friday, february 25, 2005 - 12:00am
senate meeting #2005-2
to be held on friday, february 25, 2005
4:30 p.m. - senate chambers
1. approval of agenda
2. minutes of senate meeting #2005-1 held on january 28, 2005
copy is attached and available on the web
3. business arising from the minutes
items for decision
4. proposed 2005/2006 calendar changes for referral
4.1 faculty of social sciences and humanities
english (susc & sbc)
history (susc & sbc)
sociology (susc & sbc & sgsc)
4.2 faculty of education
undergraduate studies (susc & sbc)
4.3 faculty of professional schools
master of public heath - specialization in nursing (susc & sgsc & sbc)
4.4 faculty of forestry and the forest environment
graduate - (susc & sgsc & sbc)
proposed changes are available on the web
5. for referral: changes to policy and procedures concerning accommodations for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
with disabilities (dr. j. birkholz)
6. reports of the senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes to undergraduate programs (dr. k. brown, susc; dr. d. steven, sbc)
reports are available on the web
7. reports of the senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes to graduate programs (dr. g. boire, sgsc; dr. d. steven, sbc)
reports are available on the web
8. report of the senate budget committee (dr. d. steven)
report is available on the web
9. report of the senate graduate studies committee (dr. g. boire)
report is available on the web
10. report of the senate academic committee (dr. m. richardson)
report is available on the web
11. report of the senate organization committee (dr. r. omeljaniuk)
report is available on the web
12. report of the senate nominations committee (dr. m. leitch)
report is available on the web
13. report of the secretary of senate on election of senators to the orillia satellite campus orientation task force (dr. m. shaw)
report is available on the web
14. approval of adjunct professors (dr. f. gilbert)
professional schools
faculty of education
15. motion: that senate approve changing the mid-year study week in 2006 from february 13-17 to february 20-24 (dr. m. shaw)
items for information
16. president's report (dr. f. gilbert)
17. report of the vice-president (academic) and provost (dr. l. hayes)
18. report of the faculty of professional schools on additions to the collaborative (core) faculty in the master of public health program (dr. i. newhouse)
19. report of nosm (dr. r. strasser or dr. d. hunt)
20. cou colleague's report for february 2005 (dr. b. muirhead)
report is available on the web
21. report of the office of the ombudsperson (dr. a. colosimo)
report is available on the web
22. report of the senate representatives on the board of governors (dr. w. parker)
report is available on the web
minutes of senate meeting #2005-2
held on friday, february 25, 2005
at 4:30 p.m. in the senate chambers
president gilbert called the meeting to order.
1. approval of agenda
moved (b. dadgostar/h. saliba) that the agenda be approved with the following amendments:
(a) add "faculty of engineering" - undergraduate studies (susc & sbc) as agenda item 4.5;
(b) insert "report of the senate research committee (dr. r. harpelle)" as item 12.a;
(c) delete items 10, 11, 20, and 22.
2. minutes of senate meeting #2005-1
moved (d. steven/f. allaire) that the minutes of senate meeting #2005-1, held on january 28, 2005, be approved. carried.
3. business arising from the minutes
there was no business arising from the minutes.
items for decision
4. proposed 2005/2006 calendar changes for referral to committee
4.1 faculty of social sciences and humanities
moved (k. fedderson/m. richardson) that
the proposals by the faculty of social sciences and humanities for
calendar changes in english, history, and sociology be referred to
senate committees. carried. the proposals would all
be referred to the senate budget committee and the senate undergraduate
studies committee - except for the new sociology courses in
"technologies of the afterlife" and "new reproductive technologies"
which would be referred to the senate budget and senate graduate
studies committees.
4.2 faculty of education
moved (j. o'meara/p. allingham) that the
proposals by the faculty of education for calendar changes be referred
to senate committees. carried. the proposals would all be referred to the senate budget committee and the senate undergraduate studies committee.
4.3 faculty of professional schools
moved (d. steven/k. brown) that the
proposals of the faculty of professional schools for calendar changes
in the master of public health - specialization in nursing program be
referred to senate committees. carried. the proposals would all be referred to the senate budget committee and the senate graduate studies committee.
4.4 faculty of forestry and the forest
moved (r. pulkki/w. parker) that the
proposal of the faculty of forestry and the forest environment for
calendar changes to the course, fore 5530, be referred to senate
committees. carried. the proposal would be referred to the senate budget committee and the senate graduate studies committee.
