senate meeting

monday, september 16, 2013 - 4:00pm
senate chambers

senate meeting #7-2013

monday, september 16, 2013

4:00 p.m. – senate chambers


teleconference # 1-877-668-4493

access code: 804 402 007

teaching and learning awards – dr. rod hanley, provost & vice president (academic)


approval of agenda



moved that the agenda be approved.  





approval of minutes




minutes of the regular senate meeting #5-2013 held on may 14th, 2013


moved that the minutes of the regular senate meeting #5-2013 of may 14th, 2013 be approved.






minutes of special senate meeting #6-2013 held on june 18th, 2013


moved that the minutes of special senate meeting #6-2013 of june 18th, 2013 be approved.





business arising from the minutes





proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)




moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of social sciences and humanities


faculty of business administration


faculty of natural resources management


faculty of engineering





reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. birbal singh)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)












5.3.1 moved that the terms of reference for the senate academic committee writing initiatives sub-committee be approved.






5.3.2 notice of motion is hereby given by the senate academic committee that senate approval for the academic appeals policy will be sought at the october 21, 2013 senate meeting.






5.3.3 moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.





major modification - master of education (med) program (dr. birbal singh)





moved that the senate approve the proposal for the master of education major modifications (med) program (version dated: june 26, 2013).





senate organization committee report (dr. rachel warburton)






moved that the proposed terms of reference for the joint senate committee for nosm be approved.






moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.





senate nominations committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)






moved that the attached list of faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees for the terms listed.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.





senate research committee report (dr. azim mallik)






senate research committee annual report 2012-2013






moved that the name of the “centre of excellence for children and adolescents with special needs” be changed to the “centre for education and research on positive youth development.”






moved that the advanced institute for globalization & culture (aig+c) be terminated as per the policies and procedures for the establishment of centres and institutes.






moved that the reports from the senate research committee be accepted.





approval of adjunct professors (dr. andrew p. dean)






moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:












moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be approved:











moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of education be approved:






lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)





moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 be approved.




items for discussion





athletics annual report (mr. tom warden)


items for information





late additions to the list of graduands (mrs. andrea huillery)


the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list.  no motion is necessary.  the list will be posted to the senate website.





adjunct professor renewals (information only)






faculty of science and environmental studies






  • dr. mitchell taylor’s appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of geography has been renewed for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






faculty of health and behavioural sciences






  • dr. john haggerty’s appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of psychology has been renewed for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






  • dr. peter voros’s appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of psychology has been renewed for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






  • dr. fred schmidt’s appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of psychology has been renewed for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.





cou academic colleague report (dr. azim mallik)





president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)





report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)





report of nosm (dr. william mccready)





report of the senate representative on the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)






senate meeting

monday, october 21, 2013 - 4:00pm
senate chambers




senate meeting #8-2013

monday, october 21st, 2013

4:00 p.m. – senate chambers

welcome and introduction of 2013/2014 presidential scholarship recipients dr. brian stevenson



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.  






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #7-2013 held on september 16th, 2013


moved that the minutes of senate meeting #7-2013 of september 16th, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes












undergraduate degrees and diplomas (mrs. andrea huillery)






moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive undergraduate degrees be approved as presented.






graduate degrees (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive graduate degrees be approved as presented.









proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)


moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of social sciences and humanities


faculty of law






proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:






faculty of business administration


faculty of social sciences and humanities






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. birbal singh)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report (dr. xuequn wang)






moved that the senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report part 1 (dr. andrew p. dean)






moved that the senate academic committee report part 1 be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:






faculty of natural resources management

  • course changes (2013-nat-1007)


faculty of business administration

  • business 3073 (2013-bus-1008)


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • prerequisite sociology 4517 (2014-2015)


faculty of engineering

  • change surveying school to a one week period (2014-2015)






senate academic information technologies committee report (dr. sree kurissery for dr. florin pendea)






moved that the senate academic information technologies committee report be accepted.






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu)






moved that the undergraduate medical education academic calendar of events for the 2014-2015 academic year be approved as presented.






moved that the nosm undergraduate medical education 2014-2015 course descriptions be approved as presented.






moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.






senate academic committee report part 2 (dr. andrew p. dean)







moved that the academic appeals policy be approved.








moved that the senate academic appeals committee terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.







moved that the senate academic committee report part 2 be accepted.






lusu recommendations for the student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)






moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 be approved.






senate nominations committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)






moved that the following faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees to fill the current vacancies with the indicated terms:

  • senate library committee (immediately through june 30, 2015) - dr. daniel hannah


  • senate academic appeals committee (immediately through june 30, 2014) - dr. tamara varney


  • senate academic appeals committee alternate (immediately through june 30, 2015) - dr. peter brink


  • senate budget committee (immediately through june 30, 2014) - dr. naqi sayed






moved that the senate nominations committee provide a balanced succession of the members' terms when recommending appointments of members to senate standing committees.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






faculty senator on the joint senate committee for nosm






moved that dr. donald kerr be acclaimed as the faculty senator on the joint senate committee for nosm for the term commencing january 1, 2014 through june 30, 2014.





approval of adjunct professors (dr. andrew p. dean)added october 21, 2013






moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:











approval of professional associates (dr. gillian siddall)added october 21, 2013






moved that the following professional associate for the faculty of social sciences and humanities be approved:














items for information






faculty senator on the board of governors






the elected faculty senator on the board of governors for the term commencing immediately through the annual meeting of the board in 2014.

  • dr. christine gottardo






faculty representative on senate






the elected faculty representative on senate for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2014

  • dr. douglas hayes






adjunct professor renewals (information only)added october 21, 2013






faculty of science and environmental studies




  • dr. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­neelam khaper appointment renewed as an ­­­­­­external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.
  • dr. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­carney matheson appointment renewed as an ­­­­­­internal adjunct professor to the department of biology for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.
  • dr. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­robert mackereth appointment renewed as an ­­­­­­external adjunct professor to the department of biology for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.



  • dr. christopher phenix appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017. 






  • dr. michael campbell appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017. 






  • dr. marina ulanova­­­­­­­­­­­ appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of chemistry for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






  • dr. sylvia osborne­­­­­­­­­­­ appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of computer science for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






faculty of social sciences and humanities






  • dr. geoffrey hudson appointment renewed as an internal adjunct professor to the department of history for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






faculty of health and behavioural sciences






  • dr. ken allan appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of health sciences for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.






cou academic colleague report  (dr. mary louise hill)






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)








report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of senate representative on the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)






ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. michelle marie-spadoni)





senate meeting

monday, december 2, 2013 - 4:00pm
senate chambers

senate meeting #9-2013

monday, december 2, 2013

4:00 p.m. – senate chambers


teleconference# 1-866-652-8664

access code: 0150860#



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.  






