thesis: 2010-19
thesis: 2010- 19
please choose a year:
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
** note - cd available for all thesis listed below
duncan, jennifer (2010)
mapping with eastern arctic inuit
harris, lisa (2010)
using the iucn's sacred natural sites: guidelines for protected area managers to aid in protecting no name lake
kurcinka, colleen (2010)
subaerial exposure surfaces in the rossport formation of the sibley group
** note - cd available for all thesis listed below
brown, jennifer (2011)
validation of ontario's provincial forest fire fuels data
foster, amber-dawn (2011)
a life cycle analysis of groun source heat pumps: a case study of the thunder bay region
kreitner, elizabeth norah (2011)
exploration of regional food labelling programs
** note - cd available for all thesis listed below
grant, emily (2012)
housing site suitability mapping as directed by geomorphological hazards: exploration through a case study of ottawa
melville, bethany (2012)
mapping urban greenspaces with high spatial resolution aerial photography: a case study of the intercity area in thunder bay
methot, adam. m. (2012)
the ndp surge in quebec at the expense of the bloc quebecois: a look into canada's 2011 federal election
nelson, reg (2012)
application of a gis - based decision support system for sidewalk building and maintenance in thunder bay, ontario
sisco, christine (2012)
remotely-sensed changes in land use form and function in two rural communities in wilmot township, ontario
wonnell, kevin (2012)
lessons learned during the closure and redevelopment of a neighbourhood school site in thunder bay, ontario
york, jordan (2012)
status of canadian polar bear subpopulations: a 2012 status report
barten, michael (2013)
a pre-restoration water quality characterization of george creek, centennial park, thunder bay
frank, david (2013)
does place contribute to community? an examination of sense of community in thunder bay neighbourhoods
igras, jason (2013)
using ph to assess the response of soil to sulfer emission trends : a case study of thunder bay
miller, leanne (2013)
physical and functional change detection of thunder bay's downtown north core
sagert, kalvin (2013)
a costs-benefit analysis model for implementing green roof technology in thunder bay, ontario
carr, andrew (2014)
historical industrial land use adjacent to the kaministiquia river in 1913, 1935, 1950 and 1961
fowlds, shawna (2014)
spatial and temporal patterns in the taylor swift concert tours and underlying causes
gallagher, laura (2014)
microplastic pollution within in the thunder bay harbour
marsili, matthew (2014)
spatial and statistical analysis of sexual assault and domestic violence: a case study of thunder bay
steingass, jordan (2014)
food desert mapping: a preliminary study of food security in thunder bay, 2006
willows, michelle (2014)
subaqueous assessment of rehabilitation efforts along the thunder bay waterfront
wilson, jessica (2014)
spatial trends in thunder bay's financial and insurance sectors 1965 to 2013
baidoc, robert (2015)
using fine fuel moisture codes to understand the effects of climate change on the eastern boreal forests of canada
smith, emma (2015)
evaluation of two potential community garden sites
walker, mandy (2015)
location of private schools in the greater toronto area
bongelli, eric (2016)
the barriers small scale vegetable producers face when attempting to enter the commercial food sale market in thunder bay, ontario
kavalchuk, trevor (2016)
functional land-use change in thunder bay's north core between 2010 and 2015 ascribed to waterfront and downtown renewal efforts
parzei, darya (2016)
canadian school based food nutrition programs: factors and barriers
cowell, n. (2017)
barriers of bicycle commuting to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
duplisea, danielle (2017)
a critical analysis of the community benefits and disbenefits of disc golf courses in fredericton, new brunswick
muir, brant (2017)
the effect of urban development on the water quality of mcvicar creek, thunder bay
towle, curtis (2018)
projecting populations f canada's metropolitan areas: assessing biregional co-hort-component methodology and results for quebec using popart
nellis, rylie (2019)
using a socio-economic index model for homelessness reduction strategies in thunder bay, on