4.5 faculty of engineering
moved (h. saliba/p. fralick) that the
proposals of the faculty of engineering for calendar changes in course
numbering and the engineering regulations be referred to senate
committees. carried. the proposals would be
referred to the senate budget committee as well as the senate
undergraduate studies and graduate studies committees as appropriate.
5. for referral: changes to policy and procedures concerning accommodations for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
with disabilities
moved (j. birkholz/k. fedderson) that the proposed changes be referred to senate committees. carried. the proposal would be referred to the senate budget committee and the senate academic committee.
6. reports of the senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes to undergraduate programs
moved (k. brown/d. steven) that the
calendar change proposals in history, indigenous studies, and
geography, and the faculty of education's proposal to establish
september 7th, 2005 as the next academic year's start date
for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
in the professional year of the education programs, as
presented in the reports of the senate undergraduate studies committee
and the senate budget committee, be approved. carried.
the department of visual arts had withdrawn its proposal, the senate
undergraduate studies committee had deferred consideration of proposals
in biology and business (entrepreneur certificate program), and the
budget committee had deferred consideration of the proposals in general
science and social work.
7. reports of the senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes to graduate programs
moved (g. boire/d. steven) that the
proposals concerning graduate studies in economics, business
administration, and psychology be approved. carried.
8. report of the senate budget committee
d. steven noted that the committee had approved
the entrepreneur certificate program - on the understanding that its
establishment would require alteration of budgetary allocations within
the faculty of business administration.
9. report of the senate graduate studies committee
g. boire summarized the process for
establishing an english for academic purposes articulation agreement
with confederation college.
moved (g. boire/k. fedderson) that the
proposal to establish a faculty of graduate studies be referred to the
senate budget and academic committees. carried.
r. dilley and p. fralick doubted that the
referral should exclude the senate organization committee. the
chair thought that the committee should only become involved later on
in the process - after the proposed new faculty had been approved in
12. report of the senate nominations committee
moved (m. leitch/k. fedderson) that
senate approve the appointment of dr. patricia jasen to replace dr.
doug west on the senate research committee. carried.
12a. report of the senate research committee
r harpelle noted that he had received numerous
communications from faculty concerning the committee's decision not to
recommend any distinguished researcher awards for this year. while
there was no obvious misunderstanding between the committee's nserc and
sshrc eligible members, the committee did have some serious
difficulties in functioning. he indicated some solutions that he
had in mind, but said that they would first have to be discussed by the
committee members.
13. report of the secretary of senate on election of senators to the orillia satellite campus orientation task force
moved (m. shaw/m. richardson) that
senate approve the election of the following senators to the orillia
satellite campus implementation task force: g. boire, b. dadgostar, and
m. johnston. carried.
14. approval of adjunct professors
in the absence of definite information on the
proposed adjuncts, the chair ruled that the item should be deferred
until the next senate meeting.
15. motion on changing the mid-year study week in 2006
moved (m. shaw/p. wakewich) that senate
approve changing the mid-year study week in 2006 from february 13-17 to
february 20-24. carried. one senator opposed the motion.
items for information
16. president's report
the president reported that an appeal tribunal
operating under the code of student behaviour and disciplinary
procedures had reduced a sanction imposed by a judicial officer on a
the president also spoke about the cou advocacy
campaign in support of the rae report. the ontario colleges were
mounting a similar campaign.
he talked as well about the federal
government's assertion of support for research in its budget. it
was necessary to advocate that fednor should play the same role as the
atlantic council in supporting universities.
17. report of the vice-president (academic) and provost
l. hayes talked about the rae review; program
reviews for four disciplines: history, physics, psychology, and
political science; business conducted in deans' council, including risk
management and policies and procedures for final marks submission and
chair re-appointments; and the ongoing development of policies and
procedures for nosm, who were expecting an accreditation visit in
18. report of the faculty of professional schools re the mph program
d. steven referred to the new core faculty appointments to the mph program.
19. report of the dean of nosm
neither r. strasser nor d. hunt was present to deliver a report.
21. report of the office of the ombudsperson
a. colosimo summarized some of the main issues
with which his office had had to deal in the past year, including
student complaints about instructors' late submission of marks and
parking fees for part-time employees. he noted that there had
been improvement in student placements and that the senate
undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee had removed a
student grievance: inability to stack scholarships.
r. dilley noted the need for clearer, published policies on instructors' obligations to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
moved (j. o'meara/m. richardson) that the meeting be adjourned. the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.