senate meeting
senate meeting #3-2014
monday, march 17, 2014
4:00 p.m. – senate chambers
teleconference#: 1-866-652-8664
access code: 0150860#
1. |
approval of agenda
moved that the agenda be approved. |
2. |
approval of minutes
minutes of senate meeting #2-2014 held on february 10, 2014
moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #2-2014 of february 10, 2014 be approved. |
3. |
business arising from the minutes |
4. |
proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville) |
moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:
faculty of science and environmental studies
faculty of health and behavioural scienes
faculty of social sciences and humanities |
5. |
reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes |
5.1 |
senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville) |
moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted. |
5.2 |
moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted. |
5.3 |
moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted. |
6. |
approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)
moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:
faculty of business administration
faculty of engineering
faculty of health and behavioural sciences
faculty of natural resources management
faculty of social sciences and humanities
faculty of science and environmental studies
7. |
faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks) (re-admission to a graduate program attached to the report)
moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted. |
8. |
approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. phillip hicks)
moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:
faculty of education
faculty of health and behavioural sciences
faculty of science and environmental studies
faculty of graduate studies
9. |
moved that the senate library committee report be accepted. |
10. |
senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. monica ilie) |
moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted. |
11. |
11.1 |
11.2 |
moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted. |
12. |
12.1 |
12.2 |
moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee terms of reference be approved. |
12.3 |
moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted. |
13. |
13.1 |
moved that the establishment of the research centre for sustainable communities be approved. |
13.2 |
moved that the senate research committee report be accepted. |
14. |
joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. sheila cote-meek) |
14.1 |
moved that the nosm policy regarding academic appeals, effective may 1st, be approved. |
14.2 |
14.3 |
moved that the joint senate committee (jsc) process for appeal review be approved. |
14.4 |
moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.
15. |
approval of adjunct professors (dr. andrew p. dean) |
15.1 |
moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved: |
15.2 |
moved that the following adjunct professors for the department of civil engineering be approved: |
16. |
approval of professional associate (dr. andrew p. dean) |
moved that the following professional associate for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved: |
items for information |
17. |
adjunct professor renewals (information only) |
faculty of natural resources management |
18. |
19. |
20. |
report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley) |
21. |