hominid / primate cast collection

the department of anthropology's teaching lab (bb2002) houses a collection of over 60 synthetic fossil hominid and primate casts.  this collection of skulls and postcranial elements represents the earliest primate specimens to more recent examples of anatomically modern homo sapiens sapiens. five types of australopithecines are represented in the collection including a. afarensis, a. africanus, a. aethiopicus, a. boisei, and a. robustus. five types of homos species are also represented in the collection including h. habilis, h. erectus, h. heidelbergensis, h. sapiens neanderthalensis, and h. sapiens sapiens.  fossil primates include proconsul nyanzae, proconsul africanus, kenyapithecus wickeri, ramapithecus, aegyptopithecus zeuxis, and gigantopithecus blacki. gorilla gorilla and pan troglodytes makes up the modern primates of the collection.  other casts include the piltdown hoax and other small unidentified fossil primates. 
