schedule a - terms of reference
standing committees of the senate
the standing committees of the senate, terms of reference for which follow, are:
1. senate academic appeals committee
5. senate honorary degrees committee
6. senate nominations committee
7. senate organization committee
9. senate teaching & learning committee
10. senate undergraduate scholarships & bursaries committee
11. senate undergraduate studies committee
12. faculty of graduate studies council
1. senate academic appeals committee
unless otherwise stated in the approved terms of reference, quorum for senate and all senate committees is a simple majority of all filled positions – except with respect to appeal tribunals, for which quorum can only be reached when all voting members of the tribunal are present.
eight (8) faculty members, elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee. the senate nominations committee should not nominate more than one faculty member from any department or school.
seven (7) full-time 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (not being officers or full-time employees of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union) on the recommendation of lusu for a term commencing july 1st and ending june 30th. lusu shall consult with the graduate student association to ensure that consideration is given to the nomination of graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . the student nominees should be from different disciplines or different professional programs. student nominees must have an academic standing of b (70 to 79 percent) or better.
director of risk management and access to information (non-voting).
terms of office:
faculty members: three-year terms (renewable)
student members: one-year terms (renewable)
director of risk management: ex officio
1. chair: to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
2. secretary: director of risk management and access to information
3. administrative office: office of the director of risk management and access to information
the secretary shall forward each valid appeal application to the chair. in consultation with the secretary the chair shall appoint an appeal tribunal consisting of two (2) faculty members and one (1) student for each appeal, with members selected on the basis of the following criteria in descending order of priority:
1. avoidance of conflict of interest;
2. expertise that could be useful to the informed and just assessment of an appeal.
3. previous service on an appeal tribunal: whenever possible faculty members and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who have already served on an appeal tribunal in the current academic year shall not be selected.
once an appeal tribunal has been appointed the saac chair shall designate one of the faculty members of the tribunal as chief of the tribunal.
additional terms of reference:
see procedural guidelines for senate academic appeal hearings in the senate policy regarding academic appeals. (under senate approved policies)
2. senate academic committee
approved by senate: september 19, 2002; april 1, 2005; november 7, 2008; february 26, 2010; january 20, 2012; january 18, 2013; november 30, 2015; april 11, 2017; october 30, 2017; january 14, 2019; october 26, 2020; april 11, 2022; january 16, 2023
quorum: a simple majority of all filled positions.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- provost & vice president (academic)
- deputy provost and vice-provost (teaching & learning)
- vice-president, research & innovation or delegate
- vice-provost (世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) & registrar
- vice-provost (indigenous initiatives)
- vice-provost (institutional planning & analysis)
- vice-provost (international)
- deans - only four (4) of the deans count towards the committee's quorum
- university librarian
- chair of each of the following senate committees: budget, joint subcommittee of the sac and the ogimaawin indigenous education council, research, teaching & learning, and undergraduate studies.
- one full-time librarian elected by the librarians
- ten full-time faculty members elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee. of the ten full-time faculty members: a minimum of one shall be from the orillia campus; a minimum of one shall be from the thunder bay campus; and a minimum of two shall be senators.
- two undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 elected by senate on the recommendation of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (lusu).
- one graduate student elected by senate on the recommendation from lusu in consultation with the graduate student commissioner.
terms of office
1 to 10; ex officio
11 & 12; three-year terms (renewable)
13 & 14; up to two-year terms (staggered, renewable)
- chair - to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic and/or professional librarian appointments
- vice-chair - to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
- secretary - executive assistant to the provost & vice president (academic)
- administrative office - office of the provost & vice president (academic)
terms of reference
- to lead a process of academic planning that ensures input from stakeholders across the academic community.
- to monitor and report annually on the implementation of the academic plan.
- to review, revise, or develop, as necessary, policies pertaining to university-wide academic issues.
- to review, revise, or develop, as necessary, and to make recommendations to the senate, regarding university-wide academic regulations, including but not limited to the academic schedule of dates, registration, programs of study, examinations, reappraisal, and academic integrity.
- to make recommendations to the senate regarding calendar change proposals pertaining to new and revised admission policies and regulations.
- to make recommendations to the senate regarding calendar change proposals pertaining to the indigenous content requirement.
