senate meeting

monday, april 14, 2014 - 2:30pm
senate chambers


senate meeting #4-2014

monday, april 14, 2014

2:30 p.m. – senate chambers


teleconference#: 1-866-652-8664

access code: 0150860#

guest speaker: ms. deb comuzzi, vice-president external relations - 50th anniversary plans

guest speaker: mr. cameron clark, chair, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 board of governors




approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #3-2014 held on march 17, 2014


moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #3-2014 of march 17, 2014 be approved.






business arising from the minutes
















proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)


moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of health and behavioural sciences


proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

provost and vice-president (academic)






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr.wayne melville)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. birbal singh)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)







moved that by the beginning of the 2016/17 academic year, all academic units will have calendared for all of their undergraduate degree programs, a degree requirement of at least one 0.5 fce course containing at least 50% indigenous knowledge and/or aboriginal content.







moved that the dates for the 2015/16 and the 2016/17 academic calendars be approved.








moved that item #1 of the removing and reinstating courses policy, which reads: “each academic unit will indicate which courses will not be offered during the fall/winter sessions and these will be noted as not offered this year.” be removed. the following statement be removed from the academic calendar: “this course is not offered this academic year.”








notice of motion to approve the proposed revisions to the group i and ii course classifications system.







moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:


department of interdisciplinary studies

  • mdst 3910 - internship i (2013-ori-2973)
  • mdst 3930 - internship ii (2013-ori-2974)
  • ensu 3013 - field school i (2013-ori-2975)
  • ensu 4013 - field school ii (2013-ori-2976)
  • ensu 2033 - inquiry into environmental methods (2013-ori-2977)
  • ensu 3033 - aquatic resources planning & mgmt (2013-ori-2978)
  • ensu 3073 - environmental technology (2013-ori-2979)
  • crim 2090 - criminological research methods (2013-ori-2982)
  • crim 2015 - criminological theory (2013-ori-2983)
  • ensu 3053 - inquiry into environmental conservation (2013-ori-2984)
  • media studies major - change in first year course offering (2014-ori-3030)
  • ensu 3810 - special topics (2014-ori-3032)
  • hbasc - environmental sustainability major (2014-ori-3033)
  • hbasc - environmental sustainability co-op program changes (2014-ori-3059)
  • hbasc - criminology major (2014-ori-3060)


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • visu 2060 (2014-soc-3004)
  • philosophy (2014-soc-3005)
  • visu 3060 (2014-soc-3003)


faculty of science and environmental studies

  • hbsc chemistry major (2013-sci-2994)
  • hbsc biol/chem major (2013-sci-2995)
  • first year course – chem (2013-sci-2996)
  • water resource science program changes (2014-sci-3000)
  • wate pathways for oncat (2014-3106)
  • ses oncat pathways (2014-sci-3110)


faculty of business administration

  • business 5000 (2014-bus-3057)
  • business 5010 (2014-bus-3058)


faculty of education                                                   

  • hbes/bed third year update (2014-edu-3007)
  • introduction to teaching french as a second language (fsl) (2014-edu-3047)


faculty of engineering

  • software engineering program changes (2014-eng-3074)






approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:






faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • mph proposed course calendar description changes (2013-hbs-2968)
  • master of health sciences program revisions (2013-hbs-2969)






senate nominations committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)






moved that the attached list of faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees for the terms listed.






moved that the proposed revisions to the senate by-laws article xiv (59) be referred to the senate organization committee.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






senate library committee report (dr. glenn colton)






moved that the senate library committee report be accepted.






senate executive committee recommendations (dr. rod hanley)






moved that the following faculty representatives be appointed to the senate nominations committee for a term commencing july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016:

  • dr. jeremy scott
  • dr. liping liu  
  • dr. wa gao
  • dr. ruth beatty






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. richard berg)






moved that the senate approve the nosm policy regarding academic appeals, effective may 1st, as presented.






moved that the senate approve the nosm undergraduate medical education (ume) appeals policy (formerly known as “student promotion and appeals policy”) as presented.






moved that the senate approve the joint senate committee (jsc) process for appeal review as presented.






moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.






senate research committee report (dr. anthony bartley)






moved that the terms of reference for the senate research committee be referred to the senate organization committee.






moved that the senate research committee report be accepted.






sexual assault task force (dr. lori chambers) (for information only)






moved that the senate approves endorses in principle the sexual misconduct policy.






moved that the senate endorses in principle the sexual misconduct response protocol.






nominations for six (6) faculty representatives to senate


an interest to serve was posted to fill six vacancies for faculty representatives on senate. the faculty representaives to senate are:

  • dr. glenna knutson (july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2017)
  • dr. douglas hayes (july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2017)
  • dr. sandra jepessen (july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2017)
  • dr. sree kurissery (july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016)
  • dr. sonia mastrangelo (july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2015)
  • dr. peter brink (july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2015)






faculty senator on the joint senate committee for nosm






moved that dr. michel beaulieu be appointed as the faculty senator on the joint senate committee for nosm.






faculty of science and environmental studies (dr. andrew p. dean)






moved that the department of environmental sustainability at orillia be changed to the department of sustainability sciences.




items for information






report of the cou academic colleague (dr. mary louise hill) 






report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. christine gottardo)






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)






report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of the ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council (dr. michelle-marie spadoni)
