start terms for academic programs

the calendar year is divided into three terms:

  • fall term (september - december)
  • winter term (january - april)
  • spring/summer term (may - august)

each term is approximately 13 weeks.

program start terms
archaeological science - mastersx   
biology - mastersxxx 
biotechnology - phdxxx 
business - mba part-timexx  
business - mba & mscmgtx   
chemistry - mastersxxx 
chemistry & materials science - phdxxx 
computer science - mastersx   
economics - mastersx   
education - mastersxxx 
educational studies - phd  x (july term) 
engineering: chemical - mastersxxx 
engineering: civil - mastersxx 
engineering: civil - phdxxx 
engineering: electrical & computer - mastersxx 
engineering: electrical & computer - phdxx 
engineering: environmental - mastersx 
engineering: mechanical - mastersxx 
engineering: mechanical - phdxx 
english and cultural studies - mastersx   
environmental studies - masters
(geography & anthropology) 
forestry - masters - course - master of forest managementxx  
forestry - masters - thesis - master of science in forestryxxx 
forest sciences - phd in natural resources managementxxx 
gender and women's studies - specialization *x   
geology - mastersxxx 
gerontology - specialization *xx x 
health sciences - mastersx   
health sciences - doctoral
history - mastersx   
kinesiology - mastersx   
kinesiology - graduate diplomax   
mathematics - mastersx   
nursing - advanced practice specialization - masters
nursing - nurse practitioner specialization - masters
physics - mastersxx  
psychology: clinical - masters & phdx   
psychology: psychological science/experimental - masters & phdx   
public health - mastersx   
social justice - mastersx   
social work - mastersx   
sociology - mastersxx  

* when submitting an application to include the specialization in either gerontology or gender and women's studies, please refer to the master's program for the available application start terms.