office space
the administrative assistant will provide keys. unless you are teaching in a consecutive term, please return the keys at the end of your contract.
if you have any questions or concerns about the office, please contact the administrative assistant or the chair.
sessional instructors
the shared contract instructor's office is rb 2039, phone (807)343-8033. please see the administrative assistant for the password and please don't change it.
the instructor's office is equipped with a laptop and printer. tell the administrative assistant when the printer needs ink and please share the space and equipment collegially. if you have blocks of time you would like to use the office for your own work, the administrative assistant will check to see if the office is available. office hours for class support take priority.
the books in the office are for your reference and use. please hang onto them. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 may make copies from them, but they might disappear if loaned out.
graduate assistants and undergraduate marking assistants
the office space available to you is uc-0038.
arrange with the administrative assistant conflict-free office hours to ensure student privacy. if you have blocks of time you would like to use the office for your own work, the administrative assistant will check to see if the office is available. office hours for class support take priority.