anthropology scholarships & bursaries

the department of anthropology has scholarships and awards that are specifically for anthropology 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . contact dr. matthew boyd for more information about these awards. for a complete list of all scholarships and bursaries, application forms, and application information (including deadlines), contact the financial aid office.

scholarships - no application required

  • peter barz memorial silver jubilee scholarship
    $400 (sjpbi)

    established by josefina barz in memory of her husband, peter, in recognition of his lifetime interest in archaeology. awarded on the recommendation of the department of anthropology to a high ranking in-course student entering the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of the ba or hba or bsc or hbsc anthropology or bsc or hbsc geoarchaeology program. the recipient must register in at least one archaeology course.

awards - application required

bursaries - application required

  • stuart baldwin memorial bursary
    $220 (sbmbi)

    created by friends and colleagues of dr. s. baldwin, professor of anthropology, who passed away in 1999. awarded to an in-course student majoring in anthropology, on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
  • friends of old fort william bursary
    $500 (fofbi)

    awarded to a student entering the second year in one of the following: history, anthropology, or outdoor recreation, parks and tourism. preference will be given to a student who is a member in good standing of the friends of old fort william or an employee of old fort william during the previous summer. recipients must have a minimum b+ in their respective major of history, anthropology, or outdoor recreation, parks and tourism.
  • ben kaminski bursary
    $340 (o-kambi)

    awarded to a student in the honours program of anthropology or the honours program of visual arts, on the basis of financial need. preference will be given to a student in biological anthropology.