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #8-2013 held on october 21, 2013


moved that the minutes of senate meeting #8-2013 of october 21, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes






proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)


moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:






faculty of science and environmental studies








faculty of social sciences and humanities








faculty of health and behavioural sciences








faculty of natural resources management



    faculty of engineering






proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. phillip hicks)






moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:






faculty of science and environmental studies








faculty of health and behavioural sciences








faculty of business administration








faculty of social sciences and humanities








faculty of graduate studies








reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. birbal singh)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)






moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.






senate continuing education and distributed learning committee (dr. xuequn wang)






moved that the senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)






moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:






faculty of business administration



  • business 3013 (2013-bus-1500)
  • business 3253 (2013-bus-1501)
  • certificate in business information technology management (2013-bus-1503)
  • minor in information systems (2013-bus-1504)
  • honours bachelor of commerce (information systems major) (2013-bus-1505)






faculty of engineering



  • common year – english change (2013-eng-1821)
  • elec engi 0330 (previously 2013-eng-1822) (2013-eng-2425)






faculty of natural resources management



  • term changes to two courses (2013-nat-1157)






faculty of science and environmental studies



  • minor in archaeology (2013-sci-810)
  • minor in biological anthropology (2013-sci-811)
  • forensic science minor program (2013-sci-809)






faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the faculty of graduate studies council report be approved.






senate organization committee report (dr. rachel warburton)






moved that the senate academic appeals committee terms of reference be approved.






moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.






senate nominations committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)






moved that the senate nominations committee terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.






moved that dr. pedram fatehi be appointed to the senate research committee for the term commencing immediately through june 30th, 2013.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu) (information only)






recommendations to restructure departments on the orillia campus. (dr. herman van den berg)






moved that the following recommendation be referred to the senate academic committee and the senate budget committee:






that two new departments be created out of the current department of interdisciplinary studies. one of these departments will retain the name of department of interdisciplinary studies, will have responsibility for the hbasc majors in interdisciplinary studies, media studies, and criminology, and will report to the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities. the other department will be named the department of environmental sustainability [or some other name to be chosen by members of this department, approved by faculty council of ses and senate at a later date], will have responsibility for the hbasc major in environmental sustainability, and will report to the dean of the faculty of science and environmental studies.






moved that the following recommendation be referred to the senate academic committee and the senate budget committee:






that the hbasc majors in anthropology, english, and geography, currently the responsibility of the department of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the departments of anthropology, english, and geography, respectively.






approval of adjunct professors






moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be approved.












moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved.









items for information






adjunct professor renewals (information only)






faculty of health and behavioural sciences






  • dr. susan forbes appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the school of kinesiology for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017. 






  • dr. marina ulanova appointment renewed as an internal adjunct professor to the department of health sciences for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017. 






fall 2013 late additions to graduands list (mrs. andrea huillery)






the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. 






cou academic colleague report  (dr. mary louise hill)






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)






report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of senate representative on the board of governors (dr. christine gottardo)






ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. michelle-marie spadoni)






notice of motion to revise the senate by-laws – articles vi and vii






in-camera session






moved that senate move into an in-camera session to discuss honorary degrees.





senate meeting

thursday, april 25, 2013 - 2:30pm
senate chambers



senate meeting #4-2013

thursday, april 25, 2013

2:30 p.m. – senate chambers


presentation: mr. david tamblyn, chair of board learning & research committeeremoved kr april 2013



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #3-2013 held on march 22, 2013


moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #3-2013 of march 22, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes






proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)added kr april 19, 2013






moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:






faculty of engineering


faculty of social sciences and humanities






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. richard maundrell)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)







moved that senate approve the revised masters regulations.








moved that senate approve the revised doctoral regulations.








quality assurance: cyclical review – information only
















moved that the senate academic committee report be







new program – msc civil engineering  (dr. todd randall)






moved that the senate approve the proposal for the new msc in civil engineering program (version dated: march 15th, 2013).added kr april 19, 2013






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. richard maundrell)


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • new courses part ii (2012-soc-083)
  • outdoor recreation (2012-soc-082)
  • new fourth year courses (2012-soc-161)
  • second year course change (2012-soc-159)   


faculty of science and environmental studies

  • biology minor program (2012-sci-057)
  • water resource field school (2012-sci-293)
  • geography 1140 with lab (2012-sci-296)


faculty of engineering

  • chemical engineering changes (2013-eng-468)


faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • kinesiology (2013-hbs-464)


faculty of business administration

  • business 4273 (2012-bus-111)
  • business 2317 (2012-bus-194)
  • business 1311 (2012-bus-195)
  • business 3317 (2012-bus-196)
  • business 3314 (2012-bus-197)
  • business 1336 (2012-bus-198)
  • business 3318 (2012-bus-199)
  • business 4371 (2012-bus-200)
  • business 4311 (2012-bus-201)
  • business 3235 (2012-bus-202)
  • business 1313 (2012-bus-203)
  • business 1331 (2013-bus-204)
  • business 2011 (2012-bus-205)
  • business 2314 (2012-bus-206)
  • business 3371 (2012-bus-207)
  • business 3319 (2012-bus-208)
  • business 3339 (2012-bus-209)
  • business 2352 (2012-bus-210)
  • honours bachelor of commerece – business administration major (2012-bus-211)
  • business 3311 (2012-bus-212)
  • business 3338 (2012-bus-213)
  • business 3372 (2012-bus-214)
  • business 3373 (2012-bus-215)
  • business 4379 (2012-bus-216)
  • business 4338 (2012-bus-217)
  • business 2318 (2012-bus-218)
  • business 2312 (2012-bus-219)
  • business 2336 (2012-bus-220)
  • business 3312 (2012-bus-221)
  • business 4316 (2012-bus-222)
  • business 3335 (2012-bus-223)
  • business 3315 (2012-bus-224)
  • business 4315 (2012-bus-225)
  • business 4318 (2012-bus-226)
  • business 4317 (2012-bus-227)
  • business 4333 (2012-bus-228)
  • business 3336 (2012-bus-229)
  • business 3352 (2012-bus-230)
  • business 3374 (2012-bus-231)
  • business 3354 (2012-bus-232)
  • business 4354 (2012-bus-233)
  • business 4332 (2012-bus-234)
  • business 4359 (2012-bus-235)
  • business 4313 (2012-bus-236)
  • business 4378 (2012-bus-237)
  • business 4358 (2012-bus-238)
  • business 4336 (2012-bus-239)
  • business 2356 (2012-bus-240)
  • business 2351 (2012-bus-241)
  • business 2033 (2013-bus-460)






faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)added kr april 2013


moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.






approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:






faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • kinesiology 5130 (2013-hbs-463)added kr april 2013  






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. richard berg)






moved that the revisions to the nosm undergraduate general academic medical education regulations be accepted.






moved that the revised terms of reference for the joint senate committee for nosm be referred to the senate organization committee.






moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.






senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. jane nicholas)






moved that the procedures for administering the existing instrument for student evaluation of teaching be conducted online through the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 website using myinfo with faculty members having the option to continue to use paper-based evaluations by annually opting out of the online process.






moved that the senate teaching and learning committee’s proposed transition plan be accepted.






moved that the ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­proposed regulation on timely feedback be referred to the senate academic committee.






moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted.






senate library committee report (dr. adam van tuyl)






moved that the senate library committee report be accepted.






senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report (dr. changquan jiao)






moved that senate approve the awarding of major medals, the governor general’s silver medal, the governor general’s college bronze medal, chancellor’s medal, vice-chancellor’s medal on the basis of cumulative average instead of “the required work of the final year.”






moved that the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report be accepted.






senate organization committee report (dr. aris carastathis)






moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate library committee be accepted.






moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.






senate nominations committee report (dr. antony puddephatt)






moved that the attached list of faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees for the terms listed.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






 senate meeting schedule for 2013-2014 (ms. karen roche)added kr april 19, 2013






moved that the senate meeting schedule for 2013-2014 be approved.






approval of adjunct professor






moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of social sciences and humanities be approved:











moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:











moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of education be approved:











nominations for the three (3) faculty representatives on senate


an interest to serve was posted to fill three vacancies for faculty representatives on senate for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2016. the faculty representaives on senate are:


  • dr. david richards (2013-2016)
  • dr. sree kurissery (2013-2016)
  • dr. brian mclaren (2013-2016)added kr april 19, 2013




items for information






report of the cou academic colleague (dr. mary louise hill) 






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)






report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of the ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council (dr. sandra wolf)






notice of motion by-law revisions






a motion to approve the revised senate by-laws will be brought forward to the senate at the may 14th, 2013 senate meeting.


senate meeting

friday, march 22, 2013 - 4:30pm
senate chambers


senate meeting #3-2013

friday, march 22, 2013

4:30 p.m. – senate chambers


teleconference#: 1-877-668-4493

passcode: 803 061 842



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #2-2013 held on february 15, 2013


moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #2-2013 of february 15, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes                 






proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. richard maundrell)






moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of social sciences and humanitiesremoved by kr march 22 2013

  • hba. pshw (2012-soc-146)
  • hba.psycwome (2012-soc-147)


faculty of science and environmental studies


faculty of education


faculty of engineering


faculty of law




proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)




moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of engineering


faculty of business administration






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. richard maundrell)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)




moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. richard maundrell)


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:


faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • psychology (2012-hbs-098)
  • psychology (2012-hbs-100)


faculty of science and environmental studies

  • biology 4101 (2012-sci-069)
  • chemistry 1210 (2012-sci-093)
  • chemistry 4111 (2012-sci-094)
  • chemistry 4901 (2012-sci-095)
  • chemistry 4131 (2012-sci-097)removed by kr march 22, 2013
  • title and description change for geog 3671 (2012-sci-163)
  • title and description change for anth 3671 (2012-sci-164)
  • geol 2318 requirement first aid course (2012-sci-165)
  • geol 4161 first aid certificate requirement (2012-sci-166)added kr march 22, 2013
  • geog 3313 cross listed with enst 3313 (2012-sci-167)
  • math 3050 prerequisites (2012-sci-168)
  • updating bsc (math & physics majors) (2012-sci-169)
  • updating math 3333 prerequisites (2012-sci-170)
  • removal of restrictive note for geog 3253 (2012-sci-300)
  • standardizing babed & bscbed math program (2012-sci-388)
  • add tutorial to phys1070 (2012-sci-457)
  • update phys3371 (2013-sci-458)
  • environmental studies 4800 (2012-sci-242)
  • environmental sustainability (2012-sci-243)
  • splitting physics 1101 (2012-sci-417)


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • revisions re: admissions, english language (2013-2014)
  • women’s studies 3106 (2012-soc-114)removed by kr march 22, 2013
  • northern studies 3316 (2012-soc-073)
  • outdoor recreation (2012-soc-151)
  • basic design (2012-soc-152)
  • visual arts 1110 (2012-soc-153)
  • visual arts 1130 (2012-soc-154)
  • visual arts 1020 (2012-soc-155)
  • visual arts 1150 (2012-soc-156)
  • visual arts 1170 (2012-soc-157)
  • changes to french courses (2013-2014)added by kr march 22, 2013

faculty of natural resources management

  • field school changes (2012-nat-402)






faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)


moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.






senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report (dr. changquan jiao)






moved that the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report be accepted.






senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. jane nicholas)






moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted.






senate library committee (dr. adam van tuyl)






moved that the revised terms of reference for the seante library committee be referred to the senate organization committee.






medals and awards for graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (ms. brenda winter)






moved that the medals and awards for graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 be referred to the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee.






approval of adjunct professor (dr. david barnett)






moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of engineering be approved:









items for information






report of the cou academic colleague (dr. mary louise hill) 






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)






report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)






report of the ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council (dr. sandra wolf)






notice of motion by-law revisions






a motion to approve the revised senate by-laws will be brought forward to the senate for approval at the april 19th, 2013 senate meeting.



senate meeting

friday, february 15, 2013 - 10:00am
senate chambers



senate meeting #2-2013

friday, february 15, 2013

10:00 a.m. – senate chambers


teleconference #: 1-877-668-4493

pass code: 809 012 539



approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.




approval of minutes


minutes of senate meeting #1-2013 held on january 18, 2013

moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #1-2013 of january 18, 2013 be approved.




