oiec membership
internal voting members
dr. david barnett provost and vice-president, academic (ex officio) | dr. linda rodenburg interim orillia principal (ex officio) | denise baxter vice-provost, indigenous initiatives (ex officio) | thomas kehoe board of governors member |
tyler goode indigenous student member - thunder bay | dr. sharla peltier indigenous faculty member | lisa harris chair, oiec advisors committee | tammy chamberlain indigenous student member - orillia |
external voting members
vacant thunder bay indigenous friendship centre | precious anderson (chair) member-at-large | kathy beardy nishnawbe aski nation | paul capon matawa first nations |
charles brown member-at-large | lorrie deschamps oshki-pimache-o-win-education & training institute | robert atastise member-at-large | alicia cameron member-at-large |
vacant chippewas of rama first nation | alecia boshcoff fort william first nation | dr. bryanna scott-kay (vice-chair) métis nation of ontario | vacant ground council treaty #3 |
grand council chief reg niganobe anishinabek nation | vacant association of iroquois and allied indians (simcoe county) | vacant ontario native women's association | arlene merkley barrie south simcoe métis council |
non voting members
dr. gillian siddall president & vice-chancellor | gene nowegejick elder | jason lisi secretary |
if you require this information in a different format please contact the university secretariat.