thesis: 2000-09

thesis: 2000-09

please choose a year:

2000 - 2001200220032004 - 2005 - 2006 - 20072008 - 2009



blakemore, d. (2000)
modeling the performance of individual retail locations: a case study of a major canadian department store

buset, j. (2000)
a comparative study of the iron range resources and rehabilitation board and the northern ontario heritage fund corporation

deluce, d. (2000)
expected impacts on north and south core businesses as result of the thunder bay charity casino

deschamps, c. (2000)
investigation of the affect of soil type on the virulence of chondrostereum purpureum of betula papyrifera? – a case study: kakabeka, thunder bay, ontario

donato, e. (2000)
the geography of ontario regional breweries

kettridge, t. (2000)
modeling ambulance response times in thunder bay, ontario

le baron, j. (2000)
correlating shoreline features located on pie island with those on the mainland thunder bay,ontario

mackenzie, a. (2000)
public response to the recycling program in thunder bay, ontario

pielsticker, r. (2000)
the impacts of urbanization on mcvicar creek

ramsdale, a. (2000)
global warming and extreme weather in canada, 1950-1999

walda, t. (2000)
an archaeological site potential model for tettegouche state park, lake countyminnesota

williams, j. (2000)
arrow lake and whitefish lake region, thunder bay, ontario: a glacial sediment transport study

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chapman, c. (2001)
streambank residents' perception of flood potential in mcvicar creek, thunder bay

paske, j. (2001)
fear of crime among women: thunder bay, ontario

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bell, andrew (2002)
patterns of sedimentation found at the mouth of the neebing-mcintyre floodway, thunder bay,ontario

brindley, robin (2002)
environmental education at lakehead university: a student survey

bromm, jennifer (2002)
an economic and productivity comparison of organic and conventional farming insaskatchewan

chanook, scott (2002) 
the retail structure of thunder bay, ontario: a shift towards mono-centric form

dunlop, stuart (2002)
local satisfaction among retired residents in the urban fringe: thunder bay, ontario

freeburn, jason t. (2002)
mapping burn severity using landsat thematic mapper data

lemmon, mark (2002)
assessing mountain bike trail degradation in the shuniah mines trail network: thunder bay,canada

patterson, michelle (2002)
location strategy of supermarkets in london, ontario

reid, steven (2002)
attendances in the national basketball association (1996-2001)

wolowich, marnie (2002)
landscaping in neighbourhood improvement: a case study of two thunder bayresidential areas

young, stephen phillip (2002)
the value of urban parks and open space as perceived by neighbourhood residents: a case study of the prospect area of thunder bay north

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aitchison, matthew (2003) 
wind energy: ontario's power to meet kyoto

cullum, jennifer (2003)
transportation in the fur trade

d'alessandro, rachel (2003)
hurricane frequency, hurricane intensity and global warming

leschied, heather (2003)
the rouge river: a study on the relationship between migration rates and channel geometry

moffat, ean (2003)
the geography of the national hockey league

naprstek, jill-anne (2003)
a comparative study of progress towards sustainability in developed and developing nations using guidelines described in agenda 21

o'hara, brock (2003)
setting the scene: a geographical look into j.k. rowling's “harry potter” books

palmer, todd (2003)
thunder bay ski industry: global warming's affect on the industry and citizens perceptions of the problems

patterson, dennis (2003)
a long-term viability study of the dairy industry: a case study of thunder bay

perrin, sarah (2003)
the relationship of burn intensity to pre-fire forest type and post-fire regeneration

rennie, karen (2003) 
mental maps and their gender related differences

robertson, karri (2003)
the geography of water consumption in thunder bay, ontario

sanders, erin (2003)
organic consumer profile: thunder bay

tinney, darryl (2003)
cognitive map formation of first year university 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

zeller, alexander j. (2003)
using gis to model soil erosion and examine point source deposition in two small boreal forest lakes: ontario canada

