees can assist with global climate issues as well as how using wood is good for the planet. utilization of plants will look at wood products and biomass use (for energy and chemicals specifically).

intended audience:

grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information


please inquire

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lakehead lessons: geographic information systems and forests (grades 9-12)
the lesson will introduce geographic information systems and their use in describing, understanding, analyzing and managing forest ecosystems.

intended audience:

grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information

materials required:

google maps, google earth and optionally a gis e.g. freely available, qgis software


two weeks' notice

register for this lesson

faculty of social science & humanities

lakehead lessons: find the word- trovi la parola (grades 7-12)

after sharing all the italian names of 50 random items with the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (ex. la palla- ball)- i will have them all spread out on a table. i will then call out the name in italian and they will have to signal which object i called and give me the name in italian. their task is to see who can get to 10 points first. .5 marks will be awarded for picking the object first and .5 marks will be awarded for giving me the correct name.

intended audience:

grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on thunder bay campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information

register for this lesson

lakehead lessons: contemporary and traditional japanese art in anime (grades 9-12)

there’s lots of student interest in anime, but knowing just a little bit about japanese art and art forms can enrich the viewing experience. this lesson helps 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 situate anime in the history of japanese art, and understand how this art form reflects traditional art forms and shapes contemporary japanese art. we will look at art works, film clips and analyze a scene in a film.

intended audience:

grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on thunder bay campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information

materials required:

projector for a powerpoint presentation and dvd player


one week notice

register for this lesson

lakehead lessons: shakespeare’s politics (grade 12)

this lesson can be accommodated to any shakespeare play being studied. the principal aims of this lesson are:

  1. appreciate how literacy masterpieces treat fundamental questions of human and political life.
  2. to develop the ability to read and analyze drama from such a perspective.
  3. to appreciate the differences between political orders and the ways in which they encourage different virtues and ways of life.
  4. to foster a love for shakespeare through an appreciation of his greatness.

intended audience:

grade 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on thunder bay campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information

register for this lesson

lakehead lessons: music lessons (grade 12)

for prospective music 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 the department of music can offer one free music lesson per student.

intended audience:

grade 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on thunder bay campus (at william h. buset centre for music and visual arts)

dates and times:

contact for more information

materials required:

lesson material will be discussed with each student at the time of booking.

register for this lesson

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

lakehead lessons: topics in kinesiology- let’s explore! (grades 7-12)

contact us to learn more about kinesiology. we are available for workshops, lectures, assessments/demonstrations to review a variety of topic areas including: taping and bracing, introduction to fitness, testing, ergonomics, biomechanics and qualitative analysis to name a few.

intended audience:

grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on campus/high school visit (within the city of thunder bay)

dates and times:

contact for more information


one week notice

register for this lesson

faculty of education

 lakehead lessons: communication and culture in the stem classroom (grade 12)

世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will improve their communication skills with writing, reading, thinking, speaking and listening as part of their training as future science educators. this course builds english language proficiency while strengthening an understanding of canadian academic communication practices in the context of the canadian classroom. topics will include interpersonal communication; listening, response, and feedback skills used in classroom setting; effective use of visual aids; and non-verbal communication. instruction in specific skills in comprehension, conversation, pronunciation, structure of language, reading and writing will be provided. it does so in the context of socio-cultural objectives including appreciation of the value of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ' culture and emotional adjustment to canada. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will enhance their capacity for critical and analytical thinking to develop the skills necessary for success in the professional education setting the delivery of canadian stem curriculum.

intended audience:

grade 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

delivery methods:

virtual (within ontario) or in-person on campus/high school visit (please inquire about thunder bay or simcoe county)

dates and times:

contact for more information

register for this lesson