business arising from the minutes


·        senate meeting dates & timesadded by kr feb 15 2013




proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. richard maundrell)



moved that the calendar changes entered into the curriculum navigator system prior to january 11th, 2013 and accorded an extension at the january 9th, 2013 senate executive committee meeting be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of engineering

·         electrical elective additions (2013-eng-469)

·        software engineering (2012-eng-102)

·        chemical engineering (2012-eng-101)

faculty of natural resources management

·        change to wood science stream (2013-nat-461)

department of interdisciplinary studies (orillia campus)

·        hbasc regulations -house keeping changes (2013-2014)

·        course code change - inqu to intd (2013-2014)

·        hbasc environmental sustainability - course replacement (2013-2014)

·        hbasc media studies major_admission requirements (2013-2014)

·         hbasc anthropology major – regulations (2013-2014)

·        hbasc criminology major - housekeeping changes (2013-2014)

·         hbasc environmental sustainability - college transfer pathways (2013-2014)

·        gaas college transfer (2013-2014)

·        inquiry housekeeping changes (2013-2014)

·         is inquiry changes (2013-2014)



moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

·        bscn admission requirements (2014-2015)

faculty of social sciences and humanities

·         prerequsite sociology 4517 (2014-2015)

faculty of engineering

·         civil 2139 (2013-eng-814)

·         change surveying school to a one week period (2014-2015)  




reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes



senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. richard maundrell)


moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.



senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)


moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.



senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)


moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.




approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. richard maundrell)

moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

·         psychology - clarification in the wording of calendar entries (2012-2013)

faculty of law

·         description of process and criteria for admission into the faculty of law (2012-2013)

·         required courses for first year law (2012-2013)

faculty of science and environmental studies

·         geography 3411 (2012-sci-055)

·         geography 2811 (2012-sci-090)

·         geography 2211 (2012-sci-087)

·         geography 1120 (2012-sci-086)

·         physics 1030 (2012-sci-085)

·         physics 1010 (2012-sci-084)

·         biology 4101 (2012-sci-069)

·         chemistry 1210 (2012-sci-093)

·         chemistry 4111 (2012-sci-094)

·         chemistry 4901 (2012-sci-095)

·         chemistry 4131 (2012-sci-097)

faculty of social sciences and humanities

·         philosophy changes (2013-2014)

·         new courses part ii (2012-soc-083)

·         women's studies 3106 (2012-soc-114)




faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.




approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of education

·         change in application deadline date for phd program in education - general admission requirements (2012-2013)

·         change in application deadline date for phd program in education - admission requirements (2012-2013)

faculty of science and environmental studies

·         mathematics 5351 (2012-sci-053)

·         mathematics 5371 (2012-sci-054)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

·         psychology – clarification in the wording of calendar entries (2013-2014)




new program - phd electrical and computer engineering (dr. todd randall)


moved that following the recommendations from the senate budget committee and the faculty of graduate studies, senate approves the phd electrical and computer engineering program and the calendar submission.




senate research committee (dr. azim mallik)



moved that the senate research committee terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.



moved that the senate approves the establishment of the centre of excellence in sustainable mining and exploration (cesme).




senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. jane nicholas)


moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted.




senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report (dr. xuegun wang)


moved that the senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report be accepted.




senate organization committee report (dr. aris carastathis)added by kr feb 15 2013



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate budget committee be approved.



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate teaching and learning committee be approved.



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate organization committee be approved.



moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.




strategic plan 2013-2018 (dr. carney matheson)


moved that senate supports the proposed strategic plan 2013-2018 final draft and endorses its approval.




approval of adjunct professors (dr. john o'meara)



moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of education be approved:


·        dr. brent cuthbertson as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of education for the term (retroactive) january 1, 2013 through december 31st, 2016


·        dr. rachel h. ellaway as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of education for the term (retroactive) january 1, 2013 through december 31, 2016


·        dr. jane nicholas as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of education for the term (retroactive) january 1, 2013 through december 31, 2013


·         dr. jenny roth as an internal adjunct professor to the faculty of education for the term (retroactive) january 1, 2013 through december 31, 2016.



moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:


·        dr. florin pendea as an internal adjunct professor to the department of geography for the term (retroactive) july 1, 2012 through december 31, 2016.added by kr feb 15 2013




senate representative on the review committee for the dean/ceo of nosm.


moved that dr. donald kerr be appointed as the board representative on the review committee for the dean/ceo of nosm.


items for information




report of the cou academic colleague (dr. mary louise hill) 




president's report (dr. brian stevenson)




report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)




report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)




ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. sandra wolf)




report from nosm (dr. william mccready)


senate meeting

friday, january 18, 2013 - 4:30pm
senate chambers


senate meeting #1-2013

friday, january 18, 2013

4:30 p.m. – senate chambers



guest speaker: mr. cam clark, chair of the board, draft strategic plan



approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.




approval of minutes


minutes of senate meeting #8-2012 held on november 23, 2012

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #8-2012 of november 23, 2012 be approved.




business arising from the minutes




proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. gillian siddall)

the deadline for calendar change referrals to the senate has been extended to february 6, 2013 for those calendar changes that were already entered into the curriculum navigator system prior to january 11, 2013.

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of science and environmental studies  

·        title & description change for geog 3671 (2012-sci-163)

·        removal of restrictive note for geog 3253 (2012-sci-300)  

·        title & description change for anth 3671 (2012-sci-164)

·        geol 2318 requirement first aid course (2012-sci-165)

·        geol 4161 first aid certificate requirement (2012-sci-166)

·        geog 3313 cross-listed with enst 3313 (2012-sci-167)

·        math 3050 prerequisites (2012-sci-168)

·        updating bsc (math & physics majors) (2012-sci-169)

·        updating math 3333 prerequisite (2012-sci-170)

·        minor change to physics abms program (2012-sci-171)

·        bsc (physics) in biomedical physics (2012-sci-172)

·         environmental studies 4800 (2012-sci-242)

·        environmental sustainability (2012-sci-243)

·        water resource field school (2012-sci-293)

·        physics (1070) (2012-sci-457)

·         physics 3371 (2012-sci-458)

·        physics 4412 (2012-sci-459)

·        modification to the physics abms program (2012-sci-312)

·         wording change for bsc(physics major) 4 yr program (2013-sci-465)

·        gsci 1010 renamed gsci 2010 (2013-2014)

·        geography 1140 with lab (2012-sci-296)

