
friday, january 20, 2012 - 4:30pm
senate chambers



senate meeting #1-2012

friday, january 20, 2012

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers




approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.




approval of minutes


minutes of senate meeting #10-2011 held on december 7, 2011

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #10-2011 of december 7, 2011 be approved.




business arising from the minutes




proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of sciences and environmental studies

·editorial change -- bsc (mathematics and physics majors) (2012- 2013)

·removal of math co-op courses (2012-2013)

·editorial change -- math minor (2012-2013)removed by kr jan 20, 2012

· update to accommodate mathematics changes and revise upper level mathematics electives in computer science programs (2012-2013)

·update to co-op regulations for computer science programs (2012-2013)

·update math requirements for the ba/bed/p/j, j/i, and i/s programs (2012-2013)

faculty of natural resources management

·corrections to existing calendar fore2051 and fore3131 (2012-2013)

·corrections to existing calendar list of electives for hbem conservation planning management stream (2012-2013)

·corrections to existing calendar minor changes to wording of regulations hbscf and hbem (2012-2013)

·new summer transition course for hbscf and hbem (2012-2013)

faculty of engineering

·replace engi 2151 with an equivalent science/engineering course engi 3335 and add a lab component (2012-2013)

·addition of elective engi 0xxx (2012-2013)

·remove engi 3337 from 3rd year fall term of chemical engineering and replace with engi 3xxx process safety (2012-2013)

·change math course grouping for minimum average requirements (2012-2013)

department of interdisciplinary studies (orillia)

·defining the requirement for the psychology specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

· defining the requirement for the anthropology specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the biology specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the geography specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the history specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

· defining the requirement for the sociology specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·a new area c requirement that all honours english 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 & hbasc english majors complete at least 1 fce courses in this area (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the philosophy specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the english specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the political science - law specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

·defining the requirement for the political science specialization for the hbasc and basc in interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus (2012-2013)

faculty of social sciences & humanities

· change course titles of history 2335 and history 2336 (2012-2013)

·reduce hba music degree requirements (2012-2013)

·add new 3rd year half course, gender in contemporary social life (2012-2013)

·critical studies in feminist art history (2012-2013)




proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. philip hicks)

moved the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of business administration

· change in admission requirement to mba program of faculty of business administration by removing statistics course requirement (2012-2013)

faculty of engineering

·phd electrical and computer engineering (2012-2013)

faculty of social sciences & humanities

·change in calendar wording of collaborative masters program to correspond with home unit change (2012-2013)

·add new 5th year half course, soc 5xxx social issues in the canadian north (2012-2013)




reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes



senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.



senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)

moved that the senate budget committee report part 1 be accepted.




report of the secretary of senate (ms. karen roche)


moved that the report of the secretary of senate be accepted.




approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)



moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of science & environmental studies

  • geology minor (2012-2013)
  • abms program editorial changes (2012-2013)
  • amendments to clarify biology 3250 and 3251 (2012-2013)
  • change math 2331 and math 2333 into third year courses (2012-2013)
  • split math 2321 into two 0.5 fce courses (2012-2013)

faculty of health & behavioural scienceadded by kr jan 20, 2012

· psychology academic regulations (2012-2013)

faculty of social sciences & humanities

· philosophy 2711 to philosophy 3711 (2012-2013)

faculty of education

·create educ 0xxx special topics as an education course (2012-2013)removed by kr jan 20, 2012(2011-2012)added by kr jan 20, 2012

faculty of business

· change of the title of business 4039 (2012-2013)



moved that senate accept the four-year non-direct entry degrees (revision of may 2009 calendar change) (2012-2013)




faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)



moved that the following calendar changes be approved:


faculty of health & behavioural sciences

· mph nursing - phcnp (2012-2013)

· psychology changes to psychology msc and phd (2012-2013)



moved that the faculty of graduate studies council report be accepted.




senate organization committee report (dr. mark gallagher)



moved that the senate academic committee terms of reference be approved.



moved that the senate academic committee - quality assurance committee terms of reference be approved.



moved that the joint senate committee for nosm terms of reference be approved effective july 1, 2012.added by kr jan 20, 2012



moved that the mph senate representation be rescinded to avoid duplicate representation for the academic program/unit effective immediately. added by kr jan 20, 2012



moved that the chair, education programs (orillia campus) be added to the membership of senate. added by kr jan 20, 2012



moved that those individuals' currently holding external and internal adjunct appointments with the mph program have their appointments transferred to the department of health sciences. added by kr jan 20, 2012



moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.




senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)



moved that the proposed senate teaching and learning committee terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.



moved that the senate teaching and learning committee report be accepted.




senate nominations committee report (dr. qing-lai dang)



moved that dr. liping liu be appointed to the senate budget committee as a faculty member for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013



moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted.




senate executive committee recommendation to appoint a faculty representative to the senate nominations committee (dr. rod hanley)


moved that dr. rachel warburton­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ be appointed as a faculty representative on the senate nominations committee for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2012.




senate research committee report (dr. michel bedard)


the following motion was tabled at the december 7, 2011 senate meeting and was referred back to the senate research committee for consultation with the school of kinesiology:


moved (m. bedard/l. livingston) that senate approve the development of the sports and physical activity injury research centre (spairc)removed by kr jan 20, 2012




senate research ethics board (dr. chander shahi)




academic accommodation - lusu (ms. neva bassingthwaite)


moved that the senate provide academic accommodations for those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who wish to participate in local events as part of the national day of action on wednesday, february 1, 2012, including:

· encouraging all course instructors to refrain from penalizing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 attendance or participation marks and setting academic deadlines for tests, assignments, or exams and

· encouraging all course instructors to provide reasonable access to materials covered on february 1, 2012, and

· encouraging all course instructors to provide opportunities to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to make up missed labs or practicum placements that take place on february 1, 2012,


faculty of social sciences & humanitiesremoved by kr on jan 20, 2012

that the senate endorse the education is a right campaign.




approval of adjunct professors



moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of natural resources management be approved:


· dr. randy kolka be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resource management for the term july 1, 2011 through june 30, 2015


items for information




cou academic colleague (dr. mary louise hill)




fall 2011 late additions to graduand list (ms. brenda winter)

the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. the list has been posted to the senate website.




the following calendar changes have been forwarded to the registrar for approval: (karen roche)


faculty of natural resources management

·change course titles from fore to nrmt (undergraduate/graduate)(2012-2013)

faculty of science & environmental studies

·editorial change -- bsc (mathematics and physics majors) (2012- 2013)

·removal of math co-op courses (2012-2013)

·editorial change -- math minor (2012-2013)added by kr jan 20, 2012




adjunct professor renewals (information only)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • dr. paolo sanzo's appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of kinesiology has been renewed for the term july 1, 2012 through june 30, 2016.
  • dr. martin katzman's appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of psychology has been renewed for the term july 1, 2011 through june 30, 2015.



update on honorary degree recipients (dr. s. kurissery)




president's report (dr. brian stevenson)




report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. rod hanley)




report of nosm (dr. w. mccready)removed by kr jan 20, 2012

