ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council
1. |
opening prayer and welcome |
opening prayer (elder gerry martin) welcome & introductions (mr. paul capon, chair) newly appointed o-agc members & advisors
special guests
2. |
guest presentations |
2.1 |
one stop student services (ms. andrea tarsitano, associate vice-provost, enrolment & registrar |
2.2 |
app armor demo (mr. lorne clifford, director of security services) |
3. |
approval of agenda |
moved that the agenda for the meeting be approved. |
4. |
conflict of interest |
5. |
approval of minutes |
moved that the minutes of the o-agc meeting of april 18, 2016 and be approved. |
6. |
business arising from the minutes (not on the agenda elsewhere) |
6.1 |
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 native student association (lunsa) membership (ms. barbara eccles) |
6.1.1 |
moved that ms. stephanie seymour be appointed as a lunsa voting member on o-agc commencing november 1, 2016 through to october 31, 2017 pursuant to paragraph 3.1a(iii) of the o-agc bylaws. |
6.1.2 |
moved that ms. brianna decontie be appointed as a lunsa voting member on o-agc commencing immediately through to october 31, 2017 pursuant to paragraph 3.1a(iii) of the o-agc bylaws. |
6.2 |
update from president on "the status of indigenous initiatives at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 2015 report” will be provided at the o-agc meeting on november 14, 2016 (dr. brian stevenson) |
7. |
other business |
7.1 |
updates from organizations – priorities and issues |
7.2 |
joint sac/o-agc update (dr. peggy smith) |
7.2.1 |
indigenous content requirement (icr) implementation |
7.3 |
o-agc advisors committee (dr. peggy smith) |
7.4 |
update on the indigenous community engagement session – june 28, 2016 (dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux) |
7.5 |
o-agc niishtaam watabin strategic plan ad hoc committee (ms. barbara eccles) |
8. |
new business |
8.1 |
gichi kendaasiwin centre |
8.1.1 |
update on the gichi kendaasiwin centre (dr. brian stevenson) |
8.1.2 |
appointing members to the o-agc kendaasiwin committee (dr. peggy smith) |
8.2 |
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 chancellor search 2016-2017 (dr. brian stevenson) |
8.3 |
update from the chair on truth and reconciliation at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 (dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux) |
8.4 |
o-agc membership (ms. barbara eccles) |
8.4.1 |
ontario native women’s association (onwa) membership for information only: the o-agc voted on the appointment of ms. raven linklater as a new voting member to o-agc using an electronic poll. the following motion was distributed electronically on july 18, 2016 to all voting members and was passed on august 22, 2016. (in favour of approval =11; opposed =0; abstained =0) moved that ms. raven linklater be appointed as the ontario native women’s association representative on the ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council pursuant to paragraph 3.1b(i) and paragraph 3.6a of the o-agc by-laws. carried a biography of the above individual is attached for your information, pursuant to paragraph 4.9 of the o-agc bylaws. |
8.4.2 |
nishnawbe aski nation (nan) membership moved that ms. kathy beardy be appointed as the nishnawbe aski nation voting member on o-agc effective immediately pursuant to paragraph 3.1b(i) of the o-agc bylaws. moved that ms. dobi-dawn frenette be appointed as an alternate member for nishnawbe aski nation effective immediately pursuant to paragraph 3.8 of the o-agc bylaws. |
8.5 |
appointment of the o-agc representative on senate (ms. barbara eccles) moved that dr. peggy smith be appointed as the o-agc representative on senate from november 17, 2016 to june 30, 2017 pursuant to paragraph 3.3b of the o-agc bylaws. |
8.6 |
election of chair and vice-chair of o-agc (mr. paul capon) |
8.6.1 |
moved that ms. nancy bouchard be elected as the chair of the ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council for one year commencing october 1, 2016 through september 30, 2017 pursuant to paragraph 3.10 of the o-agc bylaws. |
8.6.2 |
moved that ________________ be elected as the vice-chair of the ogimaawin-aboriginal governance council for one year commencing october 1, 2016 through september 30, 2017 pursuant to paragraph 3.10 of the o-agc bylaws. |
8.7 |
proposed board/senate/o-agc liaison event – november 24, 2016 (ms. angela maltese, chair of the board of governors learning and research committee) |
9. |
reports & items for information |
9.1 |
9.2 |
office of aboriginal initiatives (dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux) |
9.3 |
9.4 |
9.5 |
9.6 |
9.7 |
9.8 |
10. |
adjournment |
moved that the meeting be adjourned. |