
friday, february 17, 2012 - 4:30pm
senate chambers


senate meeting #2-2012

friday, february 17, 2012

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers




in-memoriam - dr. helen smith (dr. gillian siddall)

guest speaker - board restructuring - mr. colin bruce, chair of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 board of governors



approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.




approval of minutes


minutes of senate meeting #1-2012 held on january 20, 2012

moved that the minutes of the senate meeting #1-2012 of january 20, 2012 be approved.




business arising from the minutes




proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of business administration

·honours bachelor of commerce pre-law/general management/legal studies major (2013-2014)

faculty of education

· religious education, specialist be created and calendared as educ 4769 (2013-2014)




reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes



senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.



senate budget committee report (dr. todd randall)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.



senate academic committee report (dr. gillian siddall)


moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.




approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of business administration

· changing prerequisite for business 2033 (2012-2013)

· college transfer program (2012-2013)

· program revision to administrative studies major (2012-2013)

faculty of science & environmental studies

· change biology 2020 to two 0.5 fce courses (2012-2013)

  • removing english requirement in biology-chemistry degree (2012-2013)

· removal of restrictions for all courses except biol 3990, biol 4101, biol 4610, & biol 4630 (2012-2013)

· addition of physics and biology as requirements in hbesc earth science program& change of requirement in bsc earth science program (2012-2013)

· removing minor program in statistics (2012-2013)

· replace math 4361 and math 4382 (2012-2013)

faculty of education

· remove educ 3296 and consequently remove a prerequisite for educ 3297 (2012-2013)

· change the course description of educ 4245 (2012-2013)

· change the course description of educ 4218 (2012-2013)

· to change the title and course description of educ 4118 (2012-2013)

· to change course description of educ 4018 (2012-2013)

· to change the course description for educ 3255 (2012-2013)




faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.




approval of graduate calendar changes (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of health & behavioural sciences

· psyc 6531 (2012-2013)

faculty of business administration

· change the title of business 5079 (2012-2013)

· revision of program description mba and msc management (2012-2013)

faculty of science & environmental studies

· change in admission requirements to the phd program in chemistry and materials science (2012-2013)

· add formal scheduled tutorial in economics 5117 & 5118 (2012-2013)




senate organization committee report (dr. mark gallagher)



moved that the senate teaching and learning committee terms of reference be accepted.



moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted.




ad hoc committee report (dr. mark gallagher)


moved that the ad hoc committee report be accepted.




senate research committee (dr. michel bedard)


moved that the senate approve the continuance of the centre for northern studies for an additional 5-year term.








in-camera sessionadded by kr february 17, 2012

moved (g. phillips/p. allingham) that senate temporarily adjourn to enter an in-camera session regarding item#14 approval of adjunct professors





report of the secretary of senate (ms. karen roche)


moved that the report of the secretary of senate be approved.




approval of adjunct professors



moved that the following adjunct professor for the department of health sciences be approved:



moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of natural resources management be approved:


· dr. len hunt be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2011 through june 30, 2015.


items for information




vice-president external search committee (ms. karen roche)


dr. dean jobin-bevans has been appointed to the vice-president external search committee as the faculty senator.




president's report (dr. brian stevenson)




report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley)




report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. carney matheson)




notice of motion


a motion will be brought forward to the senate for approval at the march 16th, 2012 senate meeting to approve the academic plan (2012- 2017)




notice of motion


a motion will be brought forward to the senate for approval at the march 16th, 2012 senate meeting to approve dissolving the senate research ethics board effective march 31st, 2012; and that the senate by-laws be revised to reflect this as follows:

remove "and the senate research ethics board"; insert "and"

74. meetings of the senate honorary degrees committee and the senate academic appeals committee and the senate research ethics board are normally held in camera and their records shall be managed in accordance with article xii (26) of these by-laws.

delete all of the following sections:

the research ethics board (reb)
65. the research ethics board, whose duties are continuous and specifically outlined in its terms of reference, is approved by the senate based on guidelines recommended by the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada, the social sciences and humanities research council of canada, and the canadian institute for health research. the reb is accountable to the senate.

66. membership of the reb is drawn from the university community and from those in the greater thunder bay community with related expertise.

67. the chair of the reb is an ex officio member of the senate

terms of reference:

xiii senate research ethics board

approved by senate
december 7, 2007
last revised february 2008; may 2009; dec. 4, 2009

seven (7) days notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.

quorum: unless otherwise stated in the approved terms of reference, quorum for senate and all senate committees is a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.

members of the research ethics board must have respect for the diversity of research methodologies used by researchers engaged in human subject research.

appointments to the reb, other than ad hoc appointments, are for a term of three years, renewable.faculty members applying for service on the reb may be requested to provide senate nominations committee with a brief description of their background and expertise in human subject research. members of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 reb, other than ad hoc members, are elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee and will include:

1. six faculty members with experience in or knowledge of human subject research. in order to accommodate the diversity of research methods applied in human subject research at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , appointments will be made so as to maintain a balance in expertise between sshrc, nserc and cihr-eligible areas of research.
2. two members without affiliation with the institution but recruited from the community served by the institution.
3. one faculty member with expertise in the area of ethics. tcps guidelines require that there be one member who is "knowledgeable in ethics" (1.3c). this can be someone who has a teaching or research specialization in ethics, or someone who has had extensive experience in the area of research ethics.
4. one member from the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 centre for health care ethics.
5. one faculty member whose research is concerned with aboriginal peoples, selected by the aboriginal management council.
6. one faculty member from the northern ontario school of medicine.
7. ad hoc members may be appointed by the reb whenever their expertise is requisite to the provision of fair and reasonable review of research.
8. manager, office of research (non-voting).**
9. one member with legal knowledge.

terms of office
other than ad hoc appointments, appointments are for three-year terms, renewable.

as outlined in the absenteeism on standing committees policy, "the chair and/or secretary of each senate standing committee shall to the extent possible publish a meeting schedule for the year. members of senate committees are expected to attend committee meetings and are to inform the committee chair of their inability to attend. members who exceed three (3) absences per academic year will have their membership automatically terminated unless determined otherwise by the chair."

1. chair: to be elected by the reb from among those members holding academic appointment
2. secretary: research ethics and administration officer, office of research
3. administrative office: office of research

annual report
the reb shall provide an annual report to senate by april 30 each year.

reb meetings
1. the reb will hold meetings once monthly from september through april. additional meetings will be held whenever necessary.
2. in making administrative decisions, the reb will follow university standards according to robert's rules of order. decisions shall be by consensus as declared by the chair, subject to the right of any reb member to request a vote on any decision to override the chair.
3. observers will be admitted to reb meetings provided that they sign a confidentiality agreement form.
4. the quorum for reb meetings consists of any five voting members.

reconsideration and appeal of reb decisions
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's research ethics appeal board is laurentian university's research ethics board. appeals may be granted only on procedural grounds or when there is a significant disagreement over an interpretation of the tri-council policy. the decision of the appeal committee shall be final and binding within 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .

see also "ethics procedures and guidelines for research involving humans" in the senate policies