- to make recommendations to the senate regarding new program proposals and calendar change proposals pertaining to new programs and major modifications in accordance with the policy for the review and approval of academic programs and the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 institutional quality assurance process (iqap).
- to entrust the ranking of external and internal reviewers for cyclical and new program reviews, from a selection of nominations provided by academic units, to the senate academic quality assurance subcommittee, as outlined in the policy for the review and approval of academic programs.
- to approve the final assessment report and implementation plan of cyclical program reviews and submit an executive summary to the senate as an item of information and for posting on the university website.
- to review and revise the institutional quality assurance process.
3. senate budget committee
approved by senate: october 3, 2008; november 7, 2008, december 4, 2009; march 18, 2011; february 15, 2013; november 30, 2015; november 28, 2016; april 15, 2019
quorum: a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- provost & vice-president (academic)**; if the provost is absent, the deputy provost may attend meetings as a voting member
- deputy provost (non-voting)**
- immediate past chair (in the event that the immediate past chair's term on the committee has expired they are eligible to serve in this capacity for a maximum of one year)
- five full-time faculty members elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (lusu) vice-president (operations & finance); if the lusu vice-president is absent, the lusu president may attend meetings as a voting member
- vice-president (administration & finance); if the vice-president is absent, the associate vice-president, financial services may attend meetings as a voting member**
- associate vice-president, financial services (non-voting)**
- vice-provost, institutional planning & analysis (non-voting)**
- dean of the faculty of graduate studies
terms of office
1 , 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 8 & 9; ex officio
4; two-year terms (renewable) (staggered)
- chair: to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
- secretary: associate university secretary
- administrative office: university secretariat
terms of reference
- to assess the financial implications of proposals for new courses and/or program proposals and changes to existing courses and/or programs. review of new program proposals will be conducted in accordance with the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 institutional quality assurance procedures (iqap)
- to perform analyses as are necessary to advise senate concerning optimum use of resources available for the development of the university's academic program.
- to aid in the process of establishing a workable planning and budgeting procedure and within this framework, to participate in the formulation of an integrated multi-year plan and budget.
- to review the university budget as it develops and to advise the senate.
4. senate executive committee
approved by senate: november 23, 2012; november 30, 2015; january 18, 2016; october 30, 2017; march 18, 2019; october 26, 2020; february 12, 2024 -these amendments effective july 1, 2024
quorum: a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- chair of senate (in the absence of the chair, any sec member acting as chair shall count towards quorum)
- vice-chair of senate**
- principal, orillia campus**
- deans** (only four of the deans shall count towards quorum)
- vice-provost (世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) & registrar
- university librarian
- secretary of senate (non-voting)**
- chairs of senate standing committees
- council of ontario universities (cou) academic colleague
- ogimaawin indigenous education council member on senate
- vice-provost, indigenous initiatives (non-voting)**
- vice-provost, institutional planning & analysis (non-voting)**
- vice-provost, international (non-voting)**
- deputy provost & vice-provost, teaching and learning (non-voting)**
- two faculty-at-large senators elected by senate
- two chairs/directors of departments/schools elected by senate
- one student senator elected by senate on the recommendation of lusu
terms of office
1 to 14; ex officio
15-17; one-year term (renewable)
- chair: chair of senate
- vice-chair: vice chair of senate
- secretary: secretary of senate or designate approved by the chair
- administrative office: university secretariat
terms of reference
- approve the proposed agenda for all regular meetings of the senate.
- refer matters, when expediency so requires, to other committees of the senate.
- hear reports of the committees other than for transmission to the senate.
- act on behalf of the senate when a quorum of senate cannot be obtained to deal with any matter that is within the responsibility of the senate. see article 3, paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of the senate bylaws.
- act as a nominating committee to recommend to the senate persons for appointment to the nominations committee of the senate, using the process set out in the senate nominations committee terms of reference.
- act as an organization committee to recommend to senate revisions to the senate organization committee terms of reference, using the process set out in the senate organization committee terms of reference.
