
friday, december 5, 2008 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #2008-9

friday, december 5, 2008

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved with the following amendments:kr dec. 5, 2008

#6.1- strikeout "changes be approved as recommended" and insert "change approved with changes:"

#11.2 - strikeout "approved as presented" and insert "referred to the senate organization committee"

#11.3 - insert "report from the" before "joint senate"

t.randall will report for the joint senate nosm committee

a.foshay will report for the senate undergraduate studies committee

add- #5 faculty of health and behavioural sciences - mph


minutes of senate meeting #2008-8 held on november 7, 2008

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2008-8 held on november 7, 2008 be approved with the following amendment:

#5 faculty of business administration - honours bachelor of commerce administrative studies was added. kr dec. 5, 2008


business arising from the minutes


proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of science and environmental studies

? hbsc applied bio-molecular science

physics rearrangement

mathematics 2131

hbsc and bsc bioinformatics

bioinformatics and biological chemistry

biol 3470

biology research internship 3990

biology research internship 3991

change biology 3151 biogeography

rename hbesc environmental studies

rename hbesc geography

rename hbes geography

hbesc in earth science

concurrent educ hbesc

faculty of education

aboriginal education

professional year requirements, 4284, pj requirements

education 3499

faculty of social sciences and humanities

sociology - minor program changes

sociology - soci 2612 and 2613

sociology - add critical inquiry

sociology - add new half year courses - orillia

sociology - change 2911

philosophy - minor program changes

languages - minor program changes

languages - african and caribbean literature

economics - minor program changes

northern studies - minor program changes

northern studies - calendar addition

visual arts - minor program changes

history - minor program changes

history - program changes

women's studies - minor program changes

women's studies - history 3105

music - calendar changes

political science - minor program changes

political science - delete poli 4211

political science - international politics

political science - delete minor in law and politics

political science - remove 3311, 3313 and 3359 prerequisites

political science - addition of 4330

political science - delete 2530

political science - course description poli 4110

faculty of health and behavioural science

psychology - add c core half course

psychology - psyc 4901


proposed graduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of business administration

proposed mba program - (revised calendar change - see feb. 27, 2009 senate budget committee report) kr feb 27,2009

faculty of science and environmental studies

biology 5010 division

faculty of education

course title change ed 6020 and 6040

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

psychology - update faculty listing

psychology - psyc 6092 (9092)

. master of public health

faculty of social sciences and humanities

english - graduate course changes

faculty of graduate studies

"waiver of fees during an approved time extension" - delete

proposed change to period of study regulation.




reports of senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes

moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved as recommended with changes:kr dec. 5, 2008

gerontology 4230 - social work 4253/4230 (april 25, 2008) (see scedl report item #9)

moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved as recommended:

master of science engineering - faculty of engineering, electrical and computer engineering (march 23, 2008)


senate undergraduate studies committee report (r. koster) (a. foshay)kr dec. 5, 2008

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.


senate budget committee report (t. randall)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.


continuing education and distributed learning report (p. sevean)

moved that the senate continuing education and distributed learning report be accepted.




faculty of graduate studies report (j. crossman)

moved that the faculty of graduate studies terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.

moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.





joint senate northern ontario school of medicine (j. farrell) (t. randall)

moved that the nosm academic calendar of events 2009-2010 academic year be approved.

moved that the revised joint senate committee terms of reference be approved as presented. be referred to the senate organization committee. kr dec. 5, 2008

moved that the report of the kr dec. 5, 2008joint senate northern ontario school of medicine be accepted.


senate academic committee report (d. tranter)

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.




senate nominations committee

moved that _________ be appointed to the senate budget committee for the term december 1, 2008 through june 30, 2010.

moved that __________ be appointed to the senate undergraduate scholarships committee for the term december 1, 2008 through june 30, 2011.


report of senate honorary degrees committee (b. stolar)

moved that the terms of reference for the senate honorary degrees committee be referred to the senate organization committee.


report of senate teaching and learning (b. stolar)

moved that the terms of reference for the senate teaching and learning committee be referred to the senate organization committee.


guidelines on use of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as research subjects (r. maundrell)

moved that senate approve the guidelines on use of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as research subjects as submitted by the senate research ethics board.


centre for research on safe driving (c. gottardo)

moved that the application for formal centre status of the centre for research on safe driving (ccrsd) be approved.

items for discussion

items for information


senate representatives on presidential search committee ( secretary of senate)


late additions to the fall graduands

the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. the list will be distributed at the meeting.


summary report 2008-09 from senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee (s. strickland)


president's report (dr. f. gilbert)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes)

student satisfaction survey (course) - report is posted at: //


report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson)


report of the senate representative to the board of governors(j. leggatt)
