geog 2331
geog / enst 2331 - climatology
m / w 8:30 - 10 am rc 2003
office hours:
9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
forecasting the surface maximum temperature (t) with 850-mb t
conference of the parties (cop) in paris
lecture notes
lecture 1 - introduction to climatology
lecture 3 - energy & radiation
lecture 5 - seasons: temperature and time
lecture 6 - temperature and geography
lecture 7 - pressure gradients
lecture 9 - moisture in the atmoshpere
lecture 10 - atmospheric stability
lecture 14 - atmospheric circulations
lecture 15 - global circulations
lecture 16 - air masses and fronts
lecture 17 - midlatitude cyclones
lecture 18 - thunderstorms, tornadoes, derochos and waterspouts
lecture 20 - hurricanes and weather prediction
lecture 21 - climate classification
lecture 22 - global climate change