5. senate honorary degrees committee
approved by senate: april 23, 2007; january 23, 2009; february 26, 2010, may 14, 2010, september 23, 2011; september 14, 2012; november 30, 2015; march 21, 2016; january 14, 2019; april 11, 2022
quorum: quorum shall consist of four voting members.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- president
- five full-time faculty members elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee, one of whom must be a full-time faculty member at the orillia campus
- one student member of the lusu executive, elected by senate on the recommendation of lusu
- vice-provost (世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) & registrar (non-voting)
- one member of the alumni association board of directors, elected by senate on the recommendation of the alumni association board executive.
terms of office
1; ex officio
2; three-year terms (renewable)
3; one-year term (renewable)
4; ex officio
5; one-year term (renewable)
- chair: to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
- secretary: associate university secretary
- administrative office: university secretariat
terms of reference
- subject to the terms of the senate approved honorary degrees (hd) policy, the committee shall be responsible for:
- recommending to the senate suitable persons for the award of honorary degrees from lakehead university; and;
- determining which, if any, individuals on the senate approved honorary degree nominees list will receive an honorary degree at upcoming convocation ceremonies and the particular honorary degree they will receive. - the committee shall have control over its own procedures provided they are consistent with the hd policy and these terms of reference.
6. senate nominations committee
approved by senate: april 1999; april 1, 2005; september 23, 2011; february 10, 2014; september 18, 2017; october 29, 2018; april 19, 2021
quorum: a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
- eight full-time faculty members elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate executive committee, with the objective that there be representation from across the faculties and campuses, when possible.
- secretary of senate (non-voting) **
terms of office
1; two-year terms (renewable) (staggered so that four members complete their terms each year).
2; ex officio
- chair: to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
- secretary: associate university secretary
- administrative office: university secretariat
terms of reference
- to make recommendations to the senate for filling the following vacancies unless otherwise indicated by the senate (e.g. alternate procedures set out in the senate bylaws or senate committee terms of reference):
-faculty members on senate standing committees, except the senate nominations committee
-one member of the board of governors (the board), who shall be recommended by the board to sit on senate
-one member of the ogimaawin indigenous education council (oiec), who shall be recommended by the oiec to sit on senate - the senate nominations committee will make faculty member on senate standing committee recommendations based on the interest to serve responses received by the university secretariat office and in accordance with the following provisos:
- the faculty membership on senate standing committees should reflect the faculties and campuses of the university, when possible;
- the principle of renewal on standing committees is affirmed with the proviso that members seeking a second consecutive term may have to compete with other nominees, and that no third consecutive term is permitted(october 27, 1992 resolution of senate);
- to avoid possible conflicts of interest, members of the committee shall abstain for voting for candidates for other senate committees to which the members of the committee belong.(april 1, 2005 resolution of senate)
- in recognition and support of the university's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (edi), faculty members will be provided the opportunity to complete a voluntary self-identification survey for the purpose of assessing whether the applicant pool reflects the diversity of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 faculty. the raw data will remain confidential to the human rights and equity office. the senate nominations committee will be provided with the aggregate data and will share such data with the senate through the reporting process.
7. senate organization committee
approved by senate: april 1999; december 4, 2009; february 15, 2013; november 30, 2015; april 10, 2017; march 18, 2019; november 29, 2021
quorum: a majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without such notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- provost & vice-president (academic)**, if the provost is absent, the deputy provost may attend meetings as a voting member.
- deputy provost (non-voting)**
- one dean (appointed from and by the deans' council)**
- four full-time faculty members who are or have been senators, elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee
- one student elected by senate on the recommendation of lusu
- secretary of senate (non-voting)**
terms of office
1-2; ex officio
3; up to a two-year term (renewable)
4; three-year terms (renewable)
5; up to a two-year term (renewable)
6; ex officio
1. chair: to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
2. secretary: associate university secretary
3. administrative office: university secretariat
terms of reference
- to review the terms of reference of each of the senate standing committees at least every three years.
- to facilitate periodic review of senate approved policies, and make recommendations regarding omnibus changes to senate approved policies.
- to make recommendations to the senate regarding proposed changes to senate standing committees, except for changes to the senate organization committee, which are referred to the senate executive committee.
- to review any matter relating to the formation of ad hoc committees or working groups, etc., referred by the senate.
- to review the senate bylaws at least every five years and make recommendations to senate regarding proposed changes.
