senate meeting

monday, october 21, 2013 - 4:00pm
senate chambers




senate meeting #8-2013

monday, october 21st, 2013

4:00 p.m. – senate chambers

welcome and introduction of 2013/2014 presidential scholarship recipients dr. brian stevenson



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.  






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #7-2013 held on september 16th, 2013


moved that the minutes of senate meeting #7-2013 of september 16th, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes












undergraduate degrees and diplomas (mrs. andrea huillery)






moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive undergraduate degrees be approved as presented.






graduate degrees (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive graduate degrees be approved as presented.









proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)


moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of social sciences and humanities


faculty of law






proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:






faculty of business administration


faculty of social sciences and humanities






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. birbal singh)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report (dr. xuequn wang)






moved that the senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report part 1 (dr. andrew p. dean)






moved that the senate academic committee report part 1 be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:






faculty of natural resources management

  • course changes (2013-nat-1007)


faculty of business administration

  • business 3073 (2013-bus-1008)


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • prerequisite sociology 4517 (2014-2015)


faculty of engineering

  • change surveying school to a one week period (2014-2015)






senate academic information technologies committee report (dr. sree kurissery for dr. florin pendea)






moved that the senate academic information technologies committee report be accepted.






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu)






moved that the undergraduate medical education academic calendar of events for the 2014-2015 academic year be approved as presented.






moved that the nosm undergraduate medical education 2014-2015 course descriptions be approved as presented.






moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.






senate academic committee report part 2 (dr. andrew p. dean)







moved that the academic appeals policy be approved.








moved that the senate academic appeals committee terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.







moved that the senate academic committee report part 2 be accepted.






lusu recommendations for the student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)






moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 be approved.






senate nominations committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)






moved that the following faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees to fill the current vacancies with the indicated terms:

  • senate library committee (immediately through june 30, 2015) - dr. daniel hannah


  • senate academic appeals committee (immediately through june 30, 2014) - dr. tamara varney


  • senate academic appeals committee alternate (immediately through june 30, 2015) - dr. peter brink


  • senate budget committee (immediately through june 30, 2014) - dr. naqi sayed






moved that the senate nominations committee provide a balanced succession of the members' terms when recommending appointments of members to senate standing committees.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






faculty senator on the joint senate committee for nosm






moved that dr. donald kerr be acclaimed as the faculty senator on the joint senate committee for nosm for the term commencing january 1, 2014 through june 30, 2014.





approval of adjunct professors (dr. andrew p. dean)added october 21, 2013






moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:











approval of professional associates (dr. gillian siddall)added october 21, 2013






moved that the following professional associate for the faculty of social sciences and humanities be approved:














items for information






faculty senator on the board of governors






the elected faculty senator on the board of governors for the term commencing immediately through the annual meeting of the board in 2014.

  • dr. christine gottardo






faculty representative on senate






the elected faculty representative on senate for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2014

  • dr. douglas hayes






adjunct professor renewals (information only)added october 21, 2013






faculty of science and environmental studies




  • dr. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­neelam khaper appointment renewed as an ­­­­­­external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.
  • dr. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­carney matheson appointment renewed as an ­­­­­­internal adjunct professor to the department of biology for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.
  • dr. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­robert mackereth appointment renewed as an ­­­­­­external adjunct professor to the department of biology for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.



  • dr. christopher phenix appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017. 






  • dr. michael campbell appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017. 






  • dr. marina ulanova­­­­­­­­­­­ appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






  • dr. sylvia osborne­­­­­­­­­­­ appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of computer science for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






faculty of social sciences and humanities






  • dr. geoffrey hudson appointment renewed as an internal adjunct professor to the department of history for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






faculty of health and behavioural sciences






  • dr. ken allan appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of health sciences for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






cou academic colleague report  (dr. mary louise hill)






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)








report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of senate representative on the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)






ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. michelle marie-spadoni)