·        standardizing babed and bscbed math programs (2012-sci-388)

·        splitting physics 1101 (2012-sci-417)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

·         psychology (2012-hbs-098)

·        psychology 2002 (2012-hbs-096)

·         revisions to kinesiology regulations section (2013-2014)

·        kinesiology (2013-hbs-464)

·         undergraduate kinesiology changes (2012-hbs-089)  

faculty of natural resources management

·        field school changes (2012-nat-402)

faculty of social sciences and humanities

·         changes to ba (women's studies major) (2012-soc-112)

·        women's studies 4112 (2012-soc-121)

·        women's studies 2xxx (2012-soc-135)  

·        visual arts 1130 (2012-soc-154)

·        visual arts 1020 (2012-soc-155)

·        women's studies 3106 (2012-soc-114)

·        women's studies 1100 (2012-soc-115) 

·        women's studies 4xxx (2012-soc-113)

·        women's studies 2113 (2012-soc-116) 

·        women's studies 3030 (2012-soc-117)

·        women's studies 3213 (2012-soc-118)

·        women's studies 3214 (2012-soc-119)

·         women's studies 4110 (2012-soc-120)

·        women's studies 4113 (2012-soc-122)

·         women's studies 4114 (2012-soc-123)

·         visual arts 1150 (2012-soc-156)  

·        visual arts 1170 (2012-soc-157)  

·        second year course changes (2012-soc-159)

·        new fourth year courses (2012-soc-161)

·        visual arts 1000 (2012-soc-152)

·        women's studies 3xxx-1 (2012-soc-138)

·        honours ba (history and women's studies majors) (2012-soc-144)

·         honours ba (women's studies major/honours bachelor of outdoor recreation)(2012-soc-150)

·        honours ba (women's studies major) (2012-soc-149)

·        honours ba (sociology and women's studies majors) (2012-soc-148)  

·        honours ba (indigenous learning and women's studies majors) (2012-soc-145) 

·        women's studies 3xxx-2 (2012-soc-131)

·        women's studies 2317 (2012-soc-125)

·        women's studies 2112 (2012-soc-124)

·        women's studies 3010 (2012-soc-126)

·        women's studies 3131 (2012-soc-127)

·        women's studies 4010 (2012-soc-132)

·         women's studies 4101 (2012-soc-134)

·        women's studies 4115 (2012-soc-128)

·        women's studies 2335 (2012-soc-140)

·         women's studies 3819 (2012-soc-142)

·        honours ba (english and women's studies majors) (2012-soc-143)

·        women's studies 2336 (2012-soc-141)

·         women's studies 2xxx-3 (2012-soc-129)

·         women's studies 2xxx-1(2012-soc-137)

·        women's studies 3360 (2012-soc-133)

·         women's studies 3xxx (2012-soc-130)

·        women's studies 3xxx-3 (2012-soc-139)

·         women's studies 2xxx-1 (2012-soc-136)

·         honours ba (specialized honours in psychology) with major concentration in women's studies (2012-soc-146)

·        honours ba (psychology and women's studies majors)(2012-soc-147)

·         outdoor recreation (2012-soc-151)

department of interdisciplinary studies (orillia campus)

·         remove biology 4710 and replace with ensu 4xxx (2013-2014)

·         various program and regulation changes (2013-2014)

·         remove portfolio requirement for admission to media studies (2013-2014)

·         interdisciplinary studies code changed from inqu to intd (2013-2014)

·         various changes to interdisciplinary studies courses (2013-2014)

·         general arts and science - college transfer option (2013-2013)

·         criminology changes (2013-2014)

·         environmental sustainability - college transfer (2013-2014)

·         anthropology major – regulations (2013-2014)

·         inquiry changes within all hbasc and basc programs (2013-2014)

faculty of business administration

·         honours bachelor of commerce (administrative studies major) (2012-bus-211)

·        business 1311 (2012-bus-195)

·        business 1313 (2012-bus-203)

·        business 1331 (2012-bus-204)

·        business 1336 (2012-bus-198)

·        business 2011 (2012-bus-205)

·        business 2033 (2013-bus-460)

·        business 2312 (2012-bus-219)

·         business 2314 (2012-bus-206)

·        business 2317 (2012-bus-194)

·         business 2318 (2012-bus-218)

·        business 2336 (2012-bus-220)

·        business 2351 (2012-bus-241)

·        business 2352 (2012-bus-210)

·        business 2356 (2012-bus-240)

·         business 3235 (2012-bus-202)

·        business 3311 (2012-bus-212)

·        business 3312 (2012-bus-221)

·        business 3314 (2012-bus-197)

·         business 3315 (2012-bus-224)

·        business 3317 (2012-bus-196)

·        business 3318 (2012-bus-199)

·        business 3319 (2012-bus-208)

·        business 3335 (2012-bus-223)

·        honours bachelor commerce co-operative option (2013-2014)

·        business 3336 (2012-bus-229)

·        business 3338 (2012-bus-213)

·        business 3339 (2012-bus-209)

·        business 3352 (2012-bus-230)

·        business 3354 (2012-bus-232)

·        business 3371 (2012-bus-207)

·        business 3372 (2012-bus-214)

·        business 3373 (2012-bus-215)  

·        business 3374 (2012-bus-231)

·        business 4379 (2012-bus-216)

·        business 4371 (2012-bus-200)

·         business 4273 (2012-bus-111)

·        business 4311 (2012-bus-201)

·        business 4313 (2012-bus-236)

·        business 4315 (2012-bus-225)

·        business 4316 (2012-bus-222)

·        business 4317 (2012-bus-227)

·        business 4318 (2012-bus-226)

·        business 4332 (2012-bus-234)

·        business 4333 (2012-bus-228)

·         business 4336 (2012-bus-239)

·         business 4338 (2012-bus-217)

·        business 4354 (2012-bus-233)

·         business 4358 (2012-bus-238)

·         business 4359 (2012-bus-235)

·         business 4378 (2012-bus-237)    

faculty of law

·        regulations specific to the faculty of law (2013-2014)

faculty of engineering                                      

·        chemical engineering changes (2013-eng-468)

faculty of education

·        education changes (2012-edu-350)




proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)

moved the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of science and environmental studies

·        phd in chemistry and materials science regulations (2013-2014)

·        mathematics 5351 (2012-sci-053)

·        mathematics 5371 (2012-sci-054)

·         wording change re: phd (chemistry & materials) (2012-sci-162)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