8. senate research committee
revised by senate: january 26, 2007; march 28, 2008; january 29, 2010; february 26, 2010, may 14, 2010; dec. 20, 2012; january 18, 2013; september 15, 2014; january 19, 2015; november 30, 2015; april 10, 2017; october 30, 2017; january 25, 2021; may 12, 2022; june 9, 2022 (editorial); march 13, 2023
quorum: a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
seven (7) days notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- vice-president, research and innovation**
- associate vice-president, research and graduate studies [non-voting, except in the absence of the vice president, research and innovation]**
- provost & vice-president (academic) [if the provost is absent, the deputy provost & vice-provost, teaching and learning may attend meetings as a voting member]**
- dean of graduate studies**
- one academic dean (appointed from and by the deans' council)**
- university librarian
- immediate past chair
- twelve full-time members, four of whom are nserc eligible researchers, four of whom are sshrc eligible researchers, and four of whom are cihr eligible faculty, elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee.
nserc: natural sciences and engineering, other than health sciences (your area of research must primarily advance knowledge in one or more of the natural science or engineering disciplines).
sshrc: social sciences and humanities (your area of research must primarily advance knowledge in one or more of the social sciences or humanities disciplines).
cihr: health (your area of research must primarily advance knowledge in one or more areas of health or health services and products, or the canadian health care system).
in cases of interdisciplinary scholarship, faculty members can contact the senate research committee chair for guidance. - two graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 enrolled full-time, elected by senate on the recommendation from lusu in consultation with the graduate student association president
- director, research services (non-voting)**
- chair of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
faculty association research committee (non-voting)**
terms of office
1 to 4; ex officio
5; one-year term (renewable)
6 & 7; ex officio
8; three-year terms (renewable, once)
9; up to two-year terms (staggered, renewable)
10 & 11; ex officio
1. chair and vice-chair: each to be elected by, and from, members of the senate research committee, alternating service for both positions between sshrc, nserc and cihr members. in addition, the chair will serve as past-chair for one year following the term as chair.
2. secretary: executive assistant to the vice-president, research and innovation
3. administrative office: office of the vice-president, research and innovation
terms of reference
- to support and actively participate in the formulation, implementation and interpretation of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 research plan.
- to establish and implement the guidelines and procedures for the distribution of institutional grants received from the tri-councils, (e.g., sshrc sig.)
- to establish and implement the guidelines and procedures for the distribution of other funds available to the senate research committee.
- to seek sources of additional funds for research.
- to review applications for the annual distinguished researcher awards and make appropriate recommendations to the vice-president, research and innovation on suitable candidates to receive this honour.
- to review applications for the annual research excellence awards and make recommendations to the vice-president, research and innovation on suitable candidates for this honour.
- to make recommendations to the vice-president, research and innovation on the distribution of other internal research awards.
- to make recommendations to the vice-president, research and innovation on research funding opportunities where there is a requirement for peer review and/or ranking in an internal competition.
- to examine policies and make recommendations to relevant bodies (e.g., vice-president, research and innovation, senate, senate committees) to improve research support services available to researchers.
- to advise relevant bodies (e.g., library, vice-president, research and innovation, senate) on ways to enhance the library's support of research and the preservation of researchers' scholarly output.
- to make recommendations, where appropriate, to the vice-president, research and innovation on supports to ensure the library meets researchers' needs (e.g., budget, projects, tools).
- to review proposals for the establishment of new research centres and institutes and to make recommendations for approval by senate following the research centres and institutes, policies and procedures.
- to review the recommendations of research centres and institutes' renewal review committee and report review recommendations to the senate.
- to forward the executive summaries of the research centres and institutes' annual reports for information to the senate.
9. senate teaching & learning committee
approved by senate: january 23, 2017 (effective july 1, 2017)
revised by senate: october 30, 2017; november 20, 2017; january 14, 2019; january 25, 2021; april 1, 2022 (editorial); september 19, 2022; september 23, 2024
five days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
quorum: a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
- provost & vice-president (academic)
- vice-president, administration & finance; if the vice-president is absent one of the two following designates may attend as a voting member - director, physical plant; associate vice-president, financial services
- associate vice-president, research & graduate studies
- vice-provost (世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) & registrar; if the vice-provost (世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) & registrar is absent the associate vice-provost, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 may attend meetings as a voting member
- vice-provost (indigenous initiatives) (non-voting)**
- vice-provost (international) (non-voting)**
- two deans (appointed from and by deans' council)
- university librarian
- deputy provost & vice-provost, teaching and learning
- chief information officer (cio); if the cio is absent a manager within the technology services centre may attend as a voting member
- co-ordinator of instructional development (non-voting)**
- co-ordinator, academic support zone (non-voting)**
- manager, student accessibility services (non-voting)**
- vice-provost, institutional planning & analysis (non-voting)**
- director of the student success centre (non-voting)**
- chair of each of the following senate committees*:
- faculty of graduate studies council
- senate academic committee
- senate research committee - two full-time faculty members from each faculty*
- one full-time librarian elected by the librarians
- two undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 elected by senate on the recommendation of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (lusu); one student from each campus
- one graduate student elected by senate on the recommendation from lusu in consultation with the graduate student associate president
*at least two of the faculty members set out in 16 and 17 being from the orillia campus and at least two being from the thunder bay campus.
