the braun building rain garden is complete!

the braun building rain garden is complete! apart from seeding some grass, installing interpretive signage and a precipitation gauge, the garden is finished!

when speaking about rain gardens, we often focus on the technical benefits like stormwater management. the health benefits, however, are equally important.

-- increasingly the evidence suggests that people benefit so much from contact with nature that land conservation can now be viewed as a public health strategy -- howard frumkin and richard louv

it was a pleasure talking to all the passersby about the rain garden. many people were excited to see the rain garden, and of those people, many also expressed interest in taking part in ecosuperior's rain garden rebate program and installing one in their own backyard. we have already begun to witness the positive impact of the rain garden on people's mood.

take a virtual tour of the garden and see some of the native plants we put in.

a massive thank you is in order for julia prinselaar at ecosuperior for facilitating the rain garden workshops, drafting the final design for the rain garden based on student input, and guiding us in the installation. her vision will impact our community for years to come!