dr. ken brown, one of the senate representatives on the board of governors of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , introduced mr. bill bartley, chair of the operations committee of the board. mr. bartley then presented and commented on a video on the two phase upgrading of the university's heating system by johnson controls. vice-president pawlowski added comments on the savings realized by the reduced energy expenditure resulting from the upgrades. in response to a question posed by dr. robert dilley vice-president pawlowski said that the regional centre would be included in the upgrading but noted that it would take some time due to the expense and complications of asbestos abatement.
1. approval of agenda
moved(p. allingham/b. dadgostar) that the agenda be approved with the following amendments:
(a) in item 6, under "faculty of social sciences and humanities," add "psychology (susc, sgsc, & sbc)."
(b) in item 6 add "faculty of education (susc, sgsc, & sbc)."
(c) delete item 10, "report of the senate academic committee (dr. j. o'meara)."
(d) at the very end of item 16 add "history - jeff hudson."
(e) as a subitem to item 18 add "enrolment report."
(f) as item 23 add "report of the senate part-time studies and distance education committee (prof. m.l. kelley)."
(g) as item 24 add "northern studies program (dr. r. dilley)."
2. minutes of senate meeting #2005-7
moved(b. dadgostar/s. islam) that the minutes of senate meeting #2005-8, held on
3. business arising from the minutes
there was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
items for decision
4. graduands
4.1 undergraduate degrees and diplomas
moved(m. shaw/m.l. kelley) that senate approve for graduation the undergraduate candidates named in the circulated document, "graduate and undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
eligible for approval by senate to graduate on
(a) change robert rombouts' second name to "anthony" and (b) remove ryan wilson rice's name from the list of candidates for the diploma in mechanical engineering. carried.
4.2 graduate degrees
moved(g. boire/l. di matteo) that senate approve for graduation the graduate candidates named in the circulated document, "graduate and undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
eligible for approval by senate to graduate on
5. recommendation from lusu re: student representation on senate standing committees for 2005-2006
moved(m. shaw/p. allingham) that senate approve the following lusu nominees to membership in the designated senate committees:
(a) undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 :
senate academic apppeals committee: kevin desmoulin and sarah campbell;
senate academic committee: jordan hanna, cody hemsworth;
senate committee on teaching and learning: tanja manninen;
senate information systems committee: fadi dawood, krystin kempton;
senate organization committee: mohammad kabir hossain;
senate library committee: tracy alli, christopher rudge;
senate part-time and distance education committee: laurie vien pelepetez, cindy visser dicarlo;
senate undergraduate studies committee: dyane lagadouro, paul sequiara
(b) graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 :
6. proposed 2005-2006 calendar changes for referral
6.1 moved (k. fedderson/j. leggatt) that the proposals by the faculty of social sciences and humanities for calendar changes in english, political science, sociology, and psychology be referred to senate committees. carried. the proposals would all be referred to the senate budget committee. all but the psychology proposals concerning the graduate diploma in health services and policy research would be referred as well to the senate undergraduate studies committee. the graduate psychology proposals would go to the senate graduate studies committee.
6.2 moved (i. newhouse/b. dadgostar) that the proposals by the faculty of professional schools for calendar changes in nursing be referred to senate committees. carried. all proposals would be referred to the senate budget and undergraduate studies committees.
6.3 moved (j. o'sullivan/j. epp) that the proposals by the faculty of education for various calendar changes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels be referred to senate committees. carried. all proposals would be referred to the senate budget committee. the proposal for educ 56 11 would be referred in addition to the senate graduate studies committee. all the others would be referred to the senate undergraduate studies committee.
7. reports of the senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes to undergraduate programs
moved(m. leitch/q.l. dang) that the calendar changes as laid out in the senate budget committee report and in part i of the report of the senate undergraduate studies committee, including the changes for admission criteria for american applicants and admission requirements for the hbscf, as well as changes for philosophy, anthropology and geoarchaeology, chemistry, mathematical sciences, forestry 4218, and social work, all be approved. carried.
moved(m. leitch/q.l. dang) that the calendar changes as laid out in the report of the senate budget committee as well as in part ii of the susc report, including those for education and the new multidisciplinary studies programs recommended for the orillia campus and set up by the faculties of social sciences and humanities, science and environmental studies, and education, all be approved. carried.
8. reports of the senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes to graduate programs
moved(g. boire/q.l. dang) that the proposed calendar changes as laid out in the reports of the senate budget and graduate studies committees relating to the msc in chemistry, the graduate diploma in health services and policy research, the phd in educational studies, the phd in forest sciences, the collaborative program in gerontology, and the msc in physics all be approved. carried. consideration of the proposed changes to the m.ed. was deferred by both committees.