exceptions to voting
the committee is responsible for providing a recommendation to the provost & vice-president (academic) on the candidates for teaching awards. the provost & vice-president (academic) and deputy provost shall, therefore, not vote on the candidates for the awards.
terms of office
1-6; ex officio
7; one-year term (renewable)
8-16; ex officio
17; three-year staggered terms (renewable)
18; three-year term (renewable)
19 & 20; up to two-year terms (renewable)
- chair: to be elected prior to july 1 annually by the committee from among those members holding academic and/or professional librarian appointments
- vice-chair: to be elected prior to july 1 annually by the committee from among those members holding academic and/or professional librarian appointments
- administrative office: office of the provost & vice-president (academic)
- secretary: provided in a consistent manner by the office of the provost & vice-president (academic)
- sitting faculty members are required to serve in at least one subcommittee or related service role of the senate teaching and learning committee.
terms of reference
- to provide input related to teaching and learning as part of the university's academic and strategic planning processes.
- to monitor and report annually to senate on progress made addressing the teaching and learning priorities, strategies, and actions included in the academic plan.
- to advise senate on ways to enhance teaching and learning at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
- to review, revise, or develop, as necessary, recommendations and/or policies pertaining to university-wide teaching and learning, including those related to:
- accessibility,
- the use and selection of technology
- use of the library and selection of library resources; and
- the use and selection of other learning resources
- teaching awards - to recommend ways to seek input from the university community on existing policies, procedures, services, and issues related to teaching and learning.
- to receive regular reports from and provide advice to:
- the teaching commons,
- academic support zone,
- library,
- student accessibility services,
- and the technology services centre
in the evaluation, planning and delivery of services and activities which promote excellence
in teaching, and support the teaching activities of instructors, academic units and programs,
and make recommendation to senate regarding the foregoing. - to seek, review, and disseminate information regarding the design of classrooms and other learning spaces to ensure that they meet the needs of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and diverse teaching practices.
- to review, on a regular basis, the process and instrument for collecting and sharing student feedback on teaching.
- to promote 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's teaching awards, review the candidates for the awards, and make recommendations to the provost and vice-president (academic).
10. senate undergraduate scholarships & bursaries committee
approved by senate: october 2003; december 4, 2009; march 17, 2014; september 18, 2017; february 12, 2018; january 14, 2019; january 25, 2021; january 26, 2022 (editorial)
quorum: shall consist of 5 voting members, of which at least 3 are faculty members.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- director, recruitment (undergraduate)
- vice provost (世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) & registrar
- six full-time faculty members elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee
- one member of the ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council (o-agc) recommended by the o-agc
- associate registrar, student awards & financial aid (non-voting)
- vice-president, external relations, or delegate (non-voting)
- associate vice-president, financial services (non-voting)
- one student member of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student union (lusu) executive (or delegate), elected by senate on the recommendation of lusu
- director, athletics (non-voting)
terms of office
1 & 2; ex officio
3; three-year terms (renewable) (staggered)
4; two-year term (renewable)
5,6 & 7; ex officio
8; one-year term (renewable)
9; ex officio
- chair to be elected annually by the committee from among the 6 faculty members elected by senate
- administrative support: financial aid specialist, student awards and financial aid
terms of reference
- to annually review and recommend changes for the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 calendar as they pertain to the work of the senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee.
- to review and/or develop procedures for the implementation of student awards policies.
