lakehead continues reusable container program

in the fall of 2023, lakehead launched the cano co. reusable container program in its dining facilities on the thunder bay campus. the program supports the university’s sustainability plan, which commits to increasing our diversion of waste and increasing our use of reusable dining ware.

guided by food and conference services, aramark, and the office of sustainability, the program aims to reduce lakehead’s use of single-use packaging.

lakehead wanted a streamlined program for on-campus food service providers on a user-friendly platform for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty, and staff. the cano co. program has many benefits for organizations and users. the no-fee platform makes the program accessible for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who can also earn free food and drink rewards by using the program and returning their containers promptly.

the app-based program tracks how many takeout containers a user has diverted from waste and recycling streams and the corresponding reductions in carbon emissions, enabling institutions to track waste and emissions savings over time.

as of august 5, 2024, the program has had 414 users, avoiding 163.1 kgs of greenhouse gasses and 34.9 kgs of waste.

keep an eye out this september for the new school year launch of the program in the main dining hall, which will include various incentives. program success relies on your participation, so please sign up and help reduce our single-use packaging! and remember, make sure to scan the relevant qr codes when borrowing a container!

the cano co. reusable container program can be accessed at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 on its thunder bay campus at the main dining hall, with plans to expand the program at a later time.

to learn more about the program, visit or download the free cano co. app on the apple store or the google play store.

2024 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 active commute challenge results and thank you

thank you to everyone who participated in the tbay on the move active commute challenge at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ! 

did you know the city of thunder bay declared a climate emergency in 2020? and over 40% of thunder bay’s annual greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation? together, during the month of june we traveled 2645 km and saved 556 kg of greenhouse gasses as a workplace! thank you for helping to reduce our local carbon impact. we hope you enjoyed getting active with your commutes not just for your health, but for the environment.

we are proud to wrap up a successful 2024. while we did not win first place for an extra large workplace (that went to the tbrhsc 👏 ) we certainly made a great team effort. 

check out our workplace statistics below, and a special shoutout to our top category prizewinners. see you next year!

acc prizewinners

 acc statistics

tree planting at lakehead thunder bay

on may 29, 2024, 11 volunteers (staff, faculty, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) planted approximately 300 white spruce, white birch, and poplar trees on the thunder bay campus. this initiative was supported by ecosuperior, the office of sustainability, the thunder bay remedial action plan, and the lake superior living labs network.

the trees were donated by ecosuperior and the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 greenhouse.

we took advantage of the forest space and planted seedlings to reduce fragmentation, and increase species diversity and the stages of succession growth. these trees will infiltrate blowdown areas and old forest to ensure a diverse forest into the future. seedlings planted in the climate action park will also take over existing lawn, helping to increase the riparian buffer and reduce mowing needs. this initiative is part of ongoing efforts to reduce stormwater runoff and restore habitat along the river.

volunteers stage for photowhite sprucec sapling freshly planted in lawn with river in background

thunder bay only: register for active commute challenge and help the environment, your wellness, and lakehead win!

as an initiative supported by lakehead’s wellness strategy and the sustainability plan, the office of sustainability invites you to participate in the tbay on the move active commute challenge this june. not only will you have the chance to win fantastic prizes, but you'll also contribute to a healthier environment and community

the active commute challenge is a friendly, city-wide competition that encourages daily commuters to choose sustainable modes of transportation for the benefit of their health and the environment. 

for the month of june, hundreds of employees across thunder bay will swap their vehicle and cycle, walk, run, bus, carpool, rollerblade, telecommute, or even paddle their way to work! any form of active transportation counts.

registration is open--when registering please select or enter 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 as your workplace.

any employee who logs at least one commute where they did not drive alone will be entered to win a prize. prizes will also be awarded in various categories.

in 2019 we participated in the commuter challenge and we had 8% of workplace employees participate and we won in our employee category. tbay on the move active commute challenge is a new but similar program. let’s increase our employee participation to 10%! register today and make us the institution with the highest participation again.

still have questions?  visit our information booth, grab a beverage, and register in person june 4th, 12:00-1:00 pm outside the patterson library (cases atrium if raining).

person biking

feet walking

commuter challenge highlights

2019 commuter challenge results: our best year ever

the office of sustainability would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all the commuter champions who made this year our best commuter challenge year ever!

thanks to your hard work, lakehead thunder bay placed #1 in thunder bay for a large institution, winning by almost 2%. lakehead thunder bay has secured #1 for two years in a row, making us a leader in this friendly competition.

we are very proud of all employees on both campuses who participated and continue to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable transportation. take a look at our 2019 results.

individual prizes will be announced next week.

for more information contact

congratulations to erin knight, who received the 2019 lakehead leaders award in the category of sustainability.

erin is a member of the engagement and operations working groups for the office of sustainability, a research assistant for lusu sustainability, and is assisting with the organization of upcoming natural resources student society fundraising event through partnership with ecosuperior (with support from lusu si) to promote awareness of single-use plastic by selling stainless steel straws/spork kits.

off campus she has three years of membership with earthcare thunder bay sitting as a student representative in the water working group, two years as a member of the lakehead conservation foundation board, and was recently appointed to the lakehead regional conservation authority source protection committee.

way to go erin, thanks for modelling sustainability activism!

faq on orillia's decision to go bottled water free

bottled water free campus

i heard that lakehead orillia is phasing out the sale of bottled water on campus. is this true?

yes. in december, 2018, the executive team working group approved the bottled water policy on the orillia campus and improve access to free, clean, safe drinking water. this phase out will come into effect on january 10, 2019.


why is lakehead orillia phasing out the sale of bottled water on campus?

the un committee on economic, social and cultural rights states that: "the human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. it is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights." (source: as a leader in social responsibility and sustainability, lakehead orillia has enhanced free public access to drinking water, and the phase out will also help us reduce the waste associated with thousands of bottled water.


but aren't bottled water recyclable?

while bottled water are recyclable, they still require a significant amount of energy to manufacture, transport and eventually recycle. the use of durable water bottles is preferable in energy usage to recycling. additionally, many bottles that should be recycled instead end up in the landfills, or worse, as litter that pollutes natural areas and watersheds.


have other universities and institutions phased out the sale of bottled water?

yes. several canadian universities and colleges have banned and/or encourage the elimination of bottled water.


where on campus can i access free, safe drinking water?

there are two water refill stations and approximately eight public water fountains, located at university avenue and heritage place. refill stations and water fountains are cleaned daily. we will also be installing a water refill station in the cafeteria.


what about access to water for people with disabilities?

all refill stations and public water fountains are accessible.


is our tap water safe to drink?

yes. canadian municipalities are required to test drinking water multiple times a day. in fact, the quality control of municipal drinking water is much more rigorous than the testing for bottled water.


where can i get a reusable container?

reusable bottles are available for purchase from the bookstore. they will be offering 15% off the purchase of reusable water bottles from january 10 to 18, 2019.


by inhibiting the sale of bottled water aren't you unfairly targeting bottled water and restricting individual choice?

other beverages sold in bottles have similar environmental impacts as bottled water. however, those other beverages are not available from a tap or for free. by promoting tap water, we all help to expose the environmental, health, and socioeconomic impacts of bottled water. the choice in supporting public water and consuming tap water becomes clear.


can i bring my own bottled water to campus?

yes. however, you are encouraged to bring a reusable bottle and take advantage of the refill stations and public fountains available on campus.

watch and learn how the braun building rain garden was created

it may be winter now, but it was 31 degrees the day we planted the rain garden.

here is a short video of the installation. watch to learn more about our new rain garden on the thunder bay campus and bask in some virtual sunshine