·        mph calendar changes (2013-2014)

·        graduate program changes – areas of study (2013-2014)

·        kinesiology 5130 (2013-hbs-463)

·        psychology (2012-hbs-100)

·        master of science degree in kinesiology (2012-hbs-088)

·         graduate kinesiology changes (2012-hbs-089)

faculty of business administration

·         waiver of gmat/gre requirement for graduates of lakehead (2013-2014)

·         business 5116 (2013-bus-462)

faculty of engineering

·        changes to graduate regulations (2013-2014)




reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes



senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. gillian siddall)



moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report part 1 be accepted.



moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report part 2 be accepted.



senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)


moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.



senate academic committee report (dr. jane nicholas)


moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.




approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. gillian siddall)



moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of social sciences & humanities

·         visual arts 1xxx (2012-soc-072)

·         visual arts 1091 (2012-soc-081)

·         visual arts 1080 (2012-soc-071)

·         changes to hba programs (2012-soc-068)

·         historiography 4xxx (2012-soc-067)

·         history 3820 (2012-soc-066)

·         political science 3314 (2012-soc-065)

·         political science 4615 (2012-soc-064)

·         the politics of food (2012-soc-063)

·         fourth year prerequisite change (2012-soc-074)

·         courses to be discontinued (2012-soc-076)

·         second year prerequisite change (2012-soc-077)

·         new courses (2012-soc-078)

·         change to existing course (2012-soc-080)

faculty of science and environmental studies

·         regional flowering plants (2012-sci-055)




faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)


moved that the faculty of graduate studies council report be accepted.




senate organization committee report (dr. aris carastathis)



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate research committee be approved.



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate continuing education and distributed learning committee be approved.



moved that the revised terms of reference for the joint senate committee for nosm be approved.



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate academic committee be approved.



moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate library committee be approved.



moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.




joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu)



moved that the proposed edits to the nosm undergraduate medical education-course descriptions (phase 1-3) be approved.



moved that nosm undergraduate medical education undergraduate medical education academic calendar of events for the 2013-2014 academic year be approved.



moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.




senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee (dr. changquan jiao)



moved that the athletic awards policy be rescinded.



moved that the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report be accepted.




senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. jane nicholas)


moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted.




proposed 2014-2015 academic schedule (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)  


moved that the proposed 2014-2015 academic schedule be approved.




proposed alternative dates for senate meetings to accommodate religious practices (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)




approval of adjunct professors (dr. lori livingston)



moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be approved:


·        dr. chad witcher be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the school of kinesiology for the term (retroactive) july 1, 2012 through june 30, 2016


·        dr. jane lawrence dewar be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the school of kinesiology for the term (retroactive) july 1, 2012 through june 30, 2016


·        dr. crescentia dakubo be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the department of health sciences for the term (retroactive) july 1, 2012 through june 30, 2015


·        dr. t. campbell mccuaig be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the department of geology for the term (retroactive) july 1, 2012 through june 30, 2016removed by kr jan 2013



moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:


·        dr. t. campbell mccuaig be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the department of geology for the term (retroactive) july 1, 2012 through june 30, 2016added by kr jan 2013


items for information




fall 2012 late additions to the graduands list

the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary.          

·         rebecca bates - honours bachelor of social work

·         alicia piccinin - bachelor of arts (psychology) & bachelor of education (p/j)

·         jamie walker - bachelor of education (j/i)




adjunct professor renewal (information only)


faculty of engineering


·         dr. myint win bo's appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of civil engineering has been renewed for the term commencing july 1, 2013 to june 30, 2017.




cou academic colleague report (dr. mary louise hill)




senate honorary degree committee report (dr. pallavi v. das)




the following calendar changes have been forwarded to the registrar for approval:

faculty of science and environmental studies

·         physics 2030




president's report (dr. brian stevenson)




provost & vice-president (academic) report (dr. rod hanley)




nosm report (dr. william mccready)




ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. sandra wolf)removed by kr jan2013




senate meeting

tuesday, may 14, 2013 - 2:30pm
thunder bay


senate meeting #5-2013

tuesday, may 14, 2013

2:30 p.m. – senate chambers



presentation: mr. david tamblyn, board learning & research committee chair



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #4-2013 held on april 25, 2013


moved that the minutes of senate meeting #4-2013 of april 25, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes






graduands & medals






approval of undergraduate degrees and diplomas (ms. brenda winter)







moved that the candidates on the graduands list distributed by the university registrar be awarded the undergraduate degrees or diplomas indicated.






approval of graduate degrees (ms. brenda winter)






moved that the candidates on the graduands list distributed by the university registrar be awarded the graduate degrees indicated.






approval of the medals (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)






moved that the 2012-2013 medals indicated on the distributed list be approved.






proposed university operating budget 2013-2014 (dr. todd randall/ mrs. kathy pozihun)







moved that the senate budget committee report part iii be accepted.








moved that the senate endorse the proposed 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 operating budget for 2013-2014.













proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. richard maundrell)


moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of science and environmental studies


faculty of business administration


faculty of natural resources management

faculty of engineering






faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)






moved that the faculty of graduate studies council report be accepted.











proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)


moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:


faculty of science and environmental studies


faculty of education


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • graduate course changes (history) (2012-soc-158)removed kr may 2013


faculty of engineering






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes



senate undergraduate studies committee report  (dr. richard maundrell)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)







moved that the senate budget committee report part i be accepted.







moved that the media studies program (version dated: april 19th, 2013) be accepted. 








moved that the senate budget committee report part ii be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)







moved that the regulation on timely feedback be accepted.







moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. richard maundrell)


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of education  

  • education changes (2012-edu-350)
  • create new course – educ 4827 intermediate curriculum and instruction (additional basic qualification – intermediate division) – family studies (2013-edu-819)  
  • women's studies 1100 & religious studies 1100 added to list of eligible courses (2013-2014)
  • revise ba/bed and bsc/bed to be inclusive of all concurrent programs (2013-2014)

faculty of engineering

  • chemical engineering (2012-eng-101)
  • software engineering (2012-eng-102)
  • electrical elective additions (2013-eng-469)
  • civil 2139 (2013-eng-814)
  • civil 3452 (2013-eng-815)