- to assist in approving recipients for major medals (governor's general silver medal, governor's general college bronze medal, chancellor's medal, vice-chancellor's medal) to be brought forward to senate.
- to review and make decisions regarding scholarship/award appeals
11. senate undergraduate studies committee
approved by senate: september 2002; february 2004; january 26, 2007; dec. 04, 2009; april 15, 2011, september 23, 2011; november 23, 2012; march 17, 2014; november 30, 2015; april 10, 2017; october 30, 2017; february 11, 2019; october 26, 2020; january 16, 2023
quorum: a simple majority of voting members, at least three of whom shall be faculty members. committee members whose positions are listed as ** shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the committee are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
- provost & vice-president (academic) (non-voting) or the deputy provost & vice provost, teaching and learning (non-voting)** in the provost's absence
- faculty deans (or delegates)(non-voting) **
- associate registrar (voting)
- university librarian (or delegate) (non-voting)
- associate registrar, undergraduate admissions (non-voting)
- six full-time faculty members elected by senate on the recommendation of the senate nominations committee
- two 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 elected by senate on the recommendation of lusu
- manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation (non-voting)
terms of office
1 to 5; ex officio
6; three-year terms (renewable)
7; up to two-year terms (staggered, renewable)
8; ex officio
1. chair: to be elected annually by the committee from among those members holding academic appointment
2. secretary: manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation
3. administrative office: enrolment services - academic advising, records and registration
terms of reference
1. to review and advise the senate on new and/or revised undergraduate courses presented to senate for approval.
2. to review new and/or revised undergraduate program calendar submissions in accordance with approved academic regulations and admission requirements.
3. to ensure that university regulations and admission requirements are consistently reflected in all new and revised undergraduate course and program calendar submissions.
4. to address actions presented in 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's academic and strategic plans specifically directed to the senate undergraduate studies committee.
5. to advise and liaise with other senate committees on matters pertaining to undergraduate studies.
6. to undertake other tasks as referred by senate.
12. faculty of graduate studies council
approved by: senate, october 28, 2005; january 23, 2009; december 4, 2009; january 19, 2015; november 30, 2015; january 18, 2016; october 30, 2017; february 11, 2019
revised by senate: april 1, 2022 (editorial)
the council will typically meet on a monthly basis from september to may.
five business days' notice shall be given for all meetings except that a meeting may be held at any time without due notice if all members of the council are able to be present and/or consent thereto.
a simple majority of all filled positions. committee members whose positions are listed as * shall not be included in the total when quorum is counted.
- provost & vice-president (academic)*
- vice-president, research & innovation*
- associate vice-president, research & innovation* (non-voting except in the absence of the vice-president, research & innovation)
- vice-president (administration & finance)*
- vice-provost (indigenous initiatives)*
- deputy provost and vice-provost (teaching & learning)* (non-voting - except in the absence of the provost & vice-president (academic))
- dean of graduate studies*
- faculty deans with a graduate program*
- vice-provost, institutional planning & analysis*
- associate registrar*
- vice-provost (international)*
- director, international enrolment* (non-voting except in the absence of the vice-provost international)
- chair, senate research committee*
- university librarian*
- one graduate coordinator/chair from each graduate program (elected by and from the faculty members in the graduate program).
- chairs, fgs leave / extension committee and fgs regulations / programs committee
- one graduate student from each academic faculty with a graduate program
- lusu vice-president advocacy (non-voting)
- manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation (non-voting)
- graduate admissions officer (non-voting)
- graduate funding officer (non-voting)
- manager, graduate studies (non-voting)
terms of office
1 to 14; ex officio
15 to 17; one-year terms (renewable)
18 to 22; ex officio
- chair - dean of graduate studies
- secretary - manager, graduate studies
- administrative office - office of the faculty of graduate studies
terms of reference
1. to promote graduate education.
2. to review all proposed new graduate programs and make recommendations to senate.
3. to make recommendations to the university on policies affecting graduate education.
4. to prepare responses to university, provincial, national and international policies that impact on graduate level education.
5. to carry out senate-approved graduate program policies that include but are not limited to: time extensions, leaves of absence.
6. to review all proposed graduate program curriculum / calendar changes and regulations and make recommendations to senate.
7. the council may establish such standing committees or ad-hoc committees as it considers necessary. the council may delegate authority to its committees, but such committees will be responsible to the council.