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basco, michelle (2004) 
the relationship between outdoor experiences, knowledge of global warming and willingness to take action

galaway, sarah (2004)
the impact of enclosed shopping centres on retail establishments in the central business district a case study of: brantford, ontario and thunder bay, ontario

gilbart, tiffany (2004)
spatial analysis of residential break and enters: a case study of thunder bay, ontario, 1996-2001

kravitz, gila (2004)
energy options for northwestern ontario in the context of greenhouse gas emission policies

lindsay, diane (2004)
water supply and waste disposal practices of shoreline dwellings in the township of shuniah, east of thunder bay, on lake superior

lower, andrew (2004) 
linking topography of small stream catchments to brook trout habitat

moore, chris (2004)
an investigation into the levels of automobile dependance in thunder bay, ontario and duluth, minnesota

pain, bill (2004)
teleconnections between el nino-southern oscillation and lake ontario water levels

prno, jason (2004)
a geomorphic appraisal of the wolf lake area, ontario, canada

sloan, sean (2004)
land redistribution and campesino resettlement in western guatemala: emic insights into settlers' personal security and discontent with the land tenure and agricultural production of communal settlements

stewart, jarin (2004)
locating tallgrass praire within southern ontario, canada

winkler, renata j. (2004)
tourism advertisements and the national geographic magazine

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macdermid, findlay (2005)
the tallgrass patches of quetico provincial park

mitchell, joshua (2005) 
detecting edge cities in york region municipalities in the greater toronto area

vallejo, aaron (2005) 
the local aesthetics of wind turbine placement surrounding the city of thunder bay

wheeler, ryan (2005) 
the urban core casino and its effects on central business district revitialization as perceived by surrounding business owners

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** note - cd available for all thesis listed below.

breen, sarah (2006)
small hydroelectric power generation in thunder bay: an investigation into potential and feasibility

cuomo, christa (2006)
a comparative analysis of thunder bay children who have and have not attended kingfisher environmental institute: a study of in-class only learning verses hands-on experiential learning

hofmann, vera (2006)
residential infill alternatives for interocean park neighbourhood, thunder bay, ontario

mcalister, nikki (2006)
cultural portayal through vernacular architecture: a case study of thunder bay

nichols, jamie (2006)
integration of socio-economic factors in assessing natural hazard vulnerablilty case study: red river valley, manitoba, canada

sampson, nina (2006)
ecologic and economic sustainability: an assessment for the large-scale reintroudction of vicuna to the chimborazo faunal reserve

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** note - cd available for all thesis listed below

groulx, mark (2007)
identification of congestion problems with virtual reality : a case study of water street in thunder bay, ontario

kukac, jessica (2007)
measuring the effectiveness of non-formal public education programs : the lawn and garden consultation program of the region of peel, ontario

lambert, k. alexandra (2007)
ecological benefits of bear-based tourism in yunnan, china : exploring the landscape ecology of asiatic black bear [ursus thibetanus] and the role of ecotourism as a method of mitigation for human-bear conflict

ruberto, renee (2007)
an analysis of neighbourhood revitalization : a case study of inner city winnipeg, mantioba

sandham, jennifer (2007)
evaluating neighbourhood sustainability in thunder bay, ontario using the indicator method

smith, cameron (2007)
a century of urban residential change : residential lot and neighbourhood characteristics in hamilton, ontario

whitney, ryan (2007)
cross-shopping between traditional and new format retail nodes : a case study of thunder bay

wilkie, anne-marie (2007)
the retail landscape of thunder bay

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** note - cd available for all thesis listed below

lindberg, geoff (2008) 
the lake superior surf study

staples, matthew (2008) 
landscape history of the western lake erie islands: with special reference to pelee island, ontario, canada

young, ashley (2008) 
the look of maps: a deconstruction of disease cartographies

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** note - cd available for all thesis listed below

adams, matthew (2009)
biogeography of epilithic lichen on a sand stone outcrop in the thunder bay region

carpenter, mallory (2009)
modeled impacts of future sea level changes for the tuktoyaktuk peninsula, nwt using a geographic information system

church, kyle (2009)
the performance of neighbourhoods in the thunder bay housing market 1991-2007

jupp, lindsey (2009)
water policy in northern ontario: anishinawhe perspectives, knowledge and action

kieller, matthew (2009)
effects of topography on the formation of orthic eutric brunisols the cedar creek valley, kakabeka falls, ontario

nicholson, aaron (2009)
an assessment of coastal sensitivity to human disturbance in the black bay peninsula, archipelago, lake superior

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