your pathway for career success, the business fundamentals integrated pathway (bfip)

welcome to the business fundamentals integrated pathway (bfip), an innovative pathway that integrates an entirely online, one-year college certificate of business fundamentals into any university degree from any northern ontario university. bfip is a collaboration between four universities and six colleges in northern ontario. if you are enrolled at one of the four northern universities, and you are interested, you may apply to any of the six northern colleges in order to complete the business fundamentals certificate.

bfip is designed to provide the flexibility and career preparation needed to succeed in today’s job market by integrating business skills to any degree. with flexible scheduling pathways and online offerings, you can balance learning all aspects of
business with your current university degree, work, family, and other commitments.

with bfip, you can gain a competitive edge when entering the workforce because our pathway provides a solid foundation in accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, and more. by choosing the business fundamentals integrated pathway,
you can learn concepts on corporate sustainability, social responsibility and ethics, current technologies, basic research skills, basic accounting procedures and financial calculations, and marketing and sales concepts.

the pathway provides knowledge to succeed by teaching in-demand skills that apply to any industry. these skills can help you understand the different aspects of a business and how they work together, help you problem-solve, communicate
effectively with others in any organization, and contribute to the success of a business that aligns with your degree.

pursue your pathway for today’s job market with bfip: get in touch with student central ( to learn more.

the bfip was funded by the government of ontario through the ontario council on articulation and transfer (oncat).