climate action park opening

event date: 
tuesday, june 6, 2023 - 2:30pm to 3:15pm edt
event location: 
fire pit @ climate action park (near mcintyre river)
event fee: 
event contact name: 
devon lee
event contact phone: 
807-343-8010 x.8703
event contact e-mail: 
on behalf of the office of sustainability and lakehead's climate action park team, we'd like to extend an invitation to join us for the opening of the climate action park on june 6th from 2:30-3:15 at the newly expanded firepit on the banks of the mcintyre river.
we hope that you can join us at the fire for a few remarks, and for good company and refreshments. all are welcome, so please feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues, friends, and community members. 
we will be outdoors so please dress for the weather. if you can bring a blanket to spread out on the ground, even better!
please see the attached event poster and contact with any questions.
we hope to see you there!