senate meeting
senate meeting #2-2014
monday, february 10, 2014
4:00 p.m. – senate chambers
teleconference #: 1-866-652-8664
accesscode: 0150860#
1. |
approval of agenda
moved that the agenda be approved. |
2. |
approval of minutes
minutes of senate meeting #1-2014 held on january 13, 2014
moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #1-2014 of january 13, 2014 be approved. |
3. |
business arising from the minutes |
4. |
proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville) |
moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:
faculty of engineering
faculty of orillia
faculty of science and environmental studies
faculty of social sciences and humanities
faculty of education
faculty of health and behavioural sciences
5. |
proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks) |
moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:
faculty of health and behavioural sciences
faculty of business administration |
6. |
reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes |
6.1 |
senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville) |
moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted. |
6.2 |
moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted. |
6.3 |
moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted. |
6.4 |
moved that senate approve the proposal for the new msc in civil engineering program. |
7. |
recommendations to restructure departments on the orillia campus (reference to senate budget committee report (february 10, 2014) and senate academic committee report (january 13, 2014)) |
7.1 |
moved that two new departments be created out of the current department of interdisciplinary studies. one of these departments will retain the name of department of interdisciplinary studies, will have responsibility for the hbasc majors in interdisciplinary studies, media studies, and criminology, and will report to the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities. the other department will be named the department of environmental sustainability [or some other name to be chosen by members of this department, approved by faculty council of ses and senate at a later date], will have responsibility for the hbasc major in environmental sustainability, and will report to the dean of the faculty of science and environmental studies. |
7.2 |
moved that the hbasc majors in anthropology, english, and geography, currently the responsibility of the department of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the departments of anthropology, english, and geography, respectively. |
8. |
approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)
moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:
faculty of science and environmental studies
faculty of social sciences and humanities
faculty of health and behavioural sciences
faculty of natural resources management
faculty of law
faculty of engineering
faculty of education
9. |
faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)
moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted. |
10. |
approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)
moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:
faculty of education
faculty of social sciences and humanitites
faculty of science and environmental studies
faculty of business administration
11. |
senate academic committee (dr. andrew p. dean) |
11.1 |
11.2 |
moved that the senate deliberations on the group i and ii course classifications system be postponed to the march 17, 2014 senate meeting. |
12. |
senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. monica ilie) |
moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted. |
13. |
senate organization committee report (dr. rachel warburton) |
13.1 |
moved that the senate nominations committee terms of reference be approved. |
13.2 |
moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted. |
14. |
senate honorary degrees committee report (dr. mohammed uddin) |
moved the the senate honorary degrees committee report be accepted. |
15. |
senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report (prof. shane strickland) |
moved that the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report be accepted. |
16. |
senate continuing education and distributed learning report (dr. xuequn wang) |
moved that the senate continuing education and distributed learning report be accepted. |
17. |
proposed meeting schedule for 2014-15 senate & senate executive committee meetings |
moved that the senate & senate executive committee proposed meeting schedule for 2014-15 be approved. |
18. |
approval of adjunct professors (dr. ulf runesson) |
moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of natural resources management be approved: |
19. |
lusu student appointments (ms. charmaine romaniuk) |
19.1 |
lusu student appointment on senate |
moved that mr. aleksander jedrzejczyk be appointed to senate for a term commencing immediately through june 30, 2014. |
19.2 |
lusu student appointments on senate standing committees |
moved that mr. connor inglis be appointed to the senate teaching and learning committee for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2014. |
items for information |
20. |
adjunct professor renewals (information only) |
faculty of science and environmental studies |
21. |
profesional associate renewals (information only) |
22. |
23. |
report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley) |
24. |
report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. christine gottardo) |
25. |
ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. michelle-marie spadoni) |
26. |
report from nosm (dr. william mccready) |
27. |
in- camera session
moved that senate temporarily adjorn to enter an in-camera session. |