welcome to northern studies!

as a student taking the minor program in northern studies, you will have the opportunity to explore your interests in the peoples and environments of the northern parts of canada’s provinces and territories, as well as other parts of the circumpolar world. with trent university, the university of the arctic outlines a core set of courses that encourage appraisal and understanding of common northern issues from a variety of academic and social perspectives. 

an international program

as central part of our program is international networking and opportunities. you will take courses with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from across the circumpolar world and have the opportunity to participate in the north2north mobility program. this exchange program allows you to spend between 4-8 months studying at a university of the arctic partner institution in the following countries/regions:

  • finland
  • greenland
  • iceland
  • norway
  • russia
  • sweden

click on this sentence for a complete list of participating institutions.

we prepare you for a range of careers

your academic courses prepare you for a variety of public and private sector professional careers dealing with northern issues locally, nationally, and internationally.

these include:

  • community economic development
  • business administration and management
  • government service (at all levels)
  • conservation
  • education and health
  • law
  • northern park management
  • non-governmental organizations(ngos)
  • politics
  • publishing and journalism
  • resource management
  • university professor