
friday, october 1, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #6- 2010

friday, october 1, 2010

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers

in memoriam - dr. chris jecchinis

guest speaker - mr. gerry munt - planning at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜

recognition of the recipients for the 2010 teaching and learning awards (dr. moira mcpherson & dr. craig mackinnon)


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved with the following amendments:

  • item #4 will be changed to indicate both undergraduate and graduate calendar changes for referral to senate committees by adding "4.1" as undergraduate referrals and adding "4.2" graduate referrals. under 4.2 add faculty of natural resources management - removal of mf program
  • item #11 - ms. jaimi penny will speak to the lusu appointments
  • add item #22 - late additions to the may graduands

the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary.


minutes of senate meeting #5-2010 held on may 14, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #5-2010 of may 14, 2010 be approved.


business arising from the minutes


senate information systems committee - email policy (dr. dean jobin-bevans)



proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral kr revised, oct 1, 2010

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of business administration

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of natural resources management


reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes


senate budget committee report (dr. laure paquette)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.


faculty of graduate studies council (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the following calendar changes be approved:

faculty of education

  • graduate studies in research in education

faculty of health and behavioural science

  • kinesiology - type iii diploma
  • psycology phd science comprehensive requirements




report senate academic committee report (dr. gillian siddall)

moved that the department of lifelong learning name be changed to the department of professional development in education.

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.


senate nominations committee report (dr. aristocles carastathis)

moved that the following individuals are appointed to senate committees:

  • senate undergraduate studies committee - dr. rupert klein for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2012.
  • senate undergraduate studies committee - dr. nandakumar kanavillil for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013.
  • senate academic committee - dr. yin chen for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013.
  • senate research committee - dr. amanda maranzan for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2012.
  • senate academic appeals (alternate) - dr. tamara varney for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2011.
  • senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee - dr. chander shahi for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013.





joint senate committee for nosm (dr. joey farrell)

moved that the policy for the appointment of a professor or librarian emeritus in the northern ontario school of medicine be approved as presented.

moved that the policy for the appointment of professor honorarius in the northern school of medicine be approved as presented.

moved that the nosm academic council constitution be approved as presented.


academic accommodation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilities (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)

moved that the academic accommodation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilities policy be approved.


lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing

committees for 2010-2011 (ms. neva bassingthwaite) (ms. jaimi penny) kr oct 1, 2010

moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2010-2011 be approved.




approval of adjunct professors

moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be approved:

moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of natural resources management be approved:


approval of professional associates

moved that the following professional associates for the faculty of science & environmental studies be approved:

  • mark smyk be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.
  • bill addison be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.
  • greg brumpton be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.

items for discussion

items for information


cou academic colleague report (dr. tony bauer)

report on may 27 & 28, 2010 meeting

report on august 2010 meeting


adjunct professor renewals (information only)

faculty of natural resources management
faculty of health and behavioural sciences


senate teaching & learning (dr. craig mackinnon)


president's report (dr. brian stevenson)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (acting-dr. moira mcpherson)

student evaluation of teaching at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 2009/10, [formerly course evaluations (student satisfaction survey)]


report of nosm (dr. william mccready) dr. roger strasser


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. kim fedderson)


aboriginal management council annual report (dr. sandra wolf)


late additions to the list of graduands added kr oct 1, 2010

the senate's enabling motion graduands on record empowers the dean of the faculty and the registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. the list will be distributed at the meeting.