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • minor change to physics abms program (2012-sci-171)
  • bsc (physics) in biomedical physics (2012-sci-172)
  • modification to the physics abms program (2012-sci-312)
  • new course – ceramics analysis (2013-sci-812)
  • physics 4412 title and description change (2013-sci-823)
  • biol 1110 new description (2013-sci-824)
  • adding detail to biology course descriptions (2013-sci-825)
  • gsci 1010 renamed gsci 2010 (2013-2014)
  • addition and rewording of notes relevant to biology undregraduate programs (2013-2014)added kr may 2013

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • ba.wome (2012-soc-112)
  • women's studies 4xxx (2012-soc-113)
  • women's studies 1100 (2012-soc-115)
  • women's studies 2113 (2012-soc-116)
  • women's studies 3030 (2012-soc-117)
  • women's studies 3213 (2012-soc-118)
  • women's studies 3214 (2012-soc-119)
  • women's studies 4110 (2012-soc-120)
  • women's studies 4112 (2012-soc-121)
  • women's studies 4113 (2012-soc-122)
  • women's studies 4114 (2012-soc-123)
  • women's studies 2112 (2012-soc-124)
  • women's studies 2317 (2012-soc-125)
  • women's studies 3010 (2012-soc-126)
  • women's studies 3131 (2012-soc-127)
  • women's studies 4115 (2012-soc-128)
  • women's studies 2xxx-3 (2012-soc-129)
  • women's studies 3xxx (2012-soc-130)
  • women's studies 3xxx-2 (2012-soc-131)
  • women's studies 4010 (2012-soc-132)
  • women's studies 3360 (2012-soc-133)
  • women's studies 2xxx (2012-soc-135)
  • women's studies 2xxx-1 (2012-soc-136)
  • women's studies 2xxx-1 (2012-soc-137)
  • women's studies 3xxx-1 (2012-soc-138)
  • women's studies 3xxx-3 (2012-soc-139)
  • women's studies 3819 (2012-soc-142)
  • hba.englwome (2012-soc-143)
  • hba.histwome (2012-soc-144)
  • hba.indiwome (2012-soc-145)
  • hba.pshw (2012-soc-146)
  • hba.psycwome (2012-soc-147)
  • hba.sociwome (2012-soc-148)
  • hba.wome (2012-soc-149)
  • hborhba.wome (2012-soc-150)
  • philosophy changes (2013-2014)
  • add a second year course sociology (2013-2014)

faculty of natural resources management

  • change to wood science stream (2013-nat-461)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • split psyc 2002 into two half courses (2012-2014)

faculty of law

  • law 1535 aboriginal perspectives (2012-2013)
  • regulations to the faculty of law (2013-2014)addded kr may 2013

department of interdisciplinary studiesadded kr may 2013

  • course code change - inqu to intd (2013-2014)
  • hbasc media studies major - admission requirements (2013-2014)
  • hbasc anthropology major - regulations (2013-2014)
  • hbasc criminology major - housekeeping changes (2013-2014)
  • inquiry housekeeping changes (2013-2014)
  • is inquiry changes (2013-2014)
  • articulation agreement proposal (gaas into hbasc)
  • terms of agreement (environmental sustainability program)






approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)


moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of health and behavioural sciences  

  • psychology 6812 (9812) (2012-hbs-099)
  • psychology changes (2013-2014)
  • graduate program changes - areas of study (2013-2014)added kr may 2013
  • mph calendar changes (2013-2014)added kr may 2013

faculty of business administration

  • business 5116 (2013-bus-462)
  • mba program change (2013-bus-813)
  • gre test score - admission to mba & msc (mgmt) programs (2013-2014)  
  • waiver of gmat/gre requirement for graduates of lakehead (2013-2014)

faculty of engineering

  • eng grad courses (2013-eng-466)
  • msc mechanical engineering (2013-2014)
  • phd electrical and computer engineering (2013-2014)added kr may 2013

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • wording change re: phd (chemistry & material science) (2013-2014)added kr may 2013






senate nominations committee report (dr. antony puddephatt)






moved that the attached list of faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees for the terms listed.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 (ms. marian ryks-szelekovszky)






moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2013-2014 be approved.






senate executive committee recommendations (dr. rod hanley)






moved that the following faculty representatives be appointed to the senate nominations committee:

  • dr. cheryl lousely (2013-2015)
  • dr. joey farrell (2013-2014)
  • dr. christine gottardo (2013-2015)
  • dr. zubairu wai (2013-2015)
  • dr. hope arlene fennell (2013-2015)






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu)







quality assurance: cyclical review – information only





















moved that joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.






senate research committee report (dr. azim mallik)






moved that the centre for research on safe driving (crsd) be approved for an additional 5 (five) years.






moved that the senate research committee report be accepted.






senate organization committee report (dr. aris carastathis)






moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.






senate by-laws (dr. aris carastathis)






moved that the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 revised senate by-laws be adopted.






policies review (dr. aris carastathis)






moved that the following policies be rescinded:











approval of adjunct professor (dr. andrew p. dean)






faculty of science and environmental studies






moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:









items for discussion




athletics annual report (mr. tom warden)




items for information




adjunct professor renewals (information only)






faculty of science and environmental studies






  • dr. oleg rubel appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of physics for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.  






  • dr. ingeborg zehbe appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of biology for the term commencing july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017.  






removal of courses not offered within the past 5 years (ms. brenda winter)






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






professor emeriti-ae to be conferred






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)






report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)  


 report of the ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council (dr. sandra wolf) removed kr may 2013




special senate meeting

tuesday, june 18, 2013 - 2:30pm
senate chambers

special meeting of senate #6-2013

tuesday, june 18th, 2013

2:30 p.m. – senate chambers


teleconference: 1-877-668-4493

access code: 800 030 181



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.






regulation on timely feedback – from may 14th, 2013 (dr. andrew p. dean)






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)






moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. todd randall)


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:


department of interdisciplinary studies (orillia)

  • hbasc regulations - housekeeping changes
  • hbasc environmental sustainability - course replacement

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • wome 2336 was 2012-soc-141 (2013-soc-1000)
  • wome 2335 was 2012-soc-140 (2013-soc-1001)
  • wome 4101 was 2012-soc-134 (2013-soc-1002)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • bscn admission requirements

faculty of education

  • add regulation for educ 4499 - professional year
  • amend education academic regulation (f)
  • amend education academic regulation (c)
  • amend education academic regulation (e)






approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)


moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:


faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • revisions to kinesiology regulations section


faculty of science and environmental studies

  • phd in chemistry and materials science regulations


faculty of engineering

  • changes to graduate regulations
  • eng program request (2013-eng-467)


