senate meeting
senate meeting #6-2012
friday, september 14, 2012
4:30 p.m. – senate chambers
teleconference# 1-877-668-4493
access code: 809 708 968
teaching and learning awards – dr. rod hanley, provost & vice president (academic)
1. |
approval of agenda moved that the agenda be approved. |
2. |
approval of minutes |
minutes of senate meeting #5-2012 held on may 18, 2012 moved that the minutes of senate meeting #5-2012 of may 18, 2012 be approved. |
3. |
business arising from the minutes |
4. |
proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville) moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees: faculty of natural resources management |
5. |
reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes |
5.1 |
moved that the senate budget committee report part 1 and part 2 be accepted. |
5.2 |
moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted. |
6. |
moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2012-2013 be approved. |
7. |
joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. michel beaulieu) |
7.1 |
7.2 |
moved that the joint senate committee for nosm report be accepted. |
8. |
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 |
moved that the dean of the faculty of law be added as a voting member to the senate. moved that the senate organization committee report be accepted. |
9. |
approval of adjunct professors |
9.1 |
moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be approved: |
9.2 |
moved that the following adjunct professor for the faculty of education be approved: |
10. |
approval of professional associate |
moved that the following professional associate for the faculty of science and environmental studies be approved: |
items for information |
11. 12. |
11.1 11.2 |
university secretary (karen roche) moved that the following policies be referred to the senate organization committee for review:
moved that the senate by-laws be referred to the senate organization committee for review. late additions to the list of graduands (ms. brenda winter) the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. the list will be posted to the website. |
13. |
the following calendar changes have been forwarded to the registrar for approval: (information only) |
13.1 |
faculty of natural resources management |
13.2 |
faculty of science and environmental studies |
14. |
adjunct professor renewals (information only) |
14.1 |
faculty of natural resources management (retroactive) |
14.2 |
faculty of science and environmental studies |
15. |
president's report (dr. brian stevenson) |
16. |
17. |
nosm report (dr. william mccready) |
18. |
senate representative on the board of governors report (dr. carney matheson) |
19. |
ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. sandra wolf) |
20. |
annual report – senate teaching & learning committee (dr. jane nicholas) |
adjourn |