0047 - newsletter vol. 2
news of former 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 margret strerz (1975) is the coordinator of elementary programs for the separate school board in thunder bay.
giovannina ruberto (1978) has two children, natacha age 16 and jazmine age 12. giovannina teaches at our lady of charity school.
jean-louis brusset (1979) teaches at hammarskjold high school.
robert martinie (1981) teaches at st. martin's school.
tonina costanzo (1982) is teaching french immersion at st. patrick's.
emilia amendola (1986) is working for air canada in toronto.
lillian franzen (1987) is on leave from air canada and has been teaching at st. bernard's school. lillian now has two daughters, isabella, 8 years old and katrina 9 and a half months old.
carolyn oleksak (1987) is teaching at st. ignatius school.
ken holden (1990) is currently teaching in thunder bay.
graduate school
erika dolphin (1986) is now working on her phd thesis in art history at new york university. her topic deals with juan de borgo a, a spanish renaissance painter. she recently received a grant from the spanish government to do research in spain.a word of welcome
former faculty and staff
communications and technology
in the area of communications and technology, i want to thank the bombardier company of thunder bay for their generous assistance in maintaining our satellite reception capabilities.new french courses
the french program has had some changes which include french 1120 language and culture, french 2420 french civilization, french 2801 survey of french literature, french 3603 (french canadian literature), french 3801 (19th century french), french 3802 (20th century french), french 3811 (oral expression (drama)), french 3820 (special topics), french 4517 (the enlightenment) and french 4820 (special topics). the two new special topics courses will allow the department to provide a more contemporary focus on several literary and cultural issues that heretofore we have not explored.
emil dolphin retireson june 30th 1999 i shall begin my official retirement although i hope to continue teaching a couple of courses every year for a little while yet. i can't say i am looking forward to retirement, except for having more freedom to travel; i wouldn't know what to do without a class in front of me and young people to talk to and interact with. i have really enjoyed my years of teaching, in a number of different countries, spread over almost forty years--the last twenty-three of which have been at lakehead. time flies by.
i feel that i have made a lot of friends over the years, and, in general i think i have done a reasonable job; i have certainly given it all my strength, energy and enthusiasm. we can all look back and discover things we would now like to have done differently, and we can all find things we have not been particularly successful in. i am no exception to the rule.
one project i regret not having started sooner is the scholarship fund i told you about in the previous newsletter. the department undertook to raise $5,000 by march 31st 1999. if we were successful the provincial government would match the amount dollar for dollar, giving us the possibility of establishing a $10,000 scholarship fund for a graduating high school student in french planning to continue french studies. it seemed, and still seems, a very worthwhile endeavour, but i regret to report that we are still a long way from our objective and time is running out.
i have always felt that teaching languages is one of the most important tasks facing society to-day since it builds, understanding and linguistic and cultural bridges between communities and nations. because of this fact i am putting aside my own aversion to appeals for financial support and asking any of you who sympathize with our objectives, and who are in a position to do so, to help us in these last few weeks before the deadline. any help would be more than sincerely appreciated. i would like to see this project succeed before i retire.
if you can help please send your cheque, made out to the department of languages osotf scholarship fund , department of languages, 955 oliver road, thunder bay, ontario, canada, p7b 5e1.