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • graduate course changes (history) (2012-soc-158)






lusu recommendations for student representatives on the senate academic appeals committee for 2013-2014:


  • undergraduate – taylor green
  • graduate – mohammad faiyaz






moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on the senate academic appeals committee for 2013-2014 be approved.




items for information




senate teaching and learning committee annual report (dr. jane nicholas)







details to follow.

senate meeting - cancelled

friday, april 19, 2013 - 2:30pm
senate chambers



senate meeting #4-2013

thursday, april 25, 2013

2:30 p.m. – senate chambers


presentation: mr. david tamblyn, chair of board learning & research committee



approval of agenda


moved that the agenda be approved.






approval of minutes




minutes of senate meeting #3-2013 held on march 22, 2013


moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #3-2013 of march 22, 2013 be approved.






business arising from the minutes






proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. michel beaulieu)added kr april 19, 2013






moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:






faculty of engineering


faculty of social sciences and humanities






reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes






senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. richard maundrell)






moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.






senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)






moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.






senate academic committee report (dr. andrew p. dean)







moved that senate approve the revised masters regulations.








moved that senate approve the revised doctoral regulations.








quality assurance: cyclical review – information only
















moved that the senate academic committee report be







new program – msc civil engineering  (dr. todd randall)






moved that the senate approve the proposal for the new msc in civil engineering program (version dated: march 15th, 2013).added kr april 19, 2013






approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. richard maundrell)


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:


faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • new courses part ii (2012-soc-083)
  • outdoor recreation (2012-soc-082)
  • new fourth year courses (2012-soc-161)
  • second year course change (2012-soc-159)   


faculty of science and environmental studies

  • biology minor program (2012-sci-057)
  • water resource field school (2012-sci-293)
  • geography 1140 with lab (2012-sci-296)


faculty of engineering

  • chemical engineering changes (2013-eng-468)


faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • kinesiology (2013-hbs-464)


faculty of business administration

  • business 4273 (2012-bus-111)
  • business 2317 (2012-bus-194)
  • business 1311 (2012-bus-195)
  • business 3317 (2012-bus-196)
  • business 3314 (2012-bus-197)
  • business 1336 (2012-bus-198)
  • business 3318 (2012-bus-199)
  • business 4371 (2012-bus-200)
  • business 4311 (2012-bus-201)
  • business 3235 (2012-bus-202)
  • business 1313 (2012-bus-203)
  • business 1331 (2013-bus-204)
  • business 2011 (2012-bus-205)
  • business 2314 (2012-bus-206)
  • business 3371 (2012-bus-207)
  • business 3319 (2012-bus-208)
  • business 3339 (2012-bus-209)
  • business 2352 (2012-bus-210)
  • honours bachelor of commerece – business administration major (2012-bus-211)
  • business 3311 (2012-bus-212)
  • business 3338 (2012-bus-213)
  • business 3372 (2012-bus-214)
  • business 3373 (2012-bus-215)
  • business 4379 (2012-bus-216)
  • business 4338 (2012-bus-217)
  • business 2318 (2012-bus-218)
  • business 2312 (2012-bus-219)
  • business 2336 (2012-bus-220)
  • business 3312 (2012-bus-221)
  • business 4316 (2012-bus-222)
  • business 3335 (2012-bus-223)
  • business 3315 (2012-bus-224)
  • business 4315 (2012-bus-225)
  • business 4318 (2012-bus-226)
  • business 4317 (2012-bus-227)
  • business 4333 (2012-bus-228)
  • business 3336 (2012-bus-229)
  • business 3352 (2012-bus-230)
  • business 3374 (2012-bus-231)
  • business 3354 (2012-bus-232)
  • business 4354 (2012-bus-233)
  • business 4332 (2012-bus-234)
  • business 4359 (2012-bus-235)
  • business 4313 (2012-bus-236)
  • business 4378 (2012-bus-237)
  • business 4358 (2012-bus-238)
  • business 4336 (2012-bus-239)
  • business 2356 (2012-bus-240)
  • business 2351 (2012-bus-241)
  • business 2033 (2013-bus-460)






faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. michel beaulieu)added kr april 2013


moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.






approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. michel beaulieu)






moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:






faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • kinesiology 5130 (2013-hbs-463)added kr april 2013  






joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu)






moved that the revisions to the nosm undergraduate general academic medical education regulations be accepted.






moved that the revised terms of reference for the joint senate committee for nosm be referred to the senate organization committee.






moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted.






senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. jane nicholas)






moved that the procedures for administering the existing instrument for student evaluation of teaching be conducted online through the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 website using myinfo with faculty members having the option to continue to use paper-based evaluations by annually opting out of the online process.






moved that the senate teaching and learning committee’s proposed transition plan be accepted.






moved that the ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­proposed regulation on timely feedback be referred to the senate academic committee.






moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted.






senate library committee report (dr. adam van tuyl)






moved that the senate library committee report be accepted.






senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report (dr. changquan jiao)






moved that senate approve the awarding of major medals, the governor general’s silver medal, the governor general’s college bronze medal, chancellor’s medal, vice-chancellor’s medal on the basis of cumulative average instead of “the required work of the final year.”






moved that the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee report be accepted.






senate organization committee report (dr. aris carastathis)






moved that the revised terms of reference for the senate library committee be accepted.






moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.






senate nominations committee report (dr. antony puddephatt)






moved that the attached list of faculty members be appointed to senate standing committees for the terms listed.






moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.






 senate meeting schedule for 2013-2014 (ms. karen roche)added kr april 19, 2013






moved that the senate meeting schedule for 2013-2014 be approved.






approval of adjunct professor






moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of social sciences and humanities be approved:











moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved:











moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of education be approved:











nominations for the three (3) faculty representatives on senate


an interest to serve was posted to fill three vacancies for faculty representatives on senate for the term july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2016. the faculty representaives on senate are:


  • dr. david richards (2013-2016)
  • dr. sree kurissery (2013-2016)
  • dr. brian mclaren (2013-2016)added kr april 19, 2013




items for information






report of the cou academic colleague (dr. mary louise hill) 






president’s report (dr. brian stevenson)






report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)






report of nosm (dr. william mccready)






report of the ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council (dr. sandra wolf)






notice of motion by-law revisions






a motion to approve the revised senate by-laws will be brought forward to the senate at the may 14th, 2013 senate meeting.
