senate meeting
senate meeting #7-2012
friday, october 19, 2012
4:30 p.m. – senate chambers
teleconference# 1-877-668-4493
access code: 809 032 711
welcome and introduction of 2012/2013 presidential scholarship recipients – dr. brian stevenson
1. |
approval of agenda moved that the agenda be approved. |
2. |
approval of minutes |
minutes of senate meeting #6-2012 held on september 14, 2012 moved that the minutes of senate meeting #6-2012 of september 14, 2012 be approved. |
3. |
business arising from the minutes |
4. |
graduands |
4.1 |
moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive undergraduate degrees be approved as presented. |
4.2 |
moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive graduate degrees be approved as presented. |
5. |
proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral (dr. wayne melville) moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees: faculty of law · description of process and criteria for admission into the faculty of law (2013-2014) |
faculty of science and environmental studies |
· regional flowering plants (2012-sci-055) · biology minor program (2012-sci-057) · addition and rewording of notes relevant to biology undergraduate programs (2013-2014) |
faculty of social sciences and humanities |
· the politics of food (2012-soc-063) · political science 4615 (2012-soc-064) · political science 3314 (2012-soc-65) · history 3820 (2012-soc-066)added kr oct 19, 2012 · philosophy changes (2013-2014) added kr oct 19, 2012 |
6. |
proposed graduate calendar changes for referral (dr. phillip hicks) |
moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees: |
faculty of education |
7. |
reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes |
7.1 |
senate undergraduate studies committee report (dr. wayne melville) |
moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted. |
7.2 |
moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted. |
7.3 |
moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted. |
8. |
approval of undergraduate calendar changes (dr. wayne melville) |
moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved: |
faculty of natural resources management |
· clarification to open electives in hbscf (2013-2014) |
· add geog 3731 and geol 3410 hbscf (2013-2014) |
· replace outd 3290 with outd 2810 in hbem (2013-2014) |
9. |
9.1 |
9.2 |
moved that the senate nominations committee report be accepted. |
10. |
10.1 |
moved that the |
10.2 |
moved that the |
10.3 |
moved that the senate research committee report be accepted. |
11. |
senate executive committee terms of reference (dr. rod hanley)added by kr oct 19, 2012 |
12. |
re-scheduling senate meetings to accommodate religious practices (ms. brenda winter) |
moved that the senate organization committee review options for changing the day and/or time of the senate meeting to avoid conflicts with religious practices. added by kr oct 19, 2012 |
13. |
athletic awards policy review (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)added by kr oct 19, 2012 |
moved that the athletic awards policy be referred to the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee. |
14. |
call for nominations for the two (2) faculty representatives on senate |
15. |
nominations for the joint senate committee for nosm (health related expert) |
items for information |
16. |
adjunct professor renewal (information only) |
faculty of social sciences and humanities |
· mr. kevin cleghorn's appointment as an external adjunct professor to the department of political science has been renewed for the term commencing july 1, 2012 to june 30, 2016added kr oct 19, 2012 |
17. |
18. |
19. |
report of the provost & vice-president (academic) (dr. rod hanley) |
· marks report fall 2011/2012 |
20. |
report of nosm (dr. william mccready) |
21. |
report of senate representative on the board of governors (dr. carney matheson) |
22. |
ogimaawin – aboriginal governance council report (dr. sandra wolf) |
23. |
adjourn |
agenda for senate meeting will be posted on october 10, 2012.