9. report of the senate budget committee
at its november 9th meeting the committee elected dr. wendy huang to be secretary.
11. report of the senate organization committee
moved(r. omeljaniuk/m. uddin) that the director of the instructional development centre (idc) be added to the senate information systems committee as an ex officio member with full voting privileges. carried.
moved(r. omeljaniuk/p. hollings) that the terms of reference of the senate committee on honorary degrees be altered from:
1. the candidate will be a person of provincial, national, or international status.
2. a candidate will have demonstrated a distinctive and significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in one or more fields of endeavour.
3. a candidate will have contributed either directly or indirectly to the welfare of humankind.
4. except under exceptional circumstances, active politicians will not be considered for an honorary degree.
5. it is to be recognized that the award is representative of recognition of persons who have made a substantial contribution to the university and/or
1. a candidate will be a person of provincial, national, or international status.
2. a candidate will have demonstrated a distinctive and significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in one or more fields of endeavour.
3. a candidate will have contributed either directly or indirectly to the welfare of humankind.
4. a candidate will have made a substantial contribution to the university and/or
except under exceptional circumstances, active politicians will not be considered for an honorary degree.
12. report of the senate committee on teaching and learning
moved(k. fedderson/p. jasen) that the proposed revision to the committee's terms of reference, as presented in the committee's report, be referred to the senate organization committee. carried.
13. report of the joint senate committee for nosm
moved(m. shaw/m. leitch) that the revision to the committee's terms of reference, as presented in the committee's report, be approved. carried.
14. academic schedule for 2006-2007
it was noted that the academic year was wrongly identified in the agenda. it should be 2006-2007 not 2005-2006.
moved(b. dadgostar/m. leitch) that the academic schedule for 2006 - 2007, as recommended by the registrar, be approved with one alteration: the first day of classes in the winter semester of 2007 will fall on january 3rd not january 2nd. carried.
rationale for the change: since january 2nd comes right after the january 1st holiday, a lot of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be travelling on that day.
15. for ratification: revision of term of reference 1(3) of the
moved(b. dadgostar/p. allingham) that senate ratify the decision of the board of governors to extend the term of adjunct professor positions from to 4 years. carried.
16. adjunct professors
moved(l. lovett-doust/s. hamilton) that drs. e. molto, r. parr, and g. dakubo in anthropology, and i. zhebe in biology, and m. ulanova, n. khaper, and p. rapley in chemistry, and p. rapley in physics all be ratified as adjunct professors in the faculty of science and environmental studies effective immediately until
moved(k. fedderson/p. hollings) that drs. m.a. mountain, f. schmidt, p. voros, and j. hudson all be approved as adjunct professors in the faculty of social sciences and humanities effective immediately until
items for information
17. president's report
the president reported that the
he spoke as well about favourable developments in the setting up of the
he confirmed that the university's debenture issue had gone well.
18. report of the vice-president (academic) and provost
l. hayes spoke about sabbatical recommendations, the consideration of dossiers for the ptr process, and the review of over fifty candidates for merit awards. she talked as well about the academic planning subcommittee which was awaiting reports due no later than december 15th. she also referred to a learner outcomes workshop and the quality and productivity task force. she was trying to build on lakehead's "value-added" prominence and affirmed the need to improve public awareness about university operations and funding. she talked about the recent accreditation exercise that the faculty of education had gone through, and noted that two staff vacancies in student affairs had been filled.
m. shaw then talked briefly about the november enrolment report that would be submitted to the government, and acknowledged that the format of the report, as it had been distributed to senators, had been created by k.-l. clarke of the office of institutional analysis and government relations. he noted that the term, "headcount," was a technical term required by the government. t. king still objected to the dehumanizing character of this term and hoped that it did not reflect a trend. l. hayes assured her that the discussions in which she had engaged with the vice-presidents of other institutions had focussed on the quality rather than just the quantity of student education.
19. report of the senate committee for honorary degrees
p. hollings reported that both paul weiler and jerry franklin had accepted offers of honorary degrees from lakehead. paul weiler would receive the doctor of laws and jerry franklin would get the doctor of science.
20. report of nosm
d. hunt spoke about an upcoming open house event.
21. report of the senate undergraduate scholarships & bursaries committee
p. allingham referred to his committee's report posted on the senate's web site - and highlighted the development of a policy extending scholarship funding through the first four years of undergraduate degrees.
22. report of the senate representatives on the board of governors
k. brown referred to the board of governors' meeting on november 11th.
23. report of the senate part-time studies and distance education committee
m.l. kelley confirmed that the certificate program in dementia studies was now connected to the gerontology.program.
24. northern studies program