the environment/ the environment with laboratory
environmental studies
academic unit:
undergraduate studies in environmental studies
course code:
course number:
course title:
the environment/ the environment with laboratory
an introduction to current environmental issues using an approach which stresses the interrelationships between environments and societies. the major environmental and societal components of the earth/atmosphere system will be examined to provide a base for the consideration of the nature and development of modern environmental problems. potential solutions to the problems will be evaluated through consideration of such elements as technology, politics, economics and planning / an introduction to current environmental issues using an approach which stresses the interrelationships between environments and societies. the major environmental and societal components of the earth/atmosphere system will be examined to provide a base for the consideration of the nature and development of modern environmental problems. potential solutions to the problems will be evaluated through consideration of such elements as technology, politics, economics and planning. laboratory exercises provide practice and field-based experiences
course level:
(pending review)