senate meeting #2010-4
friday, april 23, 2010
2:30 p.m. - senate chambers
1. |
approval of agenda moved that the agenda be approved with the following amendments: item #4.4 - add parts 1 and 2 item #11 and 12 - there will be no reports. j. lanphear and l. hayes sent regrets. item #15 - delete "the development of" | |
2. |
minutes of senate meeting #2010-3 held on march 26, 2010 moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2010-3 held on march 26, 2010 be approved with the following amendment: item #15 - the first sentence be replaced with "dr. gilbert summarized the fall 2009 counts for eligible 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . there were 7485 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 - 454 graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and 7031 undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ." | |
3. |
3.1 3.2 |
business arising from the minutes the motion to approve general regulation 1 (n) was postponed to the april 23rd senate meeting. this matter is being reviewed by the senate academic committee's regulation sub-committee and will be brought to the may senate meeting. moved that the motion to approve general regulation 1(n) be postponed to the may senate meeting. chair of education programs in the faculty of education in orillia at the march 26, 2010 meeting, this item was referred to the senate academic committee to consider. the senate academic committee has recommended that senate approve the main motion brought to senate by the senate academic committee. |
4. |
4.1 |
reports of senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes senate academic committee report moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted. |
4.2 |
senate budget committee report (d. alexandrov) moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted. | |
4.3 |
senate undergraduate studies committee report (r. koster) moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted. | |
4.4 |
moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved: faculty of science and environmental studies
faculty of education
faculty of social sciences and humanities
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4.5 |
moved that the following graduate calendar change be approved:
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5. |
senate nominations committee report (a. carastathis) moved that the recommendations for appointments to the senate standing committees 2010-2011in the report of the senate nominations committee be approved. | |
items for information | ||
6. |
cou academic colleague report (t. bauer) | |
7. |
7.1 7.2 |
adjunct professor renewals (information only) dr. dave morris' appointment as an adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resource management has been renewed from july 1, 2010 fora 4 year term through june 30, 2014. dr.peter mcghee`s appointment as an adjunct professor to the department of physics has been renewed from july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014. |
8. |
internal program review the master of science biology program review has been completed . | |
9. |
annual report of athletics (t. warden) | |
10. |
president's report (dr. f. gilbert) | |
11. |
report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes) | |
12. |
report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear) | |
13. |
report of the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson) | |
14. |
report of the senate representative to the board of governors(j. leggatt) | |
15. |
notice of motion a motion to approve the development of diversity awareness policy will come forward to the may 14, 2010 senate meeting. | |
adjourn |