confidentiality and privacy


all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have a legal right to confidentiality, so please keep anything personal they disclose to you in confidence. the only exception is when they disclose something that reveals they may be a threat to themselves or others, in which case you have different obligations.


  • harm to others: notify security (thunder bay main: 343-8569; emergency 343-8911 / orillia main: 330-4008 x2009), and student affairs (thunder bay: 343-8522 / orillia: 330-4008 x2100)
  • harm to self: encourage student to walk with you to student health & counselling. the coordinator suggests: “it seems to me like it would help to talk with someone. can i take you to the counselling centre?” when there, stay until the counsellors say it’s ok for you to go – they will want to talk to you about what you’ve heard and observed. if the student doesn’t want to go with you, ask if you can give them information about the anonymous good 2 talk (provided in the envelope you received from the admin assist at the start of your contract), and notify student affairs (thunder bay: 343-8522 / orillia: 330-4008 x2100)


information about 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can’t be shared without their express permission. for example: send emails to the class bcc; hand back assignments or tests to their author and not a second party; you cannot leave tests and assignments sitting out for general pick-up (in an envelope for pick-up is fine); if parents call to ask about their daughter or son’s progress, you cannot speak to them about it, or indicate that you do or do not have that student in your class, etc. etc. if you have any questions about student privacy, please be in touch with the chair. click here for the link to policies concerning confidentiality, privacy, and disclosures