course categories and cross listing

in addition to the core courses offered directly by the gender & women's studies program, we also cross-list a variety of courses from other departments whose content fits with our program focus. cross-listed courses are divided into two main groups - group 1 and group 2 - reflecting the extent of their gender & women's studies content as defined by the following criteria. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the minor gender & women's studies must take at least two-full course equivalents from the group 1 listing, and may take up to one full-course equivalent from the group 2 listing.

group 1 courses

core courses are administered and taught by the department of gender &women's studies. core courses can be counted as group 1 if the student takes more than the minimum number of required core courses.

group 1 courses cross-listed with gender & women's studies shall be courses in which women's issues and feminist scholarship on women and gender are dealt with directly in a perspective informed by feminist scholarship by:

  1. incorporating gender as a significant category of analysis;
  2. addressing past and present scholarly and methodological neglect of and bias against women;
  3. including data and research from the perspective of women and generate questions of specific relevance to women;
  4. incorporating analysis of gender, culture, race, class, etc. in a meaningful way by examining feminist models in their own terms, rather than merely "adding onto" traditional models of knowledge;
  5. promoting non-sexist methods in teaching and research (including the use of gender-neutral language); and
  6. using the fact that culture reproduces itself in the classroom as a vehicle for understanding issues.

 group 2 courses

group 2 courses are courses cross-listed from different departments that incorporate some women's studies themes, theories and methods and should be consistent with the mission statement and goals of the gender & women's studies program, as well as meet the following minimum program requirements:

  1. incorporate gender as a significant category of analysis;
  2. include data and research from the perspective of women and generate questions of specific relevance to women;
  3. promote non-sexist methods in teaching and research (including the use of gender-neutral language).

proposed cross-listed course policy

potential cross-listed courses will be evaluated based on the gender & women's studies learner outcomes and decided by a review of the course outline and a statement submitted by the instructor detailing which gender & women's studies learner outcomes the course meets and, if not obvious in the course outline, a sample of the readings with full publication details. proposals should be submitted to the chair and will be vetted by the department.

special topics courses to be cross-listed temporarily with gender & women's studies follow the same procedure, with the exception that they do not need to be approved through the formal faculty of arts and sciences process. upon approval by the department of gender & women's studies and home unit, the coordinator notifies the registrar's office of a special topics cross listing.