thesis - behavioural
thesis - behavioural
cuomo, christa (2006)
a comparative analysis of thunder bay children who have and have not attended kingfisher environmental institute: a study of in-class only learning verses hands-on experiential learning
dolphin, t. (1995)*
the mental maps of our children: a look at canadian images
gilbart, tiffany (2004)
spatial analysis of residential break and enters: a case study of thunder bay, ontario, 1996-2001
hall, chad (1993)
fear of crime: a comparison of two thunder bay, ontario neighbourhoods
kovach, d. (1978)
consumer shopping behaviour: a study of thunder bay
macameau, d. (1995)*
the voting behaviour of a minority and minority political parties: the case of quebec francophones and the patterns of voting for the bloc quebecois during the 1993 federal election
morris, s. (1999)
the americanization of canada's youth
palmer, todd (2003)
thunder bay ski industry: global warming's affect on the industry and citizens perceptions of the problems
smith, cameron (2007)
a century of urban residential change : residential lot and neighbourhood characteristics in hamilton, ontario
stull, k. (1989)*
characteristics, perceptions and behaviour patterns of families using day care facilities in the city of thunder bay
viheriasalo, l. (1997)
grocery shopping behaviour of residents in the northwood area of thunder bay, ontario
whitney, ryan (2007)
cross-shopping between traditional and new format retail nodes : a case study of thunder bay