friday, march 3, 2006 - 12:00am
senate chambers
senate meeting #2006-2
to be held on friday, march 3, 2006
4:30 p.m. - senate chambers
address to senate of jackie
dojack, chair of the board of governors of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
(dr. m. mcpherson)
1.approval of
2.minutes of senate
meeting #2006-1 held on friday, january 27, 2006
is attached and posted at arising
from the minutes
items for decision
4.proposed calendar
changes for referral
sciences and humanities
history - sgsc/sbc
philosophy -
psychology -
women's studies
- susc/sbc
of education
department of
lifelong learning
of forestry and the forest environment
agreement between 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
and college of the north atlantic
calendar changes are posted at
5.reports of the senate standing committees
on proposed calendar changes to undergraduate programs (dr. m. leitch, susc;
dr. q. l. dang, sbc)
reports are
posted at
reports of the senate standing committees on proposed
calendar changes to graduate programs
(dr. g. boire, sgsc/fgsc; dr. q. l. dang, sbc)
are posted at http://senate.lakeheadu. of the
senate organization committee (dr. r. omeljaniuk)
report is posted at
8. adjunct
professors (dr. f. gilbert)
moved that the
following be ratified as adjunct professors in the faculty of social sciences
and humanities effective immediately until june
30, 2009.
dr. mary donaghy
dr. steve donaghy
dr. paul johnson
dr. scott sellick
moved that the
following be ratified as adjunct professors in the faculty of forestry and the
forest environment effective immediately until june
30, 2009.
dr. stephen j. colombo
dr. guy larocque
items for information
9. president's report
10. report of the vice-president (academic) & provost
11. report of nosm (dr r. strasser or dr. d. hunt)
12. renewal of appointments of adjunct professors (dr. f.
of forestry and the forest environment - july 1, 2006 to june 30, 2010
dr. robert
williams mackereth
dr. dave morris
dr. ajith perera
dr. arthur r.
dr. robert rempel
13. report of the senate representatives on the board of governors
report is posted at
minutes of senate meeting #2006-2
held on friday,
march 3, 2006
at 4:30 p.m. in the senate chambers
gilbert called the meeting to order.
moira mcpherson, one of the senate representatives on the board of governors of
, introduced mrs. jackie dojack, chair of the board. mrs. dojack summarized for senate the board's
composition, operations, and responsibilities.
in particular she identified new, prominent members of the board,
emphasized the board's objective of "friend-raising" as well as fund-raising
among the government and wider communities, and described how, through such
activities as orientation sessions and periodic self-assessment, the board was
seeking constantly to improve its overall performance.
1. approval of agenda
moved (q.l. dang/s. hamilton) that the
agenda be approved with the following amendments:
(a) as item 3.a add "procedure for nominating senators to the board of
governors (dr. m. shaw);"
(b) in item 4 change "susc" after "history" and "women's studies" to
(c) in item 4, to "faculty of education" add "undergraduate studies;"
(d) to item 4 add "faculty of professional schools: school of kinesiology."
2. minutes of senate meeting
moved (r. dilley/p. hollings) that the
minutes of senate meeting #2006-1, held on january 27, 2006,
be approved. carried.
3. business arising from the
there was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
items for decision
3.a procedure
for nominating senators to the board of governors
after some discussion it was agreed that the secretary of senate would
present a formal motion at the next senate meeting to streamline the current
procedure for selecting senate representatives on the board of governors, by
asking all senators who were full-time faculty members whether they would be
interested in so serving and then presenting to senate for a vote the names of
those who had given a favourable response.
4. proposed calendar changes
for referral
4.1 moved (k. fedderson/b. dadgostar)
that the proposals by the faculty of social sciences and humanities for
calendar changes in history, philosophy, psychology, and women's studies be
referred to senate committees. carried. the proposals would all be referred to the
senate budget committee and, in addition, the proposals in history and women's
studies would be referred to the senate graduate studies committee/faculty of
graduate studies council and those in philosophy and psychology to the senate
undergraduate studies committee.
4.2 moved (j. o'meara/p. allingham) that
the proposals by the faculty of education for calendar changes in the
departments of lifelong learning and undergraduate studies be referred to
senate committees. carried. the proposals would be referred to the senate
budget and undergraduate studies committees.
4.3 moved (r. pulkki/m. leitch) that the
proposal by the faculty of forestry and the forest environment for a renewal of
the articulation agreement between 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
and the college of the north atlantic be referred to senate
committees. carried. the proposal would be referred to the senate
budget and undergraduate studies committees.
4.4 moved (i. newhouse/m. mcpherson)
that the proposals by the faculty of professional schools for calendar changes
in the regulations and programs of the school of kinesiology be
referred to senate committees. carried. the proposals would be referred to the senate
budget and undergraduate studies committees.
5. reports of the senate
standing committees on proposed calendar changes to undergraduate programs
moved (m. leitch/q.l. dang) that the
recommendations in the reports of the senate budget and undergraduate studies
committees for calendar changes concerning history, music, native access, and
geography all be approved with the revisions specified in the reports. carried.
in addition the senate undergraduate studies committee recommended
approval, with specified revisions, of the proposals concerning education 3013,
the community based native teacher education program, psychology 4111, and new
minor programs to be offered by the school of outdoor recreation, parks and
tourism. the senate budget committee
deferred recommendation of the last until the university's academic planning
process is complete.
6. reports of the senate
standing committees on proposed calendar changes to graduate programs
moved (g. boire/q.l. dang) that the recommendations
in the reports of the senate budget and graduate studies (faculty of graduate
studies council) committees for calendar changes, with specified revisions,
relating to the phd in educational studies be approved. carried.
7. report of the senate
organization committee
moved (m. shaw/b. dadgostar) that the
name of the senate part-time studies and distance education committee be
changed to senate continuing education and distributed learning committee, and
that its terms of reference be revised as indicated in the senate organization
committee's report. carried.
moved (m. shaw/m. mcpherson) that the
terms of reference of the senate committee on teaching and learning be changed
as indicated in the senate organization committee's report. carried.
moved (m. shaw/i. newhouse) that the
terms of reference of the senate budget committee be renumbered as indicated in
the senate organization committee's report.carried.
president gilbert noted that at a previous senate meeting there had been
an agreement to include motions in the senate agenda.
8. adjunct professors
moved (k. fedderson/g. hayman) that
senate ratify the appointments of dr. mary donaghy, dr. steve donaghy, dr. paul
johnson, and dr. scott sellick as adjunct professors in the faculty of social
sciences and humanities effective immediately until june 30, 2009. carried.
moved (r. pulkki/m.leitch) that senate
ratify the appointments of dr. stephen j. colombo and dr. guy larocque as
adjunct professors in the faculty of forestry and the forest environment
effective immediately until june 30, 2009. carried.
items for information
9. president's report
the president reported that he had had a positive meeting with minister
bentley and that the latter was now much more appreciative of lakehead's position
on graduate funding.
the university had finally received funding from the government for
2005-2006 that matched the budget.
the government had set up advisory committees with representation from
lakehead to review separate funding for distinct student communities, e.g.
aboriginals, francophones, et al.
the cou had been discussing a critical issue for the ontario
universities that had arisen from recent legislation: pension solvency and
liability. lakehead would be taking a
$600,000 hit on its budget over the next 5 years; other universities, e.g. guelph, were facing a much higher
charge. lakehead supported a proposal to
make the universities exempt from the legislation - as was the case in alberta
- or at least liable to pay such charges over a period of 15 years instead of
lakehead was in the process of setting its budget for 2006-2007 but was
still waiting to hear from the government, which would not be presenting its
budget until march 23rd, on what fee increases would be
allowed. it was expected that the
government would set out rules for partially deregulated tuition fees.
dr. sally-ann burnett had been hired as director of operations at the orillia
in relation to the recent decision by the city to reject land rezoning proposals,
lakehead's primary interest had been to accommodate the school board's plans to
build a new high school, although it would also be in the university's
interests to acquire access to necessary facilities - such as those of the port
arthur collegiate institute. he thought
that the school board might appeal the council's adverse decision to the
ontario municipal board, which might overturn the decision. if such happened, lakehead might consider
offering a smaller piece of property to the school board.
l. di matteo asked if the university would have trouble balancing its
budget in the next year. the president
replied that the budget would be balanced, but key factors affecting the
achievement of that balance would be enrolments and the degree of flexibility
that the government would permit for fee increases. balancing the budget was and would remain a
challenge, but the university did have measures in place to ensure that no
draconian steps would have to be taken.
l. di matteo also asked if any measures were being initiated to counter
the bad press that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
and thunder bay had been receiving in consequence of the policy of refusing to adopt
wireless internet connectivity. the
president replied that there were substantial comments coming forward from both
academics and environmentalists in support of his position and that, in view of
the excellent internet access already available on the lakehead campus there
was no need to make it a wireless site.
he thought it good that debate had been engendered on the issue, and
that, in view of the uncertain science on the subject, it was better to err on
the side of caution.
t. king asked what issues had been targeted by the president in his
discussions with the minister. he
replied that he had focussed on the orillia
campus and graduate student funding.
10. report of the
vice-president (academic) & provost
the vice-president reported that the academic planning subcommittee had
been meeting and would have a preliminary draft of its report ready for the
senate academic committee at its meeting on march 24th.
the ocgs had completed a review of physics programs at the graduate
level, and a review of lakehead's undergraduate programs in political science
was also finished. the university was waiting
for the results.
she had attended a meeting of ontario vice-presidents (academic) at the
ontario college of art and design in toronto. agenda items had included undergraduate and
graduate program reviews and mathematics in the high schools.
a search was being conducted for a new dean of the faculty of social
sciences and humanities. march 15th
had been set as the deadline for applications.
she thanked members of senate who had attended the grade xi day events
in the agora. this exercise provided good
promotion of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
she referred to the likelihood of a strike by college instructors
starting in the next week. lakehead
nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
enrolled in the collaborative program with confederation college
would be affected. plans to accommodate
these 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
were in place.
r. dilley said he hoped that, in the event of a strike at confederation college, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
instructors would not be asked to fill in.
the vice-president said that would not happen.
l. di matteo asked if there would likely be picket lines on campus in
the event of a strike at the college.
the vice-president replied that it was a possibility.
r. berg and j. farrell raised objections to the policy requiring
departmental schedulers to avoid slotting their sections into 3-hour blocks
during the day and into meeting times of one hour twice a week in their
proposals for the 2006-2007 course timetable.
the vice-president replied, with support from the dean of the faculty of
science and environmental studies, that she was responding to concerns raised
in deans' council that the increased demand for classroom space necessitated by
the double cohort combined with irregular timetable slots would put excessive
pressure on the availability of classrooms.
accordingly she was trying to ensure a more efficient use of classroom
space by requiring the departments, as much as possible, to schedule their
courses in regular timetable slots.
11. report of nosm
d. hunt reported that the medical school
had, as last year, received over 2000 applications and that, of these, some 400
individuals had been invited to interviews, 200 in thunder bay
and 200 in sudbury.
due to the hard work of bonnie moore and others in both the laurentian
and lakehead communities, the target of $10,000,000 in the nosm's bursary fund
had been exceeded.
good relationships had been established with hospitals across the north
to ensure that medical 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
would have the essential hospital space and
time that they would need for their training.
12. renewal of appointments of
adjunct professors
the president presented to senate for information the names of the
professors whose adjunct appointments in the faculty of forestry and the forest
environment had been renewed for a term lasting from july 1, 2006 to june
30, 2006.
13. report of the senate
representatives on the board of governors
m. mcpherson reported that the board of
governors had met on march 2nd, 2006 and that the board secretary, p.
merriman, had posted the meeting's
minutes this morning (march 3rd).
the development office had established a "faculty fund."
t. king asked if the board had revised the university's policy on naming
property. m. mcpherson replied that this
item had been tabled and would be discussed at the next meeting.
moved (l. di matteo/p. hollings) that the meeting be adjourned